Opportunities for Flexible Working at Sheffield City Council

To all Sheffield City Council Employees

Sheffield City Council recognises that a healthy balance between work and the rest of our lives is important for all of us. The aim of this booklet is to make you aware of the options that may be available to you in achieving this balance.

The opportunities presented in this booklet may not apply to all of us in the same way because the circumstances of individual services will differ, but we will be working with your managers to ensure that they understand what options are available and how they can be managed, and recognise how flexible working can contribute to improved service delivery.

Many schemes in this booklet have been around in the Council for some time, but this is the first time they have been drawn together and circulated to every existing and prospective employee. This initiative is being delivered in partnership with your Trade Unions to ensure that every opportunity is explored.

Please read this booklet and talk to your line manager if you feel that an opportunity may apply to you.

Bob Kerslake, Chief Executive

Improving Services, Balancing Lives

This booklet details all flexible working schemes currently available to Sheffield City Council employees. For easy reference, they have been grouped under the following headings:

·  Opportunities for Everyone

·  Opportunities for those with Dependants or Disabilities

·  Opportunities to support Learning and Development

·  Opportunities to support the Community

Certain schemes respond to legal requirements, and are therefore available to everyone who is eligible.

Other schemes have been introduced by the Council in order to offer wider flexibility to employees. Whilst everyone is able to request a more flexible way of working, the application of these schemes is dependent on the following guiding principles:

·  The needs of the service must remain a priority

·  Some flexible working options may not be appropriate within certain service areas

·  Sheffield City Council are committed to giving every employee equal access to a fair process

Things can happen in people’s lives where they may need additional support. Changing your working patterns for a temporary period is one way in which the Council may be able to support you during a difficult time. We would encourage you to discuss your particular circumstances with your line manager, trade union representative or Directorate Human Resources Team, who will be able to help you in finding an appropriate solution.

Opportunities for Everyone

Flexible Working Arrangements

Flexible Working Hours (Flexi time scheme)

The flexi-time scheme allows for flexibility at the beginning, middle and end of the day to help you meet other commitments. Full details of how flexi-time works are available from your Directorate HR Team. The flexi time scheme requires teams to work together to ensure adequate service provision.

Job Sharing

This is where two people share one job. All full time posts within the Council are open to Job Share unless the operational requirements of a post make it impossible to share.

Other flexible ways of working that may be available to employees with specific needs or responsibilities, either permanently or for a temporary period, include:

Annualised Hours

An agreed number of hours is worked per year but with a more flexible working pattern.

Term Time Working

Work is only carried out during school term time, and salary is reduced on a pro-rata basis. This scheme may be useful for employees with a young family and particular difficulties with childcare arrangements.

V-Time (Voluntary Reduced Work Time)

A temporary reduction in working hours (and remuneration).

Part-Time Working

A permanent reduction in working hours (and remuneration).

Home Working

Where appropriate and in line with service needs, employees may be allowed to work from home for part of their contracted hours.

Flexible Leave

Leave for Religious Observance

You may take up to 3 days per year using annual leave, flexi-time or unpaid leave for religious observance.

Time off for Medical Screening & Blood Donation

Time off, with full pay, can be taken for a hospital appointment, cancer screening or to donate blood. This does not apply to routine dental appointments. Your manager may request to see evidence, for example, an appointment card.

Bereavement Leave / Compassionate Leave

At the discretion of managers, employees can be granted paid compassionate leave. You should speak to your manager in the first instance, who will support you in your individual circumstances.

Career Break Scheme

Any employee with over 5 years service is eligible to request an unpaid career break to pursue other interests for a period of between 6 weeks and 12 months. The break does not affect your length of service with the Council, and you can return to your permanent post. Your manager will need to consider your request in the light of service requirements before a decision can be made.

Opportunities for those with Dependants or Disabilities

Sheffield City Council recognises that caring responsibilities extend further than just parents with children. The policies we have in place also support staff with other family responsibilities such as looking after older relatives.

Parental Leave

Employees with children under 5 years old and at least one year’s continuous Local Authority service are eligible for parental leave. (This can be extended up to the child’s 18th birthday if they are disabled or adopted). This gives employees the right to take unpaid time off to spend time with their children. Full details of this scheme are available from Directorate HR Teams.

Carer’s Leave

Carer’s leave applies to all staff irrespective of length of service. It is for those times when a dependant, through illness or distress, requires support from you. This scheme provides a reasonable amount of unpaid leave, depending on an individual’s circumstances.

Right to request Flexible Working

Parents of children under 6 years old (or 18 years old if the child has a disability) with over 26 weeks continuous service are entitled to make an application to work flexibly. This can either be by making a change in:

·  the number of hours they are required to work;

·  the times they are required to be at work; or

·  where they are required to work.

Your manager has a duty to seriously consider your request. If your request is successful, a permanent change will be made to your contract, unless it is agreed that new working arrangements are operated for an initial trial period.

Flexible Ways of Working for Carers and Employees with Disabilities

This scheme enables employees with caring responsibilities or a disability to request a change in their contractual working hours or arrangements to better meet their individual needs. This is usually a temporary change, and should be reviewed by the individual and their manager after an agreed period. As every situation will be different, how greater flexibility is achieved will vary, but it may involve one, or a combination, of the following options:

·  Flexi time (for employees who do not have this working arrangement already)

·  Job share

·  Annual hours

·  V-time

·  Home working

Maternity Scheme

Details of leave and pay options are available from your Directorate HR Team. Please let your Line Manager know as soon as possible that you are pregnant and the date your baby is due. This will enable us to give you the best advice we can and to ensure your safety at work.

Adoption Scheme

All employees who are newly matched with a child for adoption by an approved UK adoption agency are eligible to take adoption leave (this does not apply where an individual is adopting a partner’s child). Details of leave and pay options are available from your Directorate HR Team.

Paternity / Maternity Support Scheme

New fathers, or the partners of new mothers (male or female), who are employees of Sheffield City Council are entitled to 10 days paid paternity / maternity support leave. This can be taken between the date the baby is born and up to 8 weeks after, and should be taken in one block. Paternity leave applies to childbirth or adoption.

Opportunities to support Learning and Development

Studying for Approved Qualifications and Study Leave

If you are studying for a qualification which is relevant to your job at the Council, you may be eligible to some paid time off, with agreement from your line manager. This is dependent on a number of factors, and you will need to discuss your particular circumstances with your line manager.

Leave for Interviews

If you are attending an interview with another local authority, you can take paid leave at the discretion of your line manager. If you are attending an interview with any other organisation, this leave would be unpaid.

Secondment Opportunities

The Council is committed to the development of its employees, and opportunities are available for individuals to apply for a temporary secondment. This may involve you working in a different part of the Council, and will enable you to develop new skills and knowledge. You will usually need to gain the approval of your line manager to apply for a secondment, and should you be successful, you are eligible to return to your permanent post at the end of the secondment period.

Opportunities to support the Community

You may be able to take reasonable time off to undertake specific duties to enable you to fulfil a role in the community.

For example:

·  School Governors

·  Elected member of another Local Authority

·  Magisterial Duties

·  Jury Service / Attending Court as a Witness

·  Service with Non-Regular Forces

·  Lecturing

·  Time off for election duties

·  Time off for Trade Union duties

For more information and advice on the above provisions please contact your Directorate HR Team.

We hope that you have found the information in this booklet useful.

If you would like more information or advice about flexible working arrangements please contact a member of your Directorate HR Team or speak to your line manager in the first instance.

Please do let us know if you have any further ideas of flexible working options that will enable us to improve the working lives of employees and the service we offer to our customers. We welcome your views and will consider your suggestions carefully.