Oregon English Teacher Update #37
May/June 2012
Please Forward to K-12 ELA Colleagues.
Educators may sign up for this monthly e-newsletter (and other content teacher newsletters) at www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1843. See past issues.
1. Oregon Writing Project at Willamette University - K-12 Teacher Summer Institute
2. Young Writers’ Camps at Willamette University - Summer 2012 -Grades 3-12
3. Technology in the 21st Century Classroom
4. Write Now! Strategies to Boost Writing Achievement: A Conference for K-8 Educators
5. Using Poetry to Teach the Common Core
6. Common Core at Work: Supporting Administrators through the Transition
7. June 27-28 Summer Poetry Intensive
8. Summer 2012- Online Course: Teaching and Writing in the K-12 Classroom
9. Inquiry by Design
10. How to Submit Articles
11. ODE Resources
***As you may be aware, Julie Anderson retired as ODE’s English Language Arts Specialist. Based on the feedback that has been received about the usefulness of the ELA Update, we are continuing to try and publish it. In the future, submissions should be sent to Ken Hermens, ELA Assessment Specialist. See the “How to Submit Articles” item for more details.***
1. Oregon Writing Project at Willamette University - K-12 Teacher Summer Institute
The Oregon Writing Project at Willamette University in Salem invites you to participate in their Summer Institute July 9-Aug 3, 2012. The Summer Institute provides a collegial writing forum where 20 experienced teachers from kindergarten through college, and in all content areas, will come together to share successful student-tested writing strategies, learn techniques for using technology to support student writing, work on developing their own writing, and explore current research on writing and the teaching of writing. Aligning the teaching of writing to Common Core Standards will be one of this years’ inquiry themes. The Fee is $1200 for 4 semester graduate credits. Many school districts will reimburse some or all of this fee. Registration required by June 10, 2012. Contact Instructor Nancy Fischer at for more information or to register go to http://www.willamette.edu/gse/owp/institute/index.html .
2. Young Writers’ Camps at Willamette University - Summer 2012 -Grades 3-12
The Young Writers’ Camp is a 10-day, 30 hour summer experience that inspires creative thinking and writing. Students learn to explore writing styles, analyze published authors’ writing, be playful, and share their writing in a supportive, encouraging community of writers. All instructors are graduates of the Oregon Writing project and are writers themselves. Scientist and artists from the community will join us. Ideal for TAG students or students who love to read. Cost is $225, if registered by May 1, 2012; $275 after May 1, 2012.
See full descriptions of camps at http://www.willamette.edu/gse/owp/events/youngwriters.html, or call Debby Corey at 503-375-5486. Some scholarships are available. Sponsored by the Oregon Writing Project @ Willamette University.
3. Technology in the 21st Century Classroom
Explore several facets of technology in the K-12 classroom in this blended learning course offered through the Oregon Writing Project at Willamette University (Salem, OR). Conversations will include how to utilize and manage technology, find and post digital content for students, save time with technology, collaborate and differentiate instruction with technology, and increase student engagement with technology.Each day participants will collaborate and receive guidance during hands-on practice of free web tools, includingGoogle Docs, Edmodo, Class Dojo, Prezi, and Kerpoof. Attend a single session or all five. Technology knowhow not required. Each session is $25. A 1 graduate credit option is available (EDU 730) to those who attend all five sessions and complete additional coursework. Contact Matt Hurst at for more information. Space is limited -- You can reserve your spot here: http://bit.ly/wuedu730
4. Write Now! Strategies to Boost Writing Achievement: A Conference for K-8 Educators
Imagine if there was a simple, logical, and practical way to organize your writing instruction to include everything important about the four W’s (writing process, writing traits, writing modes, and writing workshop) that also gets proven results. Sound impossible?It’s not.Join us to find out how you can launch your own, personal writing instruction revolution.
· Meet the needs of student writers at every level
· Manage many students, keep your sanity, and watch writing improve
· Support English Language Learners using mentor texts
· Teach conventions in the context of student work
Presenter: Writing instruction expert Ruth Culham, author of the 6+1 Traits of Writing series.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Sheraton Airport Hotel, 8235 NE Airport Way, Portland OR 97220
$ 75 Member: Oregon Reading Assoc./Portland Reading Council
$100 Non Member
$ 50 Pre-Service Teacher Enrolled in a Full-Time Teacher Ed. Program
· Registration fee includes continental breakfast and all materials.
· One continuing education credit available from Portland State University ($55)
· Co-sponsored by the Portland Reading Council and Scholastic
Online registration required: http://pcira.wordpress.com/
For more information, contact Penny Plavala: 503-257-1777
5. Using Poetry to Teach the Common Core
Looking for a way to use poetry to teach to the new Common Core Standards? Check out this site to explore resources to do just that. Also find ideas for celebrating National Poetry Month.
6. Common Core at Work: Supporting Administrators Through the Transition
This full-day training event is designed to support K-12 administrators as they work with teachers to align teaching practices and assessments to the Common Core State Standards. Administrators will learn:
· Strategies for roll-out and implementation of the standards
· What to look for in a Common Core classroom
· How to support teachers in the content areas
· Professional development strategies, resources, and more!
Presenters: Educational Consultants Penny Plavala and Shannon McCaw
August 9: Portland, OR August 13: Grants Pass, OR
Registration information: http://www.smccurriculum.com
7. June 27-28Summer Poetry Intensive
Join us in the GSE Room 103 to playfully test fruitfulpoetry prompts that will generate new poems for youand eventually for your students next school year.
We will draft a double-handful of new poems, word process several and begin a revision enquiry process--the quest to discover the second half ofour new poems. During July at home, we all will assemble an 8x10broadside of our new poems and share them at anearly August no-host lunch with date and locationdetermined by the June assembly.
Come explore your emerging poems with a friendly and learned group of teacher/writers.
One semester hour of WU grad credit: EDU 781 at $125 and noncredit registration can be arranged--email Steve for particulars: <>.
8. Summer 2012- Online Course: Teaching and Writing in the K-12 Classroom
The Oregon Writing Project at Willamette University invites preservice and current teachers to explore writing and its application in the K-12 classroom. This introductory course explores the need for writing education, student-writing as process and writing-to-learn strategies designed to improve student learning. Online format will allow participants to work from any location, at their own pace, and according to their own schedule within the four week time frame (July 1st – July 31st).
Fee of $125 for 1 semester of 700 level graduate credit. Registration required by June 10, 2012. Contact Instructor Angela Obery at for more information or to register.
9. Inquiry By Design
These Common Core State Standards-based workshops are ideal for both administrators and teachers. Join us in Bend or Portland for English Language Arts classroom implementation strategies using inquiry-based teaching and learning methods.
Who should attend? English Language Arts teachers (Grades 4-12), Literacy Coaches and Specialists, and Coordinators of Curriculum, Instruction, and Reading Improvement.
Friday October 12, 2012 in Portland (The Kennedy School)
Close Reading of Literary Nonfiction
This daylong workshop is specifically aimed at helping students rise to the text complexity challenges of the Common Core State Standards. It is designed to help participants help students develop the stamina, tenacity and attitude that is required to work through ambiguous and difficult moments in literary nonfiction. Collaborative, inquiry-based strategies for improving reading comprehension and interpretation will be presented.
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
$229 per person ($199 per person for teams of 3 or more)
Friday, October 5, 2012 in Bend (The Educational Center, downtown)
Writing Text-Based Argument: Innovative Instruction for the Common Core
In this half-day, hands-on session we'll introduce an inquiry-based approach that situates the teaching of writing within the context of reading, thinking, listening, and speaking. Participants will learn how to facilitate integrated cycles of discussion and writing that culminate in student writing of formal essay projects.
8:00 AM - 12 Noon
$89 per person ($79 per person for teams of 3 or more)
Register at www.inquirybydesign.com/workshops
10. How to Submit Articles
If you or your colleagues would like to submit articles to this publication, please email publication-ready articles for the Oregon English Language Arts Teacher Update by the last working day of the month to . Please include links and contact information, but no attachments. The newsletter will be posted and e-mailed early each month. Please forward this newsletter to any interested educators who might want to submit articles of interest to Oregon English teachers.
12. ODE Resources
Stay connected and informed with the Superintendent's Weekly Update and Monthly Pipeline: Check out the Update http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=364 and the Pipeline http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=684online
Past issues of English Teacher Update: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=1876
Oregon K-12 Literacy Framework: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2568
English Language Arts Announcements: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=8
English Language Arts Content Standards: http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/real/newspaper/Newspaper_Section.aspx?subjectcd=el
Oregon Achievement Standards Summary:
Scoring Guides: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=32
Content Area Teacher Newsletters: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1843
State Adopted Instructional Materials for English Language Arts : To see the list of adopted materials, go to http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/instructionalmaterials/englishlangarts.pdf For publisher representative information, go to http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/instructionalmaterials/pubrepelarts.pdf
ODE English Language Arts web pages:
English Language Arts “landing” page: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=8
Curriculum: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1617
Assessment: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1307
Resources for Educational Achievement and Leadership (REAL) http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/real/
Get Ready Oregon: http://www.getreadyoregon.org/
Oregon Diploma: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=368
Contact the State English Language Arts Specialists:
Ken Hermens, Assessment, 503.947.5679
****Disclaimer--The materials contained in the Oregon English Language Arts Teacher Update
produced by Oregon Department of Education are drawn from both internal and external sources
and inclusion of external materials does not necessarily indicate Oregon Department of Education endorsement.****