Oregon Adolescent Sex Offending Treatment Network
Annual OASOTN Conference May 2rd and 3th, 2017.
Scholarship Application Information
This year, the OASOTN Board will provide scholarship opportunities for professionals to attend our annual conference. The scholarship recipients will be awarded the cost of the two day training (please note that the preconference is not included though you are welcome to register for just that day). This year we are proud to present four scholarship opportunities. The board will select from the list of preferred categories below:
Regional Scholarship:
This scholarship is available to the agencies in the Eastern and Southern regions of Oregon.
Parent/Foster Parent Scholarship:
This scholarshipis available to parents or foster/proctor parents of youth who have offended.
Interdisciplinary Scholarship:
This scholarshipis available to those working or current students in fields outside of juvenile offense treatment and supervision, such as DHS, medical field, attorney, etc.
This scholarship is available to Students or Interns showing interest in developing in the field of Adolescent Sex Offending Treatment regardless of discipline.
Please complete the steps below in order to apply for each scholarship:
- Complete the OASOTN 2016 Scholarship Application.
- E-mail the forms to Jodie Teitelbaum ( ) Attn: OASOTN Scholarship Application.
- All scholarship applications need to be received by April 6, 2017, applications received after this date will not be considered.
- All scholarship recipients will be notified by April 10, 2017.
In order to receive this scholarship, you must agree to the following:
•Attend all sessions during the conference.
•You will be responsible for attending the 2017 OASOTN conference once you have been notified of receiving the scholarship. If you are unable to attend after being awarded a scholarship, due to an emergency, a written letter must be submitted to the board within two weeks of the conference. Your scholarship will then be awarded to one of the Scholarship Committees alternate winners.
•Write an article about your experience for the OASOTN newsletter and consent for your picture to be used. We’ll help you with this!
2017 Oregon Adolescent Sex Offending Treatment Network
Scholarship ApplicationDue by April 6, 2017
Scholarship Applying for:
_____ Regional
_____ Foster Family/Parent
_____ Interdisciplinary
_____ Student/Intern
Applicant Name:
Current Position:
Time in Current Position:
Agency Name:
Agency Street Address:
Why are you applying for this scholarship?
What are you hoping to get from attending the annual conference?
How will you share the conference training with others in your agency and/or community?
Send your completed application form to:
Jodie Teitelbaum: Attn: OASOTN Scholarship Application.