Orchard House Surgery

PPG Minutes Meeting 05th January 2018

In attendance: Julie Swaffer, Lyndsay Webb, Ray Berry, Hilary Knight, Robert White, John Smith, Heather Jackson, Sally Beck, Pamela Smith, Pat Stenning, Margaret Newing, Roy Stenning, Winifrede Smith, Roger Moore.

1. Ray Berry and Hilary Knight South Kent Coast CCG, future health care provision in Romney Marsh

The PPG were joined and greeted by Ray Berry and Hilary Knight from the South Kent Coast CCG to explain the future health care provision in Romney Marsh and answer any questions which arose. Firstly they advised of the ongoing problems with Church Lane Surgery in New Romney and Invicta’s contract with the CCG which is due to expire in April. Concerns arose about Church Lanes’ patients and what would happen. It was advised that the Church Lane Surgery contract is in procurement with the CCG and future bids are awaiting, therefore as there are currently no new tenders for the Church Lane contract, future contingency plans are being made.

The sustainability of Primary Healthcare in Romney Marsh was at the forefront of discussions, the rising populations and out of date buildings which do not have the capacity or facilities to manage this. It is proposed that in April there will be a Minor Illness Hub at the Romney Marsh Day Care Centre building a team around Primary Care and to free up GP time allowing them more time for more acute illnesses working together with surrounding services.

Future development of a new building with up to date facilities in Romney Marsh were also mentioned and although there has been previous missed opportunities it is now paramount that a new site is identified. The Marsh Academy is a possible option with 4 other sights being looked at between New Romney District Council and Shepway. It is hoped this sight will be able to provide more localised services such as xrays, minor injuries, blood tests and later appointments times. This would decrease trips to WHH and K & C hospitals. Funding and contracting is still to be decided.

The concerns of lack of GP appointments was addresses and the PPG were informed by the CCG that this is an issue due to new GP procurement law and APM or GMS contracts. The CCG agreed the reliance of locums was not sustainable and needed to attract more GPs to the area.

2. Online Registration

The amount of patients signed up to the online services is still very low and it is required that 1000 patients are signed up to the service before on-line appointments can be released. This is due to the patient/appointment ratio. Roger Moore our newly appointed chair has agreed to come into the surgery and take some time to sign patients up to the facility. The more patients that sign up to the service means that it will ease pressure on the phone lines meaning that administration staff will be able to spend more time dealing with results and other queries.

3. Priorities

The appointment of a new chair person was discussed after the resignation of Susan Edmonds. New chair member elected was Roger Moore. Sally Beck will also be providing a patient Newsletter and Pat Stenning and Pam Smith also agreed to take care of the PPG notice board keeping it relevant and up to date.

The development of the PPG was discussed and the importance of the group for patients was discussed. It was decided that the group is for patients and that the group needed to be more pro-active and needed a wider variety of patients. The group was well motivated as per the new volunteers!! Ideas which arose were the PPG Board, Newsletters, variety of patient groups, patient education, voluntary support, online registrations, social media and a local PPG facebook page. It was also agreed that the CCG would be more co-operative and liaise with the PPG keeping them informed of any future developments and suggested that Leslie Bulman chair of the Shepway Locality Patient Participation Group may be able to attend our next PPG meeting.

Future plans for the surgery and its development were also discussed and the PPG were informed that the surgery is investing in its’ staff, Dr Hopwood will be joining the surgery in March for 3 days a week. Our Nurse Practitioner and HCA have also agreed to extend hours.Our Nurse Practitioner is also taking a Prescribing course so will also be able to support the GP’S with prescriptions. There is a high demand for prescriptions with over 3000 being requested over the Christmas period. Funding has been allocated to a Patient Summariser so we can move out all paper notes from the building and free a large space which can be used for future developments. Car Park space and lighting was also addressed as an issue if the sight was to expand. All developments are in accordance to funding available and the huge investment Dr Swann has also put into the surgery.

4. Survey

The PPG and the surgery discussed anonymous surveys and to do so in the surgery and in the community. Although the surgery has an automated survey system it is felt that a wider range of questions could be asked to address both parties’ needs.

5. AOB

Other items which arose were missed appointments (DNA’s). Due to the on the day booking system the DNA’s have been massively reduced although the PPG did have concerns as to the policy the surgery adhered to and what could be done to prevent it further. Currently the surgery sends a letter to the patient if 3 or more appointments are missed but the PPG will look into the legalities of patient removal. It was advised that patients’ be removed for threatening or aggressive behaviour.

Appointments and availability were discussed in some depth and agreed need to push online services and patient education. To educate patients to consider if they needed a Drs’ appointment or could they call 111 for advise after 6.30pm or self-medicate with over the counter remedies? Patient finances and reliance on NHS funding for medications also rose, concerns and discussed the future use of a pharmacy scheme for those who rely on free prescriptions such as a token scheme for those on low incomes.

The PPG were also informed of the Blackpear Home Visiting service. This is a shared service and each surgery is entitled to 2 appointments a day. This again alleviates the pressures on the GP and makes the home visiting service more accessible for more vulnerable housebound patients, allowing the patient to be reviewed and fed back to the Dr.

Next meeting time to be announced.