WelcomeDr.Michael Wagonner

Interim Department Head

Educational Leadership,

Counseling &Postsecondary


Explanation of Chi Sigma IotaDr. Darcie Davis-Gage

Recognition of Executive CommitteeDr. Darcie Davis-Gage

Presentation of InitiatesDr. Darcie Davis-Gage

Presentation of SpeakerHolly Dorenkamp

Initiation Message “Professional Excellence”Dr. Nancy Sherman

Bradley University,

CSI Regional Chapter Facilitator,

Past President of CSI

Other AwardsDr. Linda Nebbe

ClosingDr. Mark Wagonner

DinnerBrown Bottle

Upsilon Nu Iota Faculty Advisor

Darcie Davis-Gage, PhD, LPC

Executive Committee

Elizabeth Balder

Cindy Boyle

Holly Dorenkamp

Stacey Hurt

Katie Rice

Adam Sauceda

Tracie Self

Priscilla Villarreal



Elizabeth Balder
Mental Health Counseling
Sophie Banwarth
School Counseling
Cynthia Boyle
Mental Health Counseling
Nykole Conrad
School Counseling
Cecilia Corken
School Counseling
Holly Dorenkamp
Mental Health Counseling
Stephanie Germann
School Counseling
Lisa Heiden
Mental Health Counseling
Stacey Hurt
Mental Health Counseling
Lindsey Kenison-Severson
Mental Health Counseling
Patience Niemoth-Coleman
Mental Health Counseling /
Kristin O’Conner
Mental Health Counseling
Kathleen Rice
School Counseling
Adam Sauceda
Mental Health Counseling
Jacob Schaefer
Mental Health Counseling
Tracie Self
Mental Health Counseling
Sara Tawil
Mental Health Counseling
Hope Van Houten
School Counseling
Priscilla Villarreal
Mental Health Counseling
Melinda Voss

School Counseling

Carla Wosoba
School Counseling

Malynda Zuck

School Counseling

Chi Sigma Iota

is the international honor society for

students, professional counselors and counselor educators.

* Its mission is to promote

scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership and excellence

incounseling, and to recognize high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in the profession of counseling.

* Chi Sigma Iota was established in 1985

through the efforts of leaders in the profession of counseling whose desire

was to provide recognition for outstanding achievement as well as

outstanding service within the profession.

* Professional counselors are distinguished by

their preparation at the graduate level in pursuit of both

Masters and doctoral degrees.

* The graduate education of members of the profession of

counseling are defined by the national standards of

the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and

Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

* There are over 10,000 active members and 51,000 initiated members of CSI. With its 281 chapters, CSI is one of the largest single member organizations of professional counselors in the world.

* The Greek letters for CSI denote:

Counseling Society International.

* The wreath

was chosen to encircle the Greek letters as a symbol of honor earned and promise for continued commitment to high ideals.

* White for Virtue-

goodness; general moral excellence; rightaction and thinking.

* Blue for Trustworthy -

honesty, integrity, reliability, and justice toward others is affirmed.

* Integrity

is implicit within these as well.

Initiation Ceremony

Upsilon Nu Iota

University of Northern Iowa
Chapter of

Chi Sigma Iota

February 24, 2007

Brown Bottle
