Vestry Meeting Minutes

December 17, 2013


Vestry – Amy Evins, Meg Green, Lori Thompson, Susan Ragsdale, Kurt Wilson, Diana Quinn, Edith Cobourn, Bill Sleeper, Steve Farris, Chris Burpo, Ron Feldman, Janet Conrad, Scott Freeman, and Ron Bagwell

Non-Vestry – Fr. Ken Swanson, Rev. Anne Elizabeth Swiedler, Lloyd Bowen, and Lesley Andrew

Opening Prayer: Kurt Wilson led the opening prayer.

Acceptance of Minutes: Chris Burpo made a motion to accept the minutes from the November Vestry meeting. The motion was seconded by Amy Evins and the motion passed.

Meditation – Lori Thompson led the meditation.

Rector update:

  1. “What if?” Topic – Vestry Members as Ministry Chairs – The Vestry discussed whether Vestry members should be allowed to maintain a ministry chair position when elected to the Vestry. Discussion ensued regarding being allowed to remain as a chair but to not be involved in financial votes when the Vestry member’s particular ministry is involved. Bill Sleeper agreed to research the by-laws regarding the provision that Vestry members should not serve as chairs on a ministry.
  1. Stewardship – Fr. Ken Swanson shared that 333 households had pledged for 2014 totaling 1.3 million. There are currently 70 households that have not made a pledge for 2014. 40 of those 70 households made a pledge last year.
  1. Seminarian Candidate Sponsorship – Fr. Ken Swanson announced to the Vestry that candidates for Holy Orders must be presented to Bishop Wright. Fr. Ken Swanson made a motion to present Bonnie Underwood and Richmond Jones to Bishop Wright as candidates for Holy Orders. Chris Burpo seconded the motion and the motion passed.
  1. New Vestry Orientation – Fr. Ken Swanson announced that new Vestry member orientation will be held on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 4:30.
  1. Columbarium – Fr. Ken Swanson announced that two parishioners had recently approached him regarding the building of a Columbarium. Two main issues to be addressed are: 1) How will a Columbarium impact the Memorial Garden?; and 2) Where should it be built? Fr. Ken Swanson asked the Vestry to discern regarding the Columbarium and that it will be discussed in a future Vestry meeting.

Senior Warden Update

  1. Covering Christmas Services – Chris Burpo announced that there would be no Vestry Person of the Day (VPOD) at the Christmas services, but a Vestry member needed to collect money at each service. Vestry members volunteered to cover the services.
  1. Housing Allowance for Clergy – The vestry on the 17th day of December, 2013 after discussing the amount to be paid to the clergy of St. David’s Episcopal Church as a parsonage allowance, on motion duly made and seconded, adopted the following resolutions:

Whereas the Rev’d Kenneth B. Swanson is employed as a minister of the Gospel of Saint David’s Episcopal Church, Roswell, Georgia, which does not provide a residence for him, the vestry resolves that of the total compensation of $127,720 to be paid to the Rev’d Kenneth B. Swanson during, 2014 that $33,600 be designated as parsonage allowance within the meaning of that term as used in section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986.

Whereas the Rev’d Anne Elizabeth Swiedler is employed as a minister of the Gospel of Saint David’s Episcopal Church, Roswell, Georgia, which does not provide a residence for her, the vestry resolves that of the total compensation of $59,432 to be paid to the the Rev’d Anne Elizabeth Swiedler during 2014, that $26,400 be designated as parsonage allowance within the meaning of that term as used in section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986.

Whereas the Rev’d Antonio Brito is employed as a minister of the Gospel of Saint David’s Episcopal Church, Roswell, Georgia which does not provide a residence for him, the vestry resolves that of the total compensation of $46,182 to be paid to the Rev’d Antonio Brito during 2014, that $18,000 be designated as parsonage allowance within the meaning of that term as used in section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986.

Jr. Warden Update

Steve Farris made the following announcements: 1) the garage doors are installed at the Sinclair House; 2) the door closer in Jeffords Hall broke and has been repaired; and 3) the furnace under Grace Parish Hall needs to be replaced and the research regarding the cost is underway.

Amy Evins announced that the door next to the garage doors at the Sinclair House needs to be repaired.

Treasurer’s Report:

Lloyd Bowen discussed the contents of the Treasurer’s Report (Attachment A).

Old Business

Fr. Ken Swanson made the following announcements:

·  The dedication of Harrison Hall will be held on January 19, 2014. Bishop Wimberly will celebrate at the 11:15 service and the dedication will follow the service. Meg Green gave an update on the welcome center and hopes that it will be completed by January 19, 2014.

  • January 26, 2014 will be Kathy Holman’s last Sunday; and
  • Confirmation is scheduled for May 4, 2014 with Bishop Wimberly presiding at probably two services.

New Business

Edith Cobourn presented her last new business item by leading her fellow Vestry class members, Chris Burpo, Amy Evins and Kurt Wilson, in a spectacular rendition of “So Long, Farwell” to the clergy and their fellow Vestry members.

Chris Burpo made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bill Sleeper seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Rev. Anne Elizabeth led the closing prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Lesley Andrew