Hullavington Parish Council

Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 13 September 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Cllr M Bawden Rawsthorne chairman,Cllr M Cundick, Cllr P Gash, Cllr S Greenman, Cllr A Maltby, Cllr D Martin, Cllr A Slater and Cllr K Tillotson

Also present: Thirteen members of the public and two representatives from Dyson

Public Question Time

The Dyson representatives gave an update on the work being carried out on the hangars. The time frame for completion is expected to be in the spring. They answered questions from the public and the Council members. The Chairman thanked them for the update.

A member of the public has noted that there is an increase of dog walkers using Down Lane and not clearing up after their dogs. The Chairman offered to put a notice in the Hullavington News reminding dog owners are required to pick up dog mess on public rights of way and pavements.

45/17 Apologies for Absence

Cllr P Murton – holiday andWiltshire Councillor Jane Scott OBE

46/17 Declarations of Interest


47/17 Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Meeting held on 12 July 2017

The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. The Chairman reminded everyone that there is a survey for the review of the mobile library.

48/17 Clerk’s Report

The report was circulated and will be appended to the minutes.

49/17 Planning Applications

  1. The Old Rectory – N/16/11336/LBC and N/16/11032/FUL – waiting a decision
  2. Hangars 85 and 86 – N/17/02344/FUL – waiting a decision
  3. Hullavington House – approved
  4. 89 The Street – approved
  5. St Mary Magdalene Church –approved
  6. 40 The Street – N/17/06379/FUL – support

50/17 Finance and Administration

a)Update from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

The Chairman updated the Parish Council. 10 Parishioners attended the last meeting. The next meeting is being held in the church. A meeting was held with Hannick Homes to discuss the proposal for 50 or 70 homes. This site had been selected by Wiltshire Council before the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had been formed and published in the Development Plan Document recently. This selection was also the choice of the village in the recent questionnaire distributed by the Steering Group. Funding for the site assessments is being sourced. The draft plan is currently being proof read. The next open day is on Saturday 2 December to show the draft plan.

b)Schedule of receipts and payments of invoices

Thereceipts and payments were proposed by Cllr Maltby, seconded by Cllr Slater and unanimously agreed. Invoices are available for members’ inspection.

Receipts totalled £2,415.05, payments totalled £2,937.86

c)Update on the transfer of land at Gardners Drive

Wiltshire Council informed Cllr Bawden that the delay is due to lack of staff.

e)Review asset register, risk assessment, and health and safety policy

Cllr Martin is continuing to review and will circulate to the Council.

f)Review and update Community Resilience Plan

Cllr Tillotson has updated and will circulate to the Council.

g)Consultation on the Pre-submission draft Housing Needs Survey from Wiltshire Council

The Parish Council was pleased to note that the area designated by WC was also the choice of the village, following the results of a questionnaire that was circulated throughout the village by the NeighbourhoodPlan Steering Group recently.

The Parish Council is concerned regarding access to the site as shown on aproposed plan as illustrated during a recent presentation by Hannick Homes.

It considers that Highway improvements would be needed at the cross roads of the C31/C33 and isalso concerned as to whether the sewerage farm would be able to cope with any future development. There is also concern regarding the effect on water pressure as some areas of the village do have problems with very low pressure.

h)Enforcement procedures

Allan Brown, Enforcement Officer, from Wiltshire Council, will be attending the November meeting to explain the procedures.

51/17 Update on Planning Training Course

The course had been over-booked, so the Councillors will not be able to attend.

52/17 Update from the working group to source an open space area for recreational purposes

The group will have its first meeting on the 26 September.

53/17 Update on the request to remove the dog bin at Watts Lane

It was proposed by Cllr Martin, seconded by Cllr Maltby and unanimously agreed to move the unused bin from Latimer Gardens/recycling area to the footpaths at the bottom of the school field and purchase a new bin to replace the one on the corner of The Street and Watts Lane,which is in a dangerous condition,and relocateadjacent to the layby in Newtown.

54/17 Update for CATG work to reinstate the white line on the bend outside 51 The Street, possible speed restriction/warning, continuation of kerb, warning sign against the building and improve camber.

Highways had given several possibilities, Cllr Greenman proposed, Cllr Slater seconded and it was unanimous to request ‘Road Narrowing’ signs, road markings, double kerb around the bend and road mark SLOWin the middle of the road.

55/17 Update of investigation of possible provision of defibrillator for the village

Cllrs Cundick and Tillotson will circulate details of their investigations.

56/17 Cemetery and Churchyard Matters

a)Update on the replacement of the gatepost

Waiting for the donation of the post.

b)Repairs to Bier Shed door


c)Update on the Barberry Carpet Moth project

Mr Cragg Barber is overseeing this project, and several sites around the village have been identified. He has received 116 plants which will be cared for by Cllr Cundick until planting can take place.

57/17 Village Maintenance

a)Grass cutting issues

As the grass is being cut irregularly, Cllr Gash offered to obtain a quote for a one-off cut.

The grass cutting contract finishes this year. Tenders will be sent out in time for responses for discussions at the next meeting.

b)Best Kept Village report

The report was noted and will be put in the Hullavington News.

58/17 Exchange of Information, Councillors Reports and Items for Next Meeting

a)Village Hall

No report

b)Buckley Barracks

No report

c)Late correspondence


d)Items for next meeting

Christmas tree

59/17 Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 11 October 2017

The meeting closed at 9.27 pm