ERASMUS+is a European Union sponsored programme to promote mobility and co-operation in higher education across Europe. It supports the creation of a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) through increased mobility. Over2 million students have participated so far with a goal of reaching 3 million. IT Sligo has participated in the programme since its inception.

Erasmus+ is an invaluable tool for developing networks and contacts for both students and staff. IT Sligo currently has over sixty active partnerships with colleges in Europe and sees annually in the region of 100 students incoming Erasmus students.

Opportunities for Students

Study Mobility: Students are encouraged to take a minimum of one semester and a maximum of one academic year in a partner college. Full academic recognition is given to periods spend studying in a partner college. Grants vary per country but an average of €200 monthly is paid in addition to all normal entitlements. No additional tuition fees are charged to the student for the period abroad.

Traineeship Mobility: Students are encouraged to obtain internships in companies throughout Europe (including N. Ireland and mainland UK). The minimum placement period is 2 months and a maximum of 12 months. The placement can be in a very wide range of organisations, the stipulation being that it can be recognised as being in keeping with the learning outcomes of the course of study and can be either ECTS based or recognised formally on the Diploma Supplement.

Opportunities for Staff

Academic Staff may avail of the opportuntity to teach in a partner college, usually for 8 hours over 5 days. Staff may also invite colleagues from partner institutes to teach on our programmes.

There is also the option to invite industry professionals into the college to provide expert training.

All staff may avail of staff training in European organisations.

It is important to note that all the above opportunities are dependent on grant applications through the International Office to the HEA who act as the National Agency for Erasmus+. Grants are applied for annually in February.

I would particularly like to encourage more staff to avail of the teaching abroad opportunity as this also acts as encouragement to your students to take the opportunity to broaden their horizons both academically and culturally.

For further information please contact me anytime – – or call to the International Office, G1001.