OPTM 3041 Visual Ergonomics
Semester Project
Project Title:
Students Names and ID No.:
Date: 2016
Advisor:Dr. Alexander Nikov
1Selection and description of workplace
1.1Description of workplace
1.2User Description
1.3Tasks Analysis
2Checklist for ergonomic evaluation
2.1Development of checklist and workplace study
2.2Workplace study
3Ergonomic analysis of workplace
3.1Calculation of workplace hazard risks
3.2Summary of problems and corrective measures
3.3Analysis of data by ErgoEaser
4Ergonomic design of 2-5 variants of workplace
5Usability testing
5.12 variants of workplace for testing in usability lab.
5.2List of users tasks for workplaces testing in usability lab
5.3Post-test questionnaire for usability testing
5.4Usability testing results
1Selection and description of workplace
1.1Description of workplace
Describe the existing workplace though both diagrams, text, pictures (see below) and video.
Use the following guidelines for photo making.
Picture position / example- Company plate with WS# and employee names
- Common overview of WP with user
- Left view work on desk (KB use, chair back support, arms chair support, eye level regarding monitor top)
- Right view work on desk (KB use, chair back support, arms chair support, eye level regarding monitor top)
- Leg space under desk without user
- User sitting on chair
- Other important picture, e.g. phone use, lighting, hand pain location
Give relevant dimensions.
Actual workstation dimensions / Recommended workstation dimensionsPopliteal height /
Sitting eye height range [cm] /
Eye height (sitting) [cm] /
Sitting elbow height [cm]
Seat height to floot [cm]
Desk height [cm]
Desk depth [cm]
Desk length [cm]
Elbow Rest Height /
Elbow to Elbow /
Elbow to Fingertip (middle figer) /
Buttock to Popliteal /
Back Support Height /
Back Support Angle
Seat Pan Height
Seat Pan Depth
Seat Pan Angle
Arm Support Height
Arm Support Width
Arm Support Depth
Height / /
Distance (between monitor and user)
Height of keyboard / /
Angle of keyboard
Distance (between keyboard and user)
Wrist Height (height of wrist support)
Height of mouse /
Angle of mouse
Distance (between mouse and user)
Wrist Height (height of mouse support)
If you have specification sheets and other technical materials, they belong in the appendix.
1.2User Description
List the types of users who might be using the workplace. Provide a short description of the characteristics for types of the users on your list (e.g., a child is someone with small hands; an engineer is someone with technical knowledge)
1.3Tasks Analysis
Identify the primary tasks through which users interact with the workplace/product/system. Observe/interview the users and define the relevant % of working time allocated to them during 1 week/1 month.
1.3.1. Tasks with or without use of computer
Tasks / Working time [%]- Tasks with the use of computer
- Tasks without use of computer
1.3.2. Tasks without use of computer
Tasks / Working time [%]Total / 100
1.3.3. Tasks with use of computer
Tasks / Software name, version / Working time [%]Total / 100
Identify the primary tasks through which users interact with the workstation. Choose two computer tasks for an in-depth description. For each task, describe how a user would complete the task using the existing workstation. Descriptions with sufficient detail are those in which the reader can clearly identify the following types of activities:
- physical (e.g., press the button),
- perceptual (e.g., read the signs/labels, hear the warning signs), and
- cognitive (e.g., decide which button to push, determine what is causing the problem).
2Checklist for ergonomic evaluation
2.1Development of checklist and workplace study
Prepare a checklist for ergonomic evaluation of workplace with the following dimensions:
- Dimension: Work Organization (tasks specification, workload, work monitoring, training)
- Dimension: Display screens/VDU (monitor, glare)
- Dimension: Input devices (keyboard, mouse, trackball, telephone headset)
- Dimension: Furniture (desk, chair, footrest, document holder, wristrest/armrest)
- Dimension: Work space/ work surface/ layout/ work posture/ seating
- Dimension: Environment (illumination, temperature, air flow, noise)
- Dimension: Software
- Dimension: Health/hazards
- Dimension: Common
Use the example checklist given on project website (
2.2Workplace study
2.2.1.Collect data using the checklist from the workplace
2.2.2.Collect data using a lightmeter
3Ergonomic analysis of workplace
3.1Calculation of workplace hazard risks
Calculate using EXCEL sheet the workplace hazard risks for different dimensions using data gathered from assignment 2. Determine the average values for each dimension in % [0,100] transforming the scale x[1,5] to y[0,100] by formulae y=(x-1)*25. The total health risk is the average risk of all dimensions (1-8). Calculate the dissatisfaction dimension by the formulae dissatisfaction = 100-satisfaction. Present the results in a bar chart (see below example bar chart). Use integer digits and colors as follows: dark green: 0-25%; light green: 26-50%; yellow: 26-75%; red: 76-100%
3.2Summary of problems and corrective measures
Present in a table a summary of problems allocated and the relevant corrective measures
(see example table below). Include pictures where appropriate.
Q# / Summary of problems allocated / Corrective measures to solve problems allocated12
33 / Include pictures
Monitor position not directly in front of user; laptop monitor too low; primary monitor too high; head is turned to the side; rotating neck to view monitor places increased demands on neck and shoulders;head not directly over spine; head tilted up/down; head not balanced over shoulders; shoulders: rounded forward, lowered / Raise laptop by stand/arm; lower primary monitor; position primary monitor in front of user; position keyboard in front of user; provide wristrests for keyboard and mouse
25 / Include pictures
Extended phone use / Provide headset
32 / Include pictures
Work with a number of paper documents / Consider document holder between keyboard and monitor
42 / Temperature too cold sometimes / AC adjustment
3.3Analysis of data by ErgoEaser
Use ErgoEaser for analysis of data collected. Present the results including screenshots like in Lab1.
4Ergonomic design of 2-5 variants of workplace
Design 2-5 variants of the workplace (e.g. old workplace, low-cost solution, optimal solution) trying to reduce health risk. Use ErgoEaser. Present also screenshots of ErgoEaser.
5Usability testing
5.12 variants of workplace for testing in usability lab.
Prepare 2 variants of workplace for testing them in usability lab. Select from the table below workplace components close to GENIVAR workplace and enter your choice the table
Table 1: WP components available in usability lab
WP components / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10keyboard type
keyboard wristrest / yes / no
mouse type / dell / ergonomic / x-tech
mouse pad / yes / no
software / Autocad 2008 standard / Autocad MEP 2008 / Autocad 2008 Map 3D / CorelDraw 10 / Photoshop cs3 / MS Word / MS Excel / MS Outlook / MS PowerPont / Google SketchUp
chair / type 1 / type2 / type3 / type4 / type5
lighting / local lamp / 4 lamps / ceiling lighting
AC / hot / medium / cool / cold
document holder / type1 / type2
screen filter / yes / no
footrest / yes / no
phone / yes / no
monitor stand / yes / no
Table 2: Selected workplace components for workplace configuration to be tested in usability lab (enter here your choice)
WP components / configuration old WP / configuration new WPkeyboard type
keyboard wristrest
mouse type
mouse pad
document holder
screen filter
desk layout
monitor stand
Present here the sketches of the workplaces (old and new) layout indicating the location of workplace components
5.2List of users tasks for workplaces testing in usability lab
Prepare 5-10 tasks for users. For example:
Task 1: Find Microsoft Word Document titled “Usability Lab Group 1”
- Change the words “Good Morning” to Bold and Underline.
- change the font to Times New Roman.
- Change the font color to blue
Task 2: Using Microsoft Excel, enter “150” in cell A2 and enter “200” in cell A3. Using excel “sum” formula, calculate sum of A2 and A3. Write answer here: ……..
Task 3: Find Microsoft Publisher document titled “Publisher Group 1”, insert a border on document.
Task 4: Find Microsoft Powerpoint document titled “Powerpoint Group 1”, insert new slide and select style 5.
Task 5: Send an email to titled Usability Lab. OPTM3041 VE Project 1-optm3041-ve-pro-finreport.docx page 39 of 50
Task 6: Open up Google Chrome browser and search for an anti-glare filter for monitor. b. Write cost here:
Task 7: Use the phone to call 490-3123
5.3Post-test questionnaire for usability testing
Prepare a post-test questionnaire for usability testing (10-15 questions). Use tools like Interactive Heuristic Evaluation Toolkit ( Select/modify/add relevant heuristics and select/modify/add relevant questions measuring these heuristics in scale [1,5] as shown below.
5.4Usability testing results
Present the results of usability testing of old and new WP (screenshot from OBSERVER, some screenshots from video avi file and photos if available), analyze them and give suggestions for workplaces redesign.
Implement project results in the workplace. Enter relevant info and photos in the table below.
Picture position / Photo initial workplace / Photo redesigned workplace- Company plate with WS# and employee names
- Common overview of WP with user
- Left view work on desk (KB use, chair back support, arms chair support, eye level regarding monitor top)
- Right view work on desk (KB use, chair back support, arms chair support, eye level regarding monitor top)
- Leg space under desk without user
- User sitting on chair
- Other important picture, e.g. phone use, lighting, hand pain location
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