1Order of the day, 22 March 2016

/ Human Rights Council
Geneva, 29 February -24 March 2016
Order of the day[*]
Plenary meetings – Room XX
Tuesday, 22March 2016
9.00 – 12.00
55th meeting / Item 10
(cont’d) / Technical assistance and capacity-building
Interactive dialoguewith: (cont’d)
- Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic
[Modalities for participation in the individual interactive dialogue:States Members of the Council, observer States, United Nations agencies and international and regional organizations are requested to use the electronic system and inscribe on the list of speakers by pressing the microphone button at their desk at the beginning of each dialogue. NHRIs are requested to inscribe and NGOs are requested to confirm their on-line registration at the list of speakers desk in Room XX. Speaking time is 3 minutes for States Members of the Council and 2 minutes for observer States and other observers, including NHRIs and NGOs. The list of speakers will be closed approximately 15 minutes after the beginning of the interactive dialogue.]
Enhanced Interactive dialogue with:
- Independent Experts on the situation of human rights in Burundi
[Modalities for participation in the individual interactive dialogue:See above.]
12.00– 15.00
56thmeeting / Annual thematic discussion on technical cooperation in the promotion and protection of human rights
“Technical cooperation and capacity-building to promote and protect
the rights of all migrants, including women, children, older persons
and persons with disabilities”
Chair: H.E. Mr. Choi Kyonglim, President of the Human Rights Council
Opening statements: Ms. Kate Gilmore, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights
Moderator: H.E. Mr. Thani Thongphakdi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
•Ms. Peggy Hicks, Director, Research and Rights to Development Division Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
•Ms. Kristina Touzenis , Head, International Migration Law Unit, International Organization for Migration
•Ms. Paola Cogliandro, Deputy Head, Office for Migration Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy
•Dr. Phusit Prakongsai, Director, Bureau of International Health,Ministry of Public Health of Thailand
•Ms. Yasmina Antonia Filali, President, Fondation Orient-Occident,Morocco
A/HRC/31/80, A/HRC/31/NGO/95
[Modalities for participation in the panel: The presentations of panellists from the podium will be followed by an interactive discussion, to be divided in two slots of 60 minutes each (45 minutes for comments and questions from the floor, followed by 15 minutes for comments and replies by panellists).The concept note including the modalities of the panel is available on HRC Extranet (
States Members of the Council, observer States and other observers are requested to use the electronic system in Room XX and inscribe on the list of speakers by pressing the microphone button at their desk at the beginning of the panel, when the timer is displayed on the screen. NHRIs are requested to inscribe at the List of speakers desk in Room XX. NGOs are requested to confirm their on-line registration at the List of speakers desk in Room XX. Speaking time is 2 minutes for all.]
57thmeeting / Item 10
(cont’d) / Technical assistance and capacity-building
Enhanced Interactive dialogue with:(cont’d)
- Independent Experts on the situation of human rights in Burundi
[Modalities for participation in the individual interactive dialogue:States Members of the Council, observer States, United Nations agencies and international and regional organizations are requested to use the electronic system and inscribe on the list of speakers by pressing the microphone button at their desk at the beginning of each dialogue. NHRIs are requested to inscribe and NGOs are requested to confirm their on-line registration at the list of speakers desk in Room XX. Speaking time is 3 minutes for States Members of the Council and 2 minutes for observer States and other observers, including NHRIs and NGOs. The list of speakers will be closed approximately 15 minutes after the beginning of the interactive dialogue.]
Interactive dialogue with:
- Independent Expert on capacity-building and technical cooperation with Côte d’Ivoire in the field of human rights
A/HRC/31/78, A/HRC/31/NGO/102, A/HRC/31/NGO/159
[Modalities for participation in the individual interactive dialogue:See above.]
18.00– 21.00
58thmeeting / Item 10
(cont’d) / Technical assistance and capacity-building
Interactive dialogueon:
- The oral update of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Ukraine
A/HRC/31/CRP.7, A/HRC/31/G/4
[Modalities for participation in the individual interactive dialogue:See above.]
Item 2
(cont’d) / Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General
Interactive dialogueon:
- The report of the High Commissioner on the mission by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to improve human rights, accountability, reconciliation and capacity in South Sudan
A/HRC/31/49, A/HRC/31/CRP.6
[Modalities for participation in the individual interactive dialogue:See above.]
Other information:
•Draft programme of work is attached.
•All speakers scheduled to take the floor should provide the Secretariat beforehand with 25 copies of their statements.
•Delegations are requested to send their statements to for posting on HRC Extranet.
•Identity session photo-badges may be obtained by all delegations from the UNOG Security and Safety Section at the ‘Pregny Gate’ (Palais des Nations, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. upon presentation of a copy of the letter requesting accreditation and an identity document. Due to the high number of participants expected, kindly allow sufficient time for accreditation.
•Information about accessibility for persons with disabilities is available at the dedicated web page on accessibility [
•The deadline for submission of draft resolutions or decisions was Wednesday, 16 March 2016, at 1.00 p.m. (office E-3054). Related guidelines and signature forms for co-sponsors are available on HRC31 Extranet.
•Delegations wishing to reserve rooms for meetings should contact Ms. Laura Giardini (email: * tel.79255 * office E-3060), no later than 12 noon of the day before the meeting.
•The Human Rights Council is on social media:
Twitter:@UN_HRC #HRC31

•To access the live or archived webcast, please go to
•PHOTOGRAPHS AND FILMING: Please note that only accredited media are permitted to film and take photographs in Room XX

Draft Programme of Work for the 31st session of the Human Rights Council (29 february - 24 march 2016)
Version of 22 March 2016 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4
29 February / 7 March / 14 March / 21 March
Y / 9.00

12.00 / Item 1
Opening of session
High-level segment (HLS) / 9.00

12.00 / Annual full-day MEETing on the rights of the child
(HRC res. 7/29 and 28/19) / 9:00

12.00 / ITEM 4
Individual IDs with:
- SR on DPR of Korea
- SR on Eritrea (oral update) / 9.00

12.00 / ITEM 7
- Individual ID w. SR on OPT
- HC/SG reports followed by General debate

15.00 / HLS (cont’d) / 12.00

15.00 / Item 3 (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- IE on foreign debt
- SR on food / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 4 (cont’d)
Individual IDs with:
- SR on Islamic Republic of Iran / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 7 (cont’d)
General debate (cont’d)
ITEM 8 General debate

18.00 / Annual HIGH-LEVEL panel on
HUMAN RIGHTS mainstreaming
(HRC res. 16/21) / 15.00

18.00 / Annual full-day MeeTinG on rights of the child
(HRC res. 7/29 and 28/19) / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 4 (cont’d)
Individual IDs with:
- SR on Iran (cont’d)
- SR on Myanmar / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 9
- Reports of IGWG, Ad Hoc Committee and HC oral update
followed by General debate

18.30 / ITEM 4 (cont’d) / 18.00

21.00 / ITEM 10
Individual ID with IE on Central African Republic
1 March / 8 March / 15 March / 22 March
Y / 9.00

12.00 / HIGH-LEVEL panel on 50th anniv. of human rights covenants
(HRC res. 29/1) / 9.00

12.00 / ITEM 3 (cont’d)
Clustered ID with SRSGs:
- violence against children
- children and armed conflict / 9.00

12.00 / ITEM 4 (cont’d)
Individual ID withCOI on the Syrian Arab Republic / 9.00

12.00 / ITEM 10 (cont’d)
- Individual ID with IE on CAR (cont’d)
- Enhanced ID on Burundi

15.00 / HLS (cont’d) / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 3
Clustered ID w SRSGs (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- SR on torture
- SR on sale of children / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 4 (cont’d)
OHCHR report on DPRK and oral update on Eritrea followed by
General debate / 12.00

15.00 / Annual discussion on technical cooperation
(HRC res. 18/18 and 30/21)

18.00 / HLS (cont’d) / 15.00

18.00 / Item 3 (cont’d)
Clustered ID (cont’d) / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 4 (cont’d)
General debate (cont’d) / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 10 (cont’d)
- Enh. ID on Burundi (cont’d)
Individual ID with:
- IE on Côte d’Ivoire

21.00 / HLS (cont’d) / 18.00

21.00 / ITEM 4 (cont’d)
General debate (cont’d)
ITEM 3 (cont’d)
ID with SR on minority issues / 18.00

21.00 / ITEM 10(cont’d)
- Individual ID on HC oral update on Ukraine
ITEM 2 (cont’d)
- Individual ID on HC report on South Sudan
2 March / 9 March / 16 March / 23 March
Y / 10.00

13.00 / HLS (cont’d) / 9.00

12.00 / Item 3 (cont’d)
Clustered ID (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- SR on privacy
- SR on freedom of religion / 9.00

11.00 / ITEM 5
- Report of Forum on Minority Issues
- SP annual report by CC chair followed by General debate
UPR Micronesia / 9.00

12.00 / - Individual ID on HC report on South Sudan (cont’d)
ITEM 10 (cont’d)
Individual IDs with:
- IE on Haiti
- IE on Mali
Other HC/SG country reports (Item 2) followed by General debate


15.00 / HLS (cont’d) / 12.00

15.00 / Item 3 (cont’d)
ID on joint compilation w:
- SR peaceful assembly
- SR summary executions / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 6 (cont’d)
UPR outcomes
Lebanon, Mauritania, Nauru / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 10 (cont’d)
General debate (cont’d)

18.00 / HLS (cont’d)
General segment / 15.00

18.00 / Item 3 (cont’d)
Clustered ID (cont’d) / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 6 (cont’d)
UPR outcomes
Rwanda, Nepal, Austria / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 1 (cont’d)
Decisions and conclusions

21.00 / ITEM 1 (cont’d)
Decisions and conclusions
3 March / 10 March / 17 March / 24 March
Y / 9.00

12.00 / panel Discussion On Climate ChangE and right to health
(HRC res. 29/15) / 9.00

12.00 / Item 3 (cont’d)
Clustered ID w. (cont’d)
- SR on terrorism
- SR on cultural rights / 9.00

12.00 / ITEM 6 (cont’d)
UPR outcomes
Australia, Georgia,
Saint Lucia / 9.00

12.00 / ITEM 1 (cont’d)
Decisions and conclusions

15.00 / Item 3
Clustered ID with:
- SR on environment
- SR adequate housing / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 2*
HC annual report
followed by ID with the HC / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 6 (cont’d)
UPR outcomes
Oman, Myanmar,
Saint Kitts and Nevis / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 1 (cont’d)
Decisions and conclusions

18.00 / Item 3 (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- SASG on genocide
- SR on defenders / 15.00
18.00 / ITEM 2 (cont’d)
ID with the HC (cont’d) / 15.00

18.00 / panel DISCUSSION
on preventing violent extremism
(HRC res. 30/15) / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 1 (cont’d)
Decisions and conclusionsAppt. of mandate holders
Adoption of session report
4 March / 11 March / 18 March / 25 March
Y / 9.00

12.00 / Annual debate on Rights of persons with disabilitIEs(HRC res. 7/9 and 28/4) / 9.00

12.00 / panel DISCUSSION
on human rights and hiv/aids epidemic
(HRC res. 30/8) / 9.00

12.00 / panel discussion on the incompatibility between democracy and racism

15.00 / ITEM 3 (cont’d) / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 3 (cont’d)
- Report of IGWG on transnational corporations
- HC/OHCHR/SG thematic reports followed by General debate / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 6 (cont’d)
UPR outcomes
Sao Tome & Principe
ITEM 5GD (cont’d)
ITEM 6 General debate

18.00 / Item 3
Clustered ID with:
- SR on persons with disabilities
- IE on albinism / 15.00
18.00 / ITEM 3 (cont’d)
General debate (cont’d) / 15.00

18.00 / DEBATE on state of racial discrimination worldwide
(GA res. 70/140)

* Item 2 remains open throughout the session.

31st session (29 February - 24 March 2016)
Inscriptions on the list of speakers and speaking time arrangements

Type of discussion / Member States
(min.) / Observer States / other observers
(min.) / Observers for NHRIs* / NGOs**
General debates1 / 3’ / 2’ / 2’ per NHRI / NGO
Clustered interactive dialogues2
(Maximum duration of each clustered interactive dialogue is 4 hours)
/ 5’
May be reduced according to the number of registered speakers to
3’ (or 2’) / 3’
May be reduced according to the number of registered speakers to
2’ / 3’ per NHRI / NGO
May be reduced according to the number of registered speakers to
Individual interactive dialogues3
(including interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner) / 3’ / 2’ / 2’ per NHRI / NGO
Panel discussions3 / 2’ / 2’ / 2’ per NHRI / NGO
Consideration of UPR outcomes4 / 3’
May be reduced according to the number of registered speakers to
2’ (or minimum 1:30) / 2’
May be reduced according to the number of registered speakers to
minimum 1:30 / 2’ per NHRI / NGO
Rights of reply5 / 3’ (for the first reply)
2’ (for the second reply) / 3’ (for the first reply)
2’ (for the second reply) / N/A

Electronic system

Inscriptions for all interactive dialogues(“IDs”) and panel discussions will be done through the electronic system in Room XX. Delegates representing States, United Nations agencies and international and regional organizations can inscribe on the list of speakers by pressing the microphone button at their desk, when the timer is displayed on the screen. For States Members of the Council, only the microphone with the red sticker can be used to inscribe on the list. This does not apply to NGOs and NHRIs (see below). The lists of speakers for all IDs and panel discussions close 15 minutes after the corresponding dialogue or discussion has started; delegations may still inscribe at the list of speakers desk until that moment.

Schedule of inscriptions

1.For general debates (“GDs”),the lists of speakers for all agenda items opened on Friday 26 February2016 at 9 a.m. in office E-3056 behind Room XX and as from Monday 29 February 2016, the list is available at the secretariat desk in Room XX. The list will close approximately 15 minutes after the beginning of the respective debate. All delegates are requested to inscribe in person.

2.For all clustered IDs, electronic inscriptiontook place onWednesday 2 March 2016 at around 3 p.m. and inscriptions on the list of speakers for each clustered ID were possible until its closure approximately 15 minutes after the beginning of the respective dialogue. Where the total duration of a given clustered ID be estimated to last less than 4 hours, the speaking time limits remained 5 minutes for Members (and groups) and 3 minutes for observers. However, if estimated to be more than 4 hours, the speaking time limits was reduced to 3 minutes for Members (and groups) and 2 minutes for observers. Where this measure was deemed insufficient to ensure that the total duration not exceed 4 hours, the speaking time limit was further reduced to 2 minutes for both Members (and groups) and observers.

3.For allindividual IDs and panels, electronic inscription will take place at the beginning of each dialogue or panel. The list will close approximately 15 minutes after the beginning of the respective dialogue or panel.

4.For the adoptions of UPR outcomes under agenda item 6, inscription opened on Monday 7 March at 9 a.m. and remained open for four working days until Thursday 10 March at 6 p.m. No inscription on the lists is possible after that date. Speaking order was drawn by lot by the Bureau of the HRC on Friday 11 March. Speaking time for States varies depending on the number of speakers inscribed. Total time for States Members of the Council, observer States and United Nations agencies is 20 minutes. Total time for other stakeholders is 20 minutes, with speaking time of 2 minutes for all.

5.The right of reply is limited to two replies and is exercised either at the end of the day (unless there is a panel discussion at the end of the day) or at the end of the consideration of a relevant agenda item concerned.

NHRIs and NGOs

* National human rights institutions (NHRIs) with “A” status accreditation wishing to make an oral statement should approach the NGO/NHRI list of speakers desk in Room XX before the delivery of the statement.

** Accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) wishing to make an oral statement should submit a request using the online registration system for oral statements available on the Council website at

NGO delegations must confirm in person their request and the name of the speaker who will deliver the statement at the NGO/NHRI list of speakers desk in Room XX 24 hours preceding the relevant meeting.

[*]The information contained in this document was compiled and is correct as of 6 p.m. of the previous day. In the event that the consideration of a specific item or sub-item does not take up the whole meeting, the Council will move to the consideration of the next item or sub-item scheduled for the following meeting, with the exception of the high-level segment, panels and the consideration of UPR reports. The Secretariat will communicate any changes or updates by SMS alerts, HRC Extranet and Twitter (@UN_HRC #HRC31). Any comments should be notified to the Secretariat, room E-3060.

Document already circulated on 21March 2016.