
Mission Committee Meeting

July 5, 2011

Opening Prayer- Gary Cline

Attendees: Wanda Castner, Brian Gray, Gary Cline (co-chair and meeting leader), Mary Hunt, Jane Hindenlang, Ralph Jones, Maria LaSala, Nancy Rupp (co-chair), Pat Wales, Nancy Woodington.

The minutes of the June 7th meeting were approved as amended.

Old Business

Confirmation of July/August Supplying of Friendship Hour (June assigned to Nancy

July to Gary, by the chair of the CLOC and with Session approval):

June 5th-Mary Hunt; June 12th-(Church Picnic); June 19th –Nancy Rupp (update:

Nancy Walker also helped; it was her final Sunday at FPCNH); June 26th Brian Gray

and Candice Crepeau Gray; July 3rd- Pat Wales; July 10th- Joanne Anderson-

July 17th- Ralph Jones and Jane Hindenlang; July 26th- Nancy

Woodington; July 31st- Gary Cline.

Update on Wednesday “Peace and Justice” suppers, 5 Wednesdays, 6:15-8:00,

organized by attendees of the Stony Point Peacemaking session, April 2011.

Mission Activities money will fund up to $300 for food for the main dish. Side

dishes will be offered by folk who attend. Mission Committee members who

are part of the planning committee include Wanda Castner, Mary Hunt, and Ralph

Jones. Session topics and leaders include: June 13th- “Hunger”- Bryce Wiebe;

June 20th-“Immigration”-Art Hunt; June 27th-“Columbia Free Trade Amendment”-

Teddy Hogle; August 3rd-“Gun Violence”-Ralph Jones; August 10th- “Health Care in

Connecticut”- a speaker, Michele Mudrick, arranged by Wanda and Ned Castner.

Update: Abraham’s Tent

A meeting for participating religious groups is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27.

Brian Gray, Maria LaSala, and Nancy Rupp offered to attend. We hope that Micah

Luce (who coordinated Abraham’s Tent in 2011 and 2010) will also attend. The

application for Presbytery funding for winter 2012 is due on September 30th. Our

church has offered to host Abraham’s Tent again in 2012 for the week starting

January 16th, the same week as the past two years.

Hunter Farrell Visit

Hunter Farrell and two others from church headquarters will fly into Tweed New

Haven Airport on September 9th with too little time for a reception prior to the 7pm

meeting with church members. Several mission committee members offered to host

the three visitors. Two of them prefer to find their own accommodations. Hunter

Farrell will stay with Mary Hunt, as Art and Mary live close by.

“The Cairn” witness on July 4th, 6pm:

Maria LaSala reported that she and a number of Mission Committee members

attended the gathering, for which our church took the leadership role. The

event included parents of a 20 year old soldier recently killed in

Afghanistan. His family is part of Congregation Mishkan Isarel. FPCNH folk

in attendance who are not part of Mission Committee included Linda Burian,

Cressida Lui, and Mike Tenny.

Karla Koll’s daughter Tamara (who will attend Reed College in the fall):

We agreed to send a one time graduation gift of $300 for college books to Tamara c/o

the Reed College bookstore. Maria LaSala will be in touch with Karla Koll and

will expedite the gift.

Larry and Inge Sthreshley Update:

Nancy Rupp reported that conversation with folk at church headquarters indicate that

Larry and Inge are not noted for frequent letters. The majority of the committee thus

opted to support instead a couple newly appointed to do peace work in Southern

Sudan ($500 support level).

New Business

Plans for fall 2011

Peacemaking Offering- Sunday October 2nd (Someone offered to interpret…Pat?)

Our September 5th meeting is the last one before this offering takes place.

Thanksgiving Offering and plans-Ralph Jones will be involved. Details not yet.

Nancy Collins visit (?)- Gary Cline will contact Nancy re: a possible visit.

Gun Violence in New Haven-Maria LaSala met w. St Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Rector Tracy Johnson Russell (a fellow clergy in Interfaith Cooperative Ministry)

whose church is located in a violent area of New Haven. Maria is

pondering how to begin with integrity a conversation re: gun violence in the

New Haven community.

Pat Wales reported that Columbus House is requesting someone to pick up fresh

produce on Monday, July 25th, produce to be donated by Massaro Farm. Brian

Gray reported that he could be available.

Missionary Support Update:

Matthew Laferty, who attended FPCNH, has been appointed to the Moscow post,

replacing the Bronkemas. The Bronkemas have a position in Stroudsberg, PA as

co-pastors of a church there.

Correspondence- There was no time for Correspondence.

The meeting closed with prayer by Maria LaSala.