Opportunity Center for Employment and Education (OCE&E)

Operations Committee Meeting

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

12:30 to 2:30 pm

Those in attendance

Anita Black, DSHS

Mary O’Brien, DSHS

Clifford Stock, DSHS

Cathleen Carpenter, ESD

Pete Diaz, ESD

Kathy Keolker, ESD

Katherine Randle-Duffy, ESD

John Bowers, NSCC

Bruce Kieser, NSCC

Greg McBrady, NSCC

Steve Miller, NSCC

Nancy Loverin, NSCC

Fred Krug, WDC

  1. Welcome and introductions
  1. Report from the Furniture Sub-Committee

The Sub-Committee reported the need to place the furniture order. The budget was discussed. The request was clarified as a request to approve the order with the understanding the NSCC is responsible for handling the order. The partners asked for continued strong communication regarding budget and decisions.

  1. Report from the Services Integration Sub-Committee

Nancy Loverin introduced herself and explained her role as a neutral manager across the various agencies within the building. She handed out a organization chart which included an overview of 6 focus areas. Leadership from ESD, DSHS, and NSCC are signing up to take responsibilities within those areas. Members of the entire Operations Committee were invited to join any focus area as well.

The committee discussed how theseproposed committee compare with the existing committees.

  1. Report from the IT/Telecommunications Sub-Committee

The Sub-Committee met the day prior to discuss telecommunication issues. The agencies established a color-coding policy to more clearly identify which agencies were responsible for given telecommunications equipment.

The Committee raised questions about how IT support would be delivered. Discussion ensued on what would be agency responsibilities--such as DSHS and ESD—and how agencies might share IT responsibilities.

A phone deployment plan was presented. The Committee discussed concern around the retention of existing phone numbers. ESD specifically noted their experience making the transition to the campus, and suggested that their experiences could be used to ensure a smoother transition into the new building. The Committee also discussed the possibility of one central number to the building—whether one central number would exist and, if so, how it might be managed.

  1. Report from the Building Services Sub-Committee

The Sub-Committee reported ongoing discussion concerning access control in the building. They also reported that future items of discussion will include mail service, utilities, and other matters.

  1. Lease update

The agencies are struggling to get closer. The process was characterized as “down to the final dotted-Is and crossed-Ts,” with a possibility of having final MOU this week.

  1. Walk about

The Committee was invited to attend a walk-about the building immediately following the adjournment of the meeting.

  1. Adjourn