ORDER FORM – for multiple copies and/or for free copies
A Joint Salamander Trust & Positively UK Film Project
This handbook and enclosed DVD explains the process of participatory film-making with women who are “Mentor Mothers” from Positively UK’s ground breaking peer mentor support scheme From Pregnancy to Baby and Beyond. It also includes a short documentary about the project.The handbook explains the content and context of the films, offers questions for discussion and a key list of relevant resources.
The DVD includes both the 13-minute documentary film andthe 2 shorter participatory films. The films explore how the project, which is led by and for women living with HIV, has supported women towards safe disclosure, better access to and engagement with health services and reduced feelings of isolation. All the films are in English. The DVD (which is in Pal) can be viewed on computers or on a DVD player with a TV screen.
The cost of each handbook with enclosed DVD is US$17 or £10 for international organisations. You can choose which currency you want to pay in, but you will be responsible for any bank transfer charges for foreign currency payments.
Organisations with no or limited internet access and/or with no access to US$ or GB£ can request free copies. Please fill in this form with a separate letter explaining your circumstances, how many copies you would like and how you would plan to use them. Your request will be considered as soon as possible, on the basis of our available funds.
Please send me your quotation for ______(please write the number in words – three or more) copies of the “Rights, Camera, Action! The pregnancy journey when you are living with HIV” handbook with enclosed DVD.
Your name: ______
Your organisation (please give in full):
Your postal address: ______PTO
Your email: ______
Tel(and country code):______
When you have filled in the order form, please email it to us.We will then add the postage and packing costs and send you a quotation and our bank details. You will then be able to pay by credit or debit card.
Please do NOT send payment with this form.
If ordering from outside the UK, please tick your preferred mode of delivery:
Airmail ______Surface mail ______Courier ______
I understand and accept that this DVD and handbook must not be copied, sold or hired out and that to do so would infringe the publishers’ copyright (please tick this box above)
nell @ salamandertrust.net
(NB please do not leave gaps between the words in this email address.
We have written it like this to avoid spam)
Or by post to Salamander Trust, c/o Positively UK, 345 City Road, London EC1V 1LR, UK
If you are applying for free copies of the DVD and handbook, please remember to include a letter explaining your circumstances and how will you use them
Salamander Trust reserves the right to change the price of the DVD and handbook and postage and packing costs when necessary
Order Form March 2014
© Positively UK and Salamander Trust 2014