St. Pauls Middle School
Orchestra Syllabus 2017-2018
Welcome back to another school year! My name is Peggy Marshall and I am the orchestra director at St. Pauls Elementary and Middle. I look forward to working with your talented young musicians this year! Below you will find some guidelines for this course.
My contact information: Peggy Marshall, , 704-806-6429 call or text
Grading Criteria
9-weeks grade will be calculated as follows:
20% Concerts
20% Daily Participation
20% Homework/Written Classwork – Late work will be accepted for a maximum grade of 80%.
30% Tests/Quizzes
10% Portfolio
Extra credit is available on my school website:
Please note this is a year-long course.
Classroom Rules
All students will follow the rules and policies outlined in the Student Handbook. In addition, the following rules will be observed in the Orchestra Classroom:
- Be respectful to yourself, others, and their property, including school property.
- Be prepared for class. You will need your instrument, music, a pencil and sufficient musical preparation (consistent practicing.)
- Be attentive and follow directions the first time they are given without whining or talking back.
- Raise your hand and wait to be recognized, do not shout out.
- Food, drinks, gum, and candy are not allowed.
- Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited.
Students will receive a warning at the first offense. Any offense after the warning will result in the contact of parents, a write-up and administration involvement if needed.
Daily Participation
Students have the opportunity to earn 5 points each day towards their participation grade. Students receive a point each for having their instrument, music, pencil, playing and actively participating, and following all classroom rules.
Students are required to attend and perform in all concerts, prepared with their music, instrument, and concert clothes.
Class Dojo
ClassDojo is a wonderful online tool I use in the classroom. Each student will have his/her own “avatar” that they can customize. The students can earn and lose points through this program based off of their behavior in class. Students will receive prizes for each 10 points they earn. Parents will also receive a code for this and can check up on what their child is winning/losing points for in class at
Quizzes and Playing Tests
Students will be given at least one week’s notice before a playing test or written quiz will take place. The purpose of tests is to assess student learning. After-school tutoring is available Tuesdays from 3-4:30 in the orchestra classroom in the auditorium.
Dress Rehearsals and Performances
Part of your commitment as a member of a performing ensemble is to be present at all dress rehearsals and performances. Every performer plays a special part in a performance, and we need 100% attendance at all dress rehearsals and performances in order to give our best performance possible. Attendance will be taken at all dress rehearsals and performances and will be calculated into the student’s individual grade.
If there is an emergency and you cannot attend a concert you must submit a note signed by a parent to Ms. Marshall within 5 days of the concert date or you will receive a 0. Errands or sports events are not excused. Academics come first, and I am happy to speak with your coach if necessary.
Concert Dress
During performances, we are representing St. Pauls Middle School. Concert dress will be as follows:
-Black dress pants or skirt (must be below the knee)
-Black dress shoes and socks (no flip-flops)
-White shirt or blouse with sleeves (no spaghetti straps)
Required Materials
Working instrument and bow (if you need help, contact Ms. Marshall or Music&Arts in Fayetteville)
Rosin (dark rosin works best)
Cleaning cloth
Shoulder rest (sponge) for violins/violas; rockstop for cellos/basses
Notebook paper & pencils
Folder to keep your music in
Concert outfit as described above
Wish List: Donations are much appreciated! We always need more of these:
Pencils, rosin, tissue boxes, paper towels, metallic star stickers, copy paper, notebook paper, shoulder rests or soft sponges
Concert Dates/Performance Opportunities
October 26, 2017: Halloween concert (required for all 7th/8th graders)
December12, 2017: Winter concert (required for all 6th/7th/8th graders)
March 3, 2018: Junior Eastern Regional Auditions (optional for 8th graders, cost is $5, location TBA)
March 14, 2018: All-County Orchestra Auditions (optional but recommended for all 6th/7th/8th graders)
April 19, 2018: All-County Orchestra Concert for selected students at Lumberton Junior HS
May 5, 2018: Junior Eastern Regional Orchestra Concert for selected students, location TBA
May 8, 2018: Spring concert (required for all 6th/7th/8th graders)
May 11, 2018: Carowinds field trip (if we raise enough money, for 7th/8th graders with all report card grades C and above for first 3 quarters, and no ISS or OSS for the year)
Instrument Care
- Do not try to fix a broken instrument on your own, this includes parents. If it belongs to the school, take it to Ms. Marshall. If it belongs to you, take it to a repair shop such as Music & Arts.
- Never leave your instrument in a car overnight, or anywhere that is very hot or cold.
- Make sure the case is properly latched before picking it up.
- Wipe down strings after playing to remove rosin and oils from your fingers.
- Do not use chemicals on the instrument other than those specifically made for your instrument. Do NOT put glue on your instrument for any reason.
- Don’t touch the bow hair. The natural oils from your fingers will cause it to stop working.
Please note: Violins and violas will be stored in the band room. Cellos and basses will be stored in the orchestra room. If you do not feel comfortable storing your instrument at school carry it with you throughout the day.
A Note to Parents:
Thank you for your support! Please mark your calendars and check Ms. Marshall’s teacher website for dates and information. Students are required to attend concerts. Personal instruments sometimes need new strings and repairs, there may be occasional expenses associated with caring for an instrument. Lastly, your child needs you! Please pay attention to their practicing habits, ask to see their progress reports, attend concerts, and encourage them to succeed. Contact me at any time to check on your child’s behavior or academics in orchestra. Email is the quickest and easiest way to get in touch with me.
Please fill out the attached parent information form, sign, and return to Ms. Marshall by Friday, September 8th for a homework grade. Signing this form means you have read the course syllabus for Orchestra. Thank you! I look forward to a great year!
Peggy Marshall, Orchestra Director
, 704-806-6429 – call or text
Orchestra Information Sheet
Please complete, sign, and return no later than Friday, September 8th for a homework grade.
Student Info
Student’s Name: ______Grade: _____
Homeroom Teacher: ______Mailing Address: ______
City: ______Zip: ______
Parent Info
Parent Name: ______Relationship: ______
Phone Number: ______Email Address: ______
Parent Name: ______Relationship: ______
Phone Number: ______Email Address: ______
In case of emergency, please contact:
Name: ______Relationship: ______
Phone Number: ______
I have read and understand the information on the 2017-2018 SPMS Orchestra Syllabus. I am aware of what is expected of me in orchestra class and at orchestra-related events.
Signature of student: ______Date: ______
Signature of parent: ______Date: ______