Opequon Presbyterian Church

Administrative Manual

Prayerfully equipping disciples of all generations to be Christ’s hands, heart and feet in the world.

Table of Contents

A. Administrative...... 4

1. Definitions...... 4

2. Facilities Use...... 4

3. Evacuation Procedures...... 7

4. Van Use...... 9

5. Severe Weather...... 12

6. Church Credit Card...... 12

7. Good Samaritan Fund...... 13

8. Quorum for Congregational Meeting...... 13

9. Period of Minimum Notice for Congregational Meeting...... 14

10. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised...... 14

11. Composition of Congregational Nominating Committee...... 14

12. List of Inactive Members...... 14

13. Preparing People for Active Membership...... 14

14. Examination of Deacons and Ruling Elders...... 15

15. Term of Clerk of Session...... 15

16. Term of Treasurer...... 15

17. Quorum for Session Meetings...... 15

B. Children...... 16

18. Nursery...... 16

19. Child Safety Policy...... 16

C. Special Services...... 30

20. Wedding...... 30

21. Funeral Service, Memorial Service, and Memorial Garden...... 33

D. Ministries...... 35

22. Ministry Membership Criteria...... 35

23. Administrative...... 35

Building & Grounds...... 35

Finance & Stewardship...... 35

Personnel...... 36

24. Christian Education...... 37

25. Fellowship...... 38

26. Mission...... 38

27. Worship...... 39

28. Ministry of the Deacons...... 39

29. Evangelism Ministry...... 42

E. Other...... 43

31. Endowment Fund...... 43

32. Display of Flags...... 47

33. Maintenance of this Manual...... 47

F. Church Staff...... 48


1.0 Definitions

1.1 Policy. Documented principles and programs, approved by Session.

1.2 Procedure. An established written method of doing something that has been formally adopted by an organization or group within the church.

1.3 Practice. An established way of doing something that has developed through experience and knowledge.

1. 4 Approved by Session: December 16, 2014

2.0 Facilities Use

2.1 Purpose. The purpose of this policy is (1) to ensure that church facilities are available for use by church members, groups, and nonprofit organizations; and (2) to provide guidelines for outside individuals and groups who use the facilities.

2.2 Scope of the Policy. This policy applies to non-profit community based groups and other groups at the discretion of the Session. Approval will not be granted for commercial groups for fund raising activities except in extraordinary circumstances.

2.3 Fees. Non church members that are granted permission to use the facilities may be charged such fees for the use as are set by the Session. Ordinarily such fees shall be in line with the fees charged for use of the facility for a wedding involving non-church members. See page 29 of this manual. Church members shall not be charged a fee.

2.4 Scheduling. The Office Administrator shall maintain a Master Calendar. Church groups and individuals are responsible for ensuring that their regularly scheduled activities are listed on the Master Calendar well in advance of their scheduled date. Ministries and church organizations are encouraged to plan yearly calendars in order to ensure that church activities receive priority in scheduling.

Outside groups wishing to use the church should contact the Office Administrator to secure a date and make arrangements for use of the facilities. This would include arrangements for getting a key, setting up any special equipment prior to the activity, and agreeing to care and cleanup the facilities following their activity.

Use of the church space by outside groups is contingent upon availability and cannot be guaranteed more than one month in advance. Church activities have priority. If the scheduled church activities are not using the full facility, outside groups may be given the opportunity to use other parts of the building.

2.5 Responsibilities of Groups Using the Facilities:

All individuals or groups using the church facilities are responsible for the following:

  • Obtaining the key from the Office Administrator prior to the activity and returning it no later than the close of the following workday.
  • Supervising all members of their group to see that they stay in designated areas the group is using.
  • Using only their supplies and equipment for the activity. Offices will be locked during facility rentals and no church supplies shall be used.
  • Leaving area/areas they have used as they found them: trash in proper receptacles; furnishings returned to their original position, if moved; and all supplies that were brought in should be removed. The church cannot be responsible for supplies/equipment left in the church.
  • Securing the building following the activity, to include but not be limited to turning off all lights and closing and locking all windows and doors.

2.6Usage of Pitcock Shelter.

2.6.1 Usage.

Usage of these facilities fall under the same guidelines for usage of the Church facilities outlined above.

2.6.2 Fee Amounts.

Members: No fee

Non-Members: Pitcock Shelter $50 per event.

2.7Revised: November 18, 2014

2.8 Approved by Session: December 16, 2014

Facilities Use Request Form


Name of organization/group/individual

Contact person: ______

Address: ______

Phone Number: ______

Date Requested: ______

Purpose of use:______



Space requested: ______

List specific rooms to be used

Number of persons expected: ______

Is this request for one-time use or regular use?

If regular, specify frequency and dates requested:




Required: Yes NoFee: ______Paid ______Check Cash

Use of the church space by outside groups is contingent upon availability and cannot be guaranteed more than one month in advance. Church activities (such as funerals or memorial services that use the Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall) have priority. The undersigned states that s/he has read the Facilities Use Policy of Opequon Presbyterian Church, and that the use will be in accordance with this policy. The undersigned further accepts responsibility for damage to church property caused by such use and for prompt and proper settlement of claims for such damage.



3.0 Evacuation Procedures

3.1 During routine Fire Drills or in the event of a real emergency, the Fire Alarm will sound throughout the building to signal that everyone is to leave the building. The exit plans described below are for various locations within the building.

3.2 Review of these evacuation plans will occur twice a year. One of these occasions will be at the beginning of each Sunday School new term. Regularly scheduled fire drills will occur throughout the year and the efficiency of each drill will be reviewed. Exit plans, signage, maintenance of alarm equipment will be the responsibility of the Building and Grounds Ministry.

3.3 Each room and area of the entire facility and each exit door will have a facility map and exit route(s) posted and location indicator of a fire “pull box.” (“Pull boxes” are located in Classrooms 3, 4, and 5. Emergency Exit Maps need to reflect alternative exit routes.)

3.3.1 Classroom 1 (Lower level)

Plan A: Exit the room to the right. Proceed into the Fellowship Hall bearing right to the first set of double doors. Exit building, turn left and proceed to the back section of the rear parking lot.

Plan B: The alternative route should only be used if the Fellowship Hall exit is blocked. In this case, exit classroom turning left out of the room. Proceed down the hall to Room 4 and exit building through the outside exit door. Proceed left to the back parking lot area, moving as far away from the building as possible.

Plan C: If alley is blocked, proceed up the stairs to Memorial Sanctuary crossway, proceeding out nearest exit of two sets of double doors to circle driveway/unloading area. Walk along the sidewalk to the rear parking lot.

3.3.2 Classroom 2 (Lower level)

Plan A: Exit the room to the right. Proceed into the Fellowship Hall bearing right to the first set of double doors. Exit building, turn left and proceed to the back section of the rear parking lot.

Plan B: The alternative route should only be used if the Fellowship Hall exit is blocked. In this case, exit classroom turning left out of the room. Proceed down the hall to Room 4 and exit building through the outside exit door. Proceed left to the back parking lot area, moving as far away from the building as possible.

Plan C: If alley is blocked, leave classroom, turn right, go up stairs to Memorial Sanctuary crossway; proceed out the double exit doors to circle driveway/unloading area. Walk along the side walk to the rear parking lot.

3.3.3 Classroom 3 (Lower level)

Plan A: Exit the room and proceed into the Fellowship Hall. Bear right to the first set of double doors. Exit the building, turn left and proceed to the back parking lot.

Plan B: This alternative route should only be used if the Fellowship Hall exit is blocked. In this case, exit the classroom and proceed to Room 4, exiting the building through the outside exit door. Proceed left to the back parking lot area, moving as far away from the building as possible.

Plan C: If alley is blocked, leave lower level using the stairs to the Memorial Sanctuary crossway; proceed through double exit doors to circle driveway/unloading area. Walk along the sidewalk to the rear parking lot.

3.3.4 Classroom 4 (Lower level)

Plan A: Exit classroom via room's emergency door exit. Proceed left to rear parking lot, moving as far away from the building as possible.

Plan B: If alley is blocked, exit classroom, leave lower level by going up the stairs to Memorial Sanctuary crossway; proceeding through double exit doors to circle driveway/unloading area. Walk along the sidewalk to the rear parking lot.

3.3.5 Classroom 5 (Lower level)

Plan A: Exit room, proceeding to adjacent Room 4 and out the classroom emergency door exit. Proceed left to rear parking lot, moving as far away from the building as possible.

Plan B: If alley is blocked, exit classroom, leave lower level by going up the stairs to Memorial Sanctuary crossway; proceeding through double exit doors to circle driveway/unloading area. Walk along the sidewalk to the rear parking lot.

3.3.6YouthSpot/Lower Gathering Area

Exit directly out of the emergency exit door in this area, exit door, proceed up steps, turn left and proceed to the back parking lot to the farthest point away from the building as possible.

3.3.7 Assembly Room (Lower level)

Exit directly out of the emergency exit in this area, exit door, proceed up steps, turn left moving towards the back parking area and moving as far away from the building as possible.

3.3.8 BageantRoom (Adjacent to Memorial Sanctuary)

Exit directly out into the crossing (Memorial Sanctuary narthex area) to the front lawn. Move as far away from the building as possible.

3.3.9 MainSanctuary (Viewed from pulpit side looking out to sanctuary)

Ushers shall assist with directions and individuals needing mobility assistance.

Choir, organist, and partial left side of sanctuary, use back side door. Turn left and exit via double back parking lot doors. Proceed to rear of parking lot.

Center section of sanctuary use the double rear doors of the sanctuary moving to the left and out the rear parking lot doors, proceeding to the farthest point of the parking lot away from the building.

Right section of sanctuary (window side) proceed to the nearest door (at the end of the windows) move a) alongside Memorial Sanctuary to front lawn, or b) cross to grassy area adjacent to cemetery.

3.3.10 Nursery (Main level)

Exit directly out the back exit door within Nursery Room. Move to the back of the parking lot as far away from the building as possible.

3.3.11 FellowshipHall (Lower level)

Plan A: Exit out the back door; turn left proceeding to the back part of the parking lot.

Plan B: If alley is blocked, go up the stairs to Memorial Sanctuary crossway and proceed through double exit doors to circle driveway/unloading area, continue walking west on sidewalk to back parking lot.

3.3.12 Library (Main Level)

Exit into the Crossing and left through the double exit doors to the front lawn, moving as far away from the building as possible.

3.3.13 GatheringArea (Outside Main Sanctuary)

Exit via the main sanctuary doors OR the double doors to the rear parking lot. Gather as far away from the building as possible.


3.5 DURING A DRILL, THE BUILDING WILL BE CHECKED TO BE SURE IT IS EMPTY. Once this occurs and it is determined that it is safe for persons to return, the groups will all be signaled to return to the building. GROUPS THAT USED CLASSROOM 4'S DOOR CANNOT REENTER THIS WAY, BUT NEED TO RETURN VIA THE NEAREST MAIN ENTRANCE.

3.6 Responsibility. The Chair of the Building and Grounds Ministry Team or his/her designee shall have the responsibility for seeing that these procedures are followed should it be necessary to evacuate the building. This person shall make sure that all persons in the building are evacuated and accounted for in the event of an emergency.

3.7 Approved by Session: December 16, 2014

4.0 Van Use

4.1 The Passenger van is for the exclusive use by groups within Opequon Presbyterian Church. The use of the van is on a first-come, first-served basis and may not exceed 14 passengers and one driver. Seat belts shall be worn by the driver and passengers at all times.

4.2 Procedures

4. 2.1 Reserving the Van. Groups may request use of the van for special events or trips over 75 miles one way by contacting the church office at 662-1843. A completed Van Use Request Form is required at least 45 days prior to the event/outing for proper approval. The form is located on page 11 of this manual.

4.2.2 Driver Requirements. Drivers of the van must be over 25 years of age, have a valid driver's license, and good driving record as verified by the Division of Motor Vehicles of the state issuing the driver's license. A good driving record is defined as someone who does not have a DUI/DWI on their record, or anyone with less than 3 tickets in the past 3 years. The Office Administrator shall be responsible for obtaining the driving record from DMV. An approved driver's driving record must be updated at least every five (5) years. A photocopy of the driver's license shall be attached to the Van Use Request Form and placed in the Van Use Policy notebook. Drivers who have never driven a 15-passenger van shall consult an experienced driver before permission to drive is granted. Drivers must be on approved list prior to using van. All groups must comply with all guidelines and be permitted to use the church van as explained in Church Mutual Insurance policy.

4.2.3 Van Use Log. Groups using the van are responsible for completing the Van Use Log located in the van. The van must be refueled before returning it to the church. For reimbursement, turn in receipts to the church office. The van should be returned clean and ready for use by the next group. Groups using the van will report any mechanical malfunctions, damage, accidents, or injuries to the Van Coordinator. Groups using the van over 75 miles will also be responsible for wear and tear above any normal usage. It will be group’s responsibility to return van in same condition as when van was issued.

4.2.4 Emergency Procedures. Emergency procedures are located in the glove compartment of the van. Any mechanical malfunctions, damage, accidents or injuries must be reported to the appropriate authority (church office, Van Coordinator, Department of Motor Vehicles).

4.2.5 Maintenance. The Van Coordinator is responsible for routine maintenance of the van. Bill Robinson is the current Van Coordinator.

4.2.6 Distance approval. Any group taking the van further than 75 miles from church grounds will require session approval. Written request must be submitted 45 days prior to use with explanation of use, distance, amount of people, etc. Approval based on session discretion.

4.3 Failure by a group to abide by the Van Use Policy shall result in the group being denied use of the van on future occasions.

4.4 Revised: November 18, 2014

4.5 Approved by Session: December 16, 2014

Van Use Request Form

Name of Group ______

Person requesting for Group ______

Telephone Number ______

Date(s) of Use: From ______To ______


Purpose of Outing:______


Approximate Mileage ______Approximate Number of People ______

Driver’s Name ______

Telephone Number ______

Moving Violations in last 3 years? NoYes (Explain below)


Alternate Driver’s Name ______

Telephone Number ______

Moving Violations in last 3 years? NoYes (Explain below)


I have read the Van Use Policy and promise that my group will abide by it. I will complete the van log.


Signature of person requesting van Date of Request

Please attach a photocopy of all drivers’ licenses to this form.


Signature of Clerk of Session Date Request Approved

5.0 Severe Weather Procedure

5.1 If weather conditions make attending Sunday morning worship dangerous or impossible, it is the responsibility of the Pastors to decide whether it is necessary to cancel or postpone worship for either or both the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services.

5.2 Procedures

5.2.1 The Pastors will: notify the Organist call the Worship Ministry Chair(s) place a message announcing the postponement or cancellation on the Church's voicemail. call the local radio stations WINC and WUSQ, channel 6 cable television,which announce weather related closings or postponements on the half hour.

5.2.2 The Organist will: send out notification of the change in worship via email to those who haverequested electronic notification. call the Nursery Supervisor The Nursery Supervisor will call scheduled volunteer and nursery staff call the Music Director The Music Director will call the Sanctuary Choir section leaders