Commercial Terms & Conditions

Tel. No. 01792-221481 Tele. Fax: 01792- 223652


Sub-Head:-Erection of 11 KV HT line by laying 11 KV XLPE cable 3 core 300MM Sq in cable trench.

Package-1:- Erection of 11 KV HT line by laying 11 KV XLPE cable 3 core 300mm Sq in cable trench = 1.6 KM .

BIDNo. –HC-II-DB-TENDER-10-DATED 10 Feb.2011

Tender Cost: Rs. 1000/- only

(Non Re-Fundable)

Superintending Engineer,

(Op) Circle, HPSEB, Solan.


  1. Name of work: -Providing additional 11 KV feeder from 220/66/11 KV S/Stn. Katha to kailash vihar under ESD Baddi Distt. Solan (H.P.).

Sub-Head:-Erection of 11 KV HT line by laying 11 KV XLPE cable 3 core 300MM Sq in cable trench.

2.Bid specification No.HC-II-DB-Tender-2010Dated

3.Cost of Bid documentsRs.1000/- (Non Re-Fundable)

4.Mode of paymentD.D. No. ------Drawn on. ------

5.Issued in favour of------



6.Cut of date & time for

receipt of bids.04.03.2011up to 11.00 hours.

7.Scheduled Date & time 04.03.2011 at 15.00 hours.

For opening of bids

8.COMPLETION PERIOD2 Months from date of L.O.I./Award




5 / SITE VISIT. / 12
6 / BIDDING. / 12.-13







Presently the industrial load of Kailash Vihar area under Electrical Sub-Division, HPSEBL Baddi is being fed from 220/66/11 KV S/Stn. Katha Baddi through 11 KV feeder No. 21,22 & 23 emanating from above S/Stn. Due to vast load growth in Kailsah Vihar area, it is not possible more industrial load as the city ratio of these feeders is 400 amp. To overcome the overloading problem on these feeders, it has been proposed to construct 11 KV feeder from Katha S/Stn. to Kailash Vihar area by laying 11 KV XLPE 3 core 300mm Sq cable in cable trench.:-

Package-1:-Erection of 11 KV HT line by laying 11 KV XLPE cable 3 core 300mm Sq in cable trench = 1.6 KM .

HPSEB Ltd. now, therefore, invites sealed bids for theabove mentioned work. The material such as 11 KV XLPE cable 3 core 300 mm Sq, PCC pole 9mtr long shall be supplied by the HPSEB Ltd.


1.CATEGORY-I:- The bidder / joint venture firms having A-Class License from Chief Electrical Inspector of the State / union territory of India other than Himachal Pradesh, but they have to register with CEI to HP within 2 months of the award. The Bidder shall be financially sound and average annual turnover of the bidder for the past 1 year should be double of the amount put to tender. As a proof of turnover, the bidder shall have to produce a certificate from the Bank / Chartered Accountant.

2.CATEGORY-II: - The bidder / joint venture firms having A-Class License from Chief Electrical Inspector, H.P. and having registered office in H.P. The bidder shall be financially sound and average turnover of the bidder for the last 1 year should be double of the amount put to tender. As a proof of turnover the bidder shall have to produce a certificate from the Bank / Chartered Accountant.

3.CATEGORY-III: - Bidder / association of retired employees of HPSEB Ltd. having A-Class License from Chief Electrical Inspector, H.P. The bidder should have been in technical services of HPSEB Ltd. for at least 20 years and in this regard, certificate from HPSEB Ltd. serving Engineer not below the rank of S.E. shall have to be produced along with the list of works operated. However the bidder / any member of the association should not have been retired within 2 (Two) years of active Service of the Board from the date of bidding. The bidder shall supply an assets statement equivalent to 30% of the Estimated Cost, at the time of purchaser of tender duly certified by the scheduled bank / Co-operative Bank or Chartered Accountant.

At the time of purchase of tender, the bidders shall have to produce documentary proof from the scheduled/ Co-Op. bank/ C.A. in regard to financial turnover/ capability.


1.CATEGORY-I BIDDERS:-Bidder/Firm/ Joint Venture Consortium should have constructed/ erected25 Km H.T. lines and 5Km underground H.T. lineand thesame should be in successful operation at the time of sale of bid documents.

2.CATEGORY-II BIDDERS: -Bidder/Firm/ Joint Venture Consortium should have constructed/ erected25 Km H.T. lines and 5Km underground H.T. line and thesame should be in successful operation at the time of sale of bid documents.

3.CATEGORY-III BIDDERS:- Each member of the society should have been in technical services of HPSEB for at least 20 years. In this regard a certificate from HPSEB’s serving engineer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer/ equivalent shall have to be produced along with the list of works operated. The members of the society should not have been retired within 2 (Two) years active service of the Board from the date of bidding.

The works erected & commissioned on turnkey basis after taking some or all equipments from the authority owning/ awarding the works shall also be considered as the works designed, erected and commissioned for the respective category.


i)The bidders should have Income Tax/ Sales Tax/ CST/Service Tax/ EPF Registrations etc. as required under Rules.


The bidder will declare on Non Judicial Stamp Papers that he is not black listed by any State Govt.Agency/ Department in the last five years and shall furnish a list of works executed in HPSEB Ltd. within scheduled period and countersigned by the concerned Engineer-in-charge (Senior Executive Engineer).


1.In case Category-I&II the bidder shall submit a Bank Guarantee from the Scheduled/ Co-Op. bank, for the amount equal to 10% of the contract price, within 30 days after award/ L.O.I.

2.In case of Category-III the bidders shall submit F.D.R. equivalent to 2.5% of the contract value, duly pledged in favour of HPSEB, within 15 days of the L.O.I./ award.


The Earnest money in shape of Demand Draft amounting to Rs. 22,325/- onlyshould bePayableat Solanin favour of Sr. XEN, Elect. Division, HPSEBL, Solan.


a.Performance as prime contractor for the erection and supply of material of similar nature over the last five years and the details of the other works & contractual commitments presently in hand, the work orders along with quantified detail of the works carried out be supplied for proper assessment. Certificate to this effect (Completion and satisfactory performance certificates) shall also be supplied.

bThe bidder shall allow assessment of his ongoing works to the authorized representative of the Board at any time. Copies of completion and performance certificates should also be enclosed with the bid.

c.Description of the Tools & Plants for carrying out the works.

d.The qualification and experience of key personnel proposed for carrying out the work.

e.The declaration by the firm that it is not black listed by any state or any other agency & shall be liable for the consequences of wrong declaration.

f.The name of the Joint Venture/ consortium partners shall be submitted along with the bid, but actual agreement should be submitted before award of the work. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in rejection of joint venture/ consortium bid. Further, the material offered in the bid should be of standard make. The manufacturer of the material should have annual turnover of Rs. 50.00Lac for each major item and should have not been blacklisted by state or any other agency. All the major items should be Type Tested and the copies of the certificates must be attached with the bid. The tests must have been conducted from a reputed/recognized lab. The certificates should not be more than 7 years old as on the date of opening of bid.

The scope of the above mentioned works also includes: -

  1. Survey, Design and Erection of H.T. Line and other works covered under the scope of this tender.
  1. Supply ,erection testing and commissioning of the equipments/ materialsas per Key Diagram of substation such as Transformers, L.A.s, Isolators, CTs, PTs, Auto Re-Closures, D.O. fuse Units, Combined CTPT Units, Sub Station Structures, PCC Poles, STEEL TUBLAR POLES, Foundation material, Discs & Pin Insulators, Ball Clevis & Eye Sockets, Dead End Clamps, Suspension Clamps, P.G. Clamps, G.I. Wire, Earthing Sets, Danger Plates, Number Plates, Phase Plates, Circuit Plates, Nut Bolts, Washers, fittings, fastenersetc. and all other items required for erection and commissioning of the said worksand civil works as per the standard practice of HPSEB and the relevant Indian Standards. The steel sections to be used should be purchased from reputed manufacturers likeTISCO/ SAIL/ IISCO/ RINL only. No locally manufactured steel will be allowed/ accepted.
  1. In case any material/ equipment is supplied by HPSEBL, the cost of the same will be deducted from the bill of the contractor as per award rate or stock issue rate whichever is higher.
  1. In case the bidder does not meet the requirements of the scope of work as stated above, he may associate with other organization to form a joint venture / consortium for the purpose of execution of this contract so that the joint venture/

Consortium so formed meets the requirements. The bidders shall furnish along with his application for tender documents, certified details of agreements etc. with his partner(s)/ associate(s) and the lead partner should submit the tender document.

2.2The bidder should be financially sound and must not be anticipating any ownership change during the period from bid submission up to two years after commercial operation defined as successful completion of commissioning of the complete work and acceptance of the same by the Board. The bidder is required to give the undertaking to this effect. If such a change is anticipated, the scope and effect thereof shall also be defined.

2.3Financial Criteria:-

For the purpose of this particular Bid, the bidder shall fulfill the minimum criteria as defined earlier under Clause 2.0 (A) 1, 2 and 3 for prequalification as CAT-I, CAT-II and CAT-III Bidder.”

2.4Bids may be submitted by individual firms or joint venture/consortium of firms as under:

“A joint venture/consortium of firms having one partner aslead partner who shall meet the major financial requirement i.e. more than 40% set forth in Para 2.0 (A) above. Regarding full financial and technical criteria, the figures of each of the partner of the joint venture/consortium shall be added together to determine the bidder’s compliance with the minimum qualification criteria set in Clause 2.0(A) 1, 2 and 3 for CAT-I, CAT-II and CAT-III Bidder respectively.”

2.5The following information shall also be specifically furnished with the bids:

a)Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business, written power of attorney of the signatory of the Bid to commit the bidder.

b)Total annual turn over of the erection and commissioning and supply of the material of similar nature over the last three years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant.

c)Reports on financial standing of the bidder including profit & loss statements, balance sheets and auditor’s report of the last three years and estimated financial projections for next two years.

d)Evidence of access to lines of credit & availability of other financial resources.

e)Information regarding, any litigation, current or during the last two years, in which the bidder is involved, the party concerned and the disputed amount.

f) The proposed methodology and program of construction including BAR/PERT Chart, backed with material planning and development, deployment, quality Control procedure to demonstrate the adequacy of Bidder’s proposal to meet the technical specification & completion schedule as per milestones. It would be preferable to give this information in a self-contained write up.

2.6Bids submitted by the joint venture/consortium of firms as partner shall comply with the following requirement:-

a) The Bid shall include all the information listed in sub Clause ‘a’ to ‘f’ of clause 2.5 above for each joint venture/consortium partner.

b) The Bid shall contain the Bid form on non judicial stamp papers of appropriate value (refer form III in section-VIII), which shall be duly signed so as to be legally binding on all partners.

c) One of the partners shall be nominated as lead partner, and this authorization shall be established by submitting a power of Attorney signed by the legally authorized signatories of all partners.

d) The lead partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of joint venture and entire execution of the contract including payments shall be done exclusively with the lead partner as per Performa enclosed in Sec-VI.

e) All the partners of the joint venture/consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms.

2.7The owner reserves the right to request for any additional information and also to reject the proposal of any bidder without assigning any reason, if in the opinion of the owner, the qualifying data is incomplete or the bidder is found not qualified to satisfactorily perform the works. The decision of the owner in this regard shall be final and binding.

2.8Notwithstanding anything stated above, HPSEB reserves the right to assess the bidder’s ability and capacity to perform the work, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the owner.

3.0Cost of Bidding

The bidder shall bear all the cost & expenses associated with preparation and submission of its Bid including post Bid discussions, technical and other presentation etc. and Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for those, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding process.

4.0Site Visit

4.1The bidder, at his own responsibility and risk, is encouraged to visit/examine the site of works and local conditions and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract for execution of the works covered under the scope of this tender. Costs of visiting the site shall be at the bidders own expense. The owner shall not entertain any request for clarification from bidders regarding local conditions.

4.2It must be understood and agreed that such factors as stated above have properly been examined and considered while submitting the tenders. No claim for financial adjustment to the contract awarded under these specification and documents will be entertained by the owner. Neither any change in the time schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustment, arising thereof shall be permitted by the owner which are based due to the lack of such clear information or its effect on the cost of the tender to the bidder.


Right of way for erection of lines will be managed by the bidder at his own either by negotiation with the owner of land where line is to be erected/passed or otherwise.


a. Prices should be quoted on Firm basis. The rates may be quoted on Lump-Sum basis in the relevant price schedule enclosed. However, the item wise rates shall also be quoted according to the Package wise Price schedules enclosed. The variable prices/cost will not be accepted and liable for disqualification of tender.

  1. The bidder shall submit detail/ qualification/ experience of key technical personnel.

c.The bidder shall quote in the appropriate schedule of the Bid form, lump-sump price for the entire scope of work (covered under the Bidding documents) and also the unit rates of the goods & services it propose to supply and support under the contract. The Bidder shall also furnish the price breakdown in the appropriate schedules of bid form.

d.The quoted prices for the erection/ commissioning shall be exclusive of the service tax which shall be paid by the contractor to the concerned tax department. The prevalent rate of the tax may please be taken into consideration while quoting the price for Erection/ Commissioning Charges.

e.before the release of final payment as per the contract, A certificate to the effect that “Service Tax” as applicable has been paid to the concerned Tax Department at ______(name of place) by ______(name of firm) against award No. ______dated ______shall be given by the contractor to the Sr. XEN, Elect. Div. HPSEBL, Baddi.

f. The bidder will record a certificate to the effect that while computing the prices of the goods, all benefit under MODVAT and other such schemes have been considered by him and nothing will be passed on to the board on this account. In case the said certificate is not received with the offer, it shall be presumed that quoted price are inclusive of the benefits under such scheme.

g. The bidders will maintain and make all the supplies through their registered dumps/ depots situated in the jurisdiction of H.P.