Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Convention 2010
April 09-11, 2010
Baylor University, Waco TX
Jones Auditorium
Friday, April 9, 2010
- Call to Order—4:10pm
- Welcome Introduction of Joint District Councils
- Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest Council
- President—Mark Daniels (Theta Nu)
- VP—Adrian Alonso (Epsilon Kappa)
- Sec./Treas.—Jennifer Larsen (Epsilon Delta)
- Co-MAL—Megan Polis (Beta Gamma)
- Co-MAL—Andy Smith (Theta Phi)
- Governor—Danny George
- Govenor—Alfredo Valez
- Tau Beta Sigma Southwest Council
- President—Brynn Jones (Psi)
- VP of Membership—Leah Arceneaux (Alpha Omicron)
- Sec./Treas.—Patricia Butler (Theta Theta)
- Counselor—Erika Pope
- Introduction of Visiting Dignitaries
- Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
- President—Derrick Mills
- VPP—Christine Beason
- VPSA—Jack Lee
- Tau Beta Sigma National Council
- Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees
- Chris Haughee
- Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees
- Kappa Kappa Psi Past Governor
- Brent Cannon
- Tau Beta Sigma Counselors
- National Headquarter Staff
- Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni, Chapter, and Colony Affairs Coordinator
- Aaron Moore
ii. Past District Officers (see who is actually in the room)
Sean Lafollette—Past President
Jack Lee—Past President
Danny George—Past Sec/Treas. and President
Kevin Wolfe—Past VP
- Recognition of Life Members in attendance
- Recognition of Graduating Seniors in attendance
- Final Call for New ALTO Bids
- Final Call for Convention Host Bids
- Announcements from Beta Alpha / Iota
- Announcements from District Governor/District Counselor
- Announcements from the Assistant Director of Bands
- Andy Smith-Introduction of Scott Lang, Guest Speaker
- More announcements from the Host Chapters Beta Alpha/Iota
- Introduction of the Host Chapter Members
- Motion to Recess (until Sat. 8am)—4:15pm.
- Call to Order—5:23pm
- Welcome
- Introduction of Visiting Dignitaries
- Seating of Chapter Delegates(Appendix A)
- Random Proxy seating began with Gamma Phi
- Random Proxy seating ended with Theta Alpha
- Next year’s Random Proxy seating will begin with Theta Kappa
- Reading of the Convention Minutes
- Motion to suspend—Delta Sigma
- 2nd—Gamma Phi
- Motion Passes
- Chapter Reports
- Motion to wave
- 2nd
- Motion Passes
- Final Officer Reports(Appendix B)
- Megan Polis, Member at Large
- Motion to accept report—Beta Gamma
- 2nd—Alpha Omicron
- Motion Passes
- Andy Smith, Member at Large
- Motion to accept report—Theta Phi
- 2nd—Delta
- Motion Passes
- Jennifer Lynn Larsen, Secretary-Treasurer
- Motion to accept report—Epsilon Delta
- 2nd—Theta Alpha
- Motion passes
- Announcements
- Additional Seating of Delegates
- Donations for the Service Project.
- HOST CHAPTER: Schedule Changes
- Committee Assignments
- Jenn Larsen-Fundraiser details!!!
- Recess until tomorrow
- Motion—Beta Lambda
- 2nd—Delta Delta
- Motion Passes
KKΨ/TBΣ 2ndJoint Session
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Jones Auditorium
- Call to Order—8:15am
- Bid for the NEW ALTO
- Theta Alpha Chapter of KKΨ
- Bid for Convention Hosts
- Delta chapters of KKΨ and TBΣ
- Delta Sigma Chapter of KKΨ
- Re-Area-ing of the SW District!
- 2 minute caucus
- 5 minute Q&A
- Announcements
- Motion to Recess
- Rho (KKΨ)
- 2nd—Delta Eta (TBΣ)
- Motion Passes
- Recessed
KKΨ/TBΣ 3rd Joint Session
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Jones Auditorium
- Call to Order—5:42pm
- Motion to accept Texas District Re-Area proposal—Delta Sigma
- 2nd—Epsilon Chi
- Passes
- Committee Report—JACME(Appendix C)
- Motion to accept report—Eta Epsilon
- 2nd—Beta Sigma
- Passes
- 2011 Area Workshop Rotation
- Hazing Awareness Skit
- Motion to Recess to Sunday morning
- 2nd—
- Passes
- Call to order—8:13am
- Roll Call
- 45 Delegates sat, 4 missing
- Committee Report: Colonization and Membership Committee (Appendix C)
- Motion to Accept—Alpha Psi
- 2nd—Mu Lambda
- Passes
- Committee Report: Ways and Means (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Iota Upsilon
- 2nd—Eta Nu
- Passes
- Motion to adopt the budget—Alpha
- 2nd—Delta Sigma
- Passes
- Committee Report: Judging (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Delta,
- 2nd—Kappa Phi
- Passes
- Final Officer Report—Adrian Alonzo, SWD Vice President(Appendix B)
- Motion to accept—Epsilon Kappa
- 2nd—Zeta Beta
- Passes
- Committee Report: Spirit (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Epsilon Beta
- 2nd—Lambda Kappa
- Passes
- Committee Report: History and Traditions (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Beta Gamma
- 2nd—Theta Phi
- Passes
- Final Officer Report—Danny George, CPA: District Governor (Appendix B)
- Motion to accept—Delta Sigma
- 2nd—Alpha
- Passes
- Committee Report: Jurisdictions (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Alpha Tau
- 2nd—Epsilon Beta
- Passes
- Motion to adopt constitutional amendments—Zeta Gamma
- 2nd—Eta Xi
- Passes
- Committee Report: Nominations (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Zeta Zeta
- 2nd—Beta Lambda
- Passes
- Elections
- 47 delegates present and eligible to vote
- Nominations—District President
- Mark Daniels
- Powers Bilodeau
- Speeches
- Q&A
- 2 Minute Caucus
- Passing out of the Ballots
- District Award Announcements
- Elections Results—President
- Megan Polis
- Elections—Vice President
- Nominations
- None
- Speeches
- Mark Daniels
- Powers Bilodeau
- Q&A
- 2 minute Caucus
- Passing out of the Ballots
- More District Award Announcements
- Election Result—Vice President
- Mark Daniels
- Elections
- Nominations—Sec-Treas.
- Trae Warner
- Speeches
- Q&A
- 2 minute caucus
- Passing out of the Ballots
- Even more District Award Announcements
- Call for Chapter Announcements
- Election Result—Sec-Treas.
- Stephanie Bergeron
- Elections—MAL #1
- Nominations
- Adam Klarich
- Powers Bilodeau
- Speeches
- Q&A
- 2 minute caucus
- Passing out of the Ballots
- Chapter Announcements
- Election Result—MALs
- MAL #1—Leah Roper
- MAL #2—Ryan Jones
- Motion to recess until after joint—Delta Psi
- 2nd—Iota Sigma
- Passes
- Adjourned until after Joint
Jones Auditorium
Sunday, April 11, 2010
- Call to Order—11:27am
- Announcement of District KKΨ/TBΣ Officers for 2010-2011
- Committee Report: Joint Action Committee on Publications (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Delta Pi
- 2nd—Zeta Zeta
- Passes
- Committee Report: Convention Site (Appendix C)
- Motion to accept—Theta Alpha
- 2nd—Theta Theta
- Passes
- Election of 2011 SWD Convention Host Chapter
- Nominations
- Delta Sigma
- Motion for a 1 minute caucus
- 2nd
- Fails!!!
- Passing out of the Ballots
- Talent Show Winners
- Gamma Phi
- 2011 Convention Host Chapter Election Results
- Delta Chapters from OU!
- Announcement from the Host Chapter
- Thank you for coming to this year’s convention!
- Please help pick up trash as you leave!
- Thank you from the Chair persons
- Adjournment—11:54am
Sunday, April 11, 2010
- Final Officer Report, Mark Daniels—SWD President(Appendix B)
- Motion to Accept—Theta Nu
- 2nd—Theta Phi
- Passes
- Installation of the newly elected District Officers
- Adrian Alonzo
- Megan—newly installed SWD President addresses brothers of the district
- Motion to Adjourn
- Motion to accept—Theta Alpha
- 2nd—Delta
- Motion passes
- Adjourned at …
Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Convention 2010
April 09-11, 2010
Baylor University, Waco TX
Appendix A
Delegate Seating
Alpha / Oklahoma State University
Delta / University of Oklahoma
Lambda / University of Arkansas
Rho / Tulane University / Gamma Phi
Alpha Omicron / Texas Tech University
Alpha Tau / University of Texas / Delta Sigma
Alpha Psi / West Texas A&M University / Epsilon Delta
Beta Alpha / Baylor University
Beta Gamma / Louisiana State University
Beta Lambda / Eastern New Mexico University
Beta Sigma / University of Houston
Gamma Alpha / Midwestern State University / Zeta Beta
Gamma Zeta / Lamar University / Zeta Xi
Gamma Theta / East Central University (OK)
Gamma Iota / University of New Mexico / Beta Lambda
Gamma Phi / Stephen F. Austin State University
Delta Alpha / Langston University / Eta Nu
Delta Delta / Arkansas Tech University / Theta Alpha
Delta Sigma / University of Texas at Arlington
Delta Chi / Southern Arkansas University
Delta Psi / Prairie View A&M University / Theta Nu
Epsilon Beta / University of Central Arkansas / Lambda Epsilon
Epsilon Delta / Texas A&M University – Kingsville
Epsilon Epsilon / Southwestern Oklahoma State University / Lambda Xi
Epsilon Zeta / Oklahoma Baptist University / Alpha
Epsilon Theta / University of Louisiana – Monroe
Epsilon Kappa / Angelo State University / Epsilon Delta
Epsilon Rho / Grambling State University / Delta
Epsilon Chi / University of Arkansas – Pine Bluff / Beta Alpha
Zeta Beta / Howard Payne University
Zeta Gamma / Texas Lutheran University
Zeta Zeta / University of Arkansas – Monticello / Lambda
Zeta Kappa / Texas A&M University - Commerce / Beta Gamma
Zeta Xi / Tyler Junior College
Eta Nu / Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Eta Xi / Louisiana Tech University / Theta Nu
Theta Alpha / Texas State University
Theta Kappa / Tarleton State University / Beta Sigma
Theta Nu / Northwestern State University (LA)
Theta Phi / Henderson State University
Iota Sigma / Blinn College / Gamma [?]
Iota Upsilon / McNeese State University / Gamma Phi
Kappa Phi / East Texas Baptist University / Delta Sigma
Lambda Epsilon / Ouachita Baptist University
Lambda Kappa / University of Arkansas – Ft. Smith / Zeta Beta
Lambda Xi / Southeastern Louisiana University
Mu Gamma / Houston Baptist University / Zeta Xi
Mu Lambda / University of Mary Hardin - Baylor
Mu Mu / University of Central Oklahoma / Theta Alpha
Pam American Colony / University of TX
Zeta Tau Colony / Cameron University
McMurry Colony
Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Convention 2010
April 09-11, 2010
Baylor University, Waco TX
Appendix B
Officer Reports
- President
Brothers of the Southwest District
I’m sorry for reading my report, I usually like to talk from the heart rather then write a speech, but I figure that if I did there would be too much I would forget. If you are not in here, I am sorry it has been a long weekend. This has been an amazing journey in the last year. Going back to winning the office of Vice president, one day I will tell my kids how me and Uncle Adrian had to run against each other twice, and wanted to sumo for it. Little did I know that day, what I was getting myself into. Once I sat down with Sean Smith, I realized that I had help and wasn’t being thrown to the wolves. Next was national convention. Brothers, believe me when I tell you that it is a life changing experience that has helped make me the brother and leader I am today. If you ever get the chance, GO TO NATIONAL CONVENTION. If you are ever in Phoenix go eat a long wongs wings with the metal camel out front. Some of the best wings in town and I hear they have a new specials sign. In October, the entire district felt the effects of hazing in the fraternity. I remember sitting in the kitchen at work talking with derrick about taking over president. Please brothers, end this now so that does not happen ever again. After taking over my first event was winter council. The bonding as a joint and separate council from winter council is evident the flow and collaboration of this convention you just attended. Never order sushi in Waco without checking the prices (we found out the hard way). Next started workshop season. Opening my house up and having 23 people pile into 2 rooms was quite a sight. If you have never tried that please look into it. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the food at the Louisiana workshop. I made a 97 in the class for that event. Being able to sit at that workshop with perspective members and be able to talk about the fraternity and their future and to see them as actives today is an amazing experience. Next was Arkansas workshop, which consisted of a drive straight from work with showing up in time to start the workshop. I will never forget the importance of the Dash and if you don’t know about that, ask someone who was at the workshop. From the workshop we went to Stillwater where the Alpha chapter housed and put up with the Theta Nu brothers. Thank you, Alpha, for not kicking us out. Next was Workshop at SFA, where my favorite ice breaker was played, but I felt politically incorrect for watching and playing. I learned so much about joint relations for the brothers and sisters there. Next on to Oklahoma. I have never felt as good as an officer as when we started talking with chapters and actually had people open up and let us help them. That is why we are here. Thanks again alpha for housing us that weekend. Now to convention. I hope everyone has seen how much this council has worked and really cares about making this something great for you as brothers. There are so many small things that have made this year great. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.
Thank yous
People who have been there for me this semester and made an impact on my time on Council: Ryan Jones, Mark Bowers, Jack Lee
Committee chairs and Advisors, thank you for giving your time this weekend to help serve the district. From what these reports said, yall worked on things that will affect brothers ten years from now.
Nick Smith- Thank you for listening to my rants. I know you say it’s not a big deal but it means a lot to have someone say you’re doing a good job and it’s all going to be ok. The district is truly blessed to have you.
The Brothers of Theta Phi and Zeta Xi- Yall have been there supporting me throughout workshops and anything else I needed. Yall have always made me feel like a brother from yalls chapter. You are assets to this district and thank you for everything.
Dan George- you are right I will always be a Danny guy. The gift or your patience and love for this fraternity is matched by no one I have met. You are always making us push ourselves and not just giving us answers, but helping us find the ways to answer the questions we have. Seeing you advise and help has given me a new drive to one day hopefully hold a position like this and be able to say I use the same methods. Beyond everything you have done for me as a professional, you have also become one of my best friends. No matter what, no matter when, if you ever need anything do not ever hesitate to ask.
Fred Valez- the dedication and passion you have to the preservation of the honor of this Fraternity should be something every member in this room strives for. You are not afraid of making a tough decision, and will do and tell us what is right even if it isn’t the easy thing to do. I know that if I ever need something you would be there, most likely after 2 or 3 messages. Thank you.
TBS Council-
Brynn, you have been a great president this year. You were there for me when I was worried and overwhelmed and calmed me down and made it better. You have overcome and dealt with so much and always did it with class and tact. I will miss those late night meetings that never ended up on the topic we meant to talk about. You truly are a great leader.
Leah- the things you had to overcome this year would have made most people quit on the spot. You care enough about our organizations to do what is right even if it isn’t the easy way. I hope if I am ever in a bad situation I have the drive to fight as hard for what is right has you have. You are truly an asset to the joint councils. Planning CLC at the pool at nationals is one of my favorite times on council.
Patricia- I thought you hated me at nationals. I guess it was because you never really talked. You sure fixed that at winter council. You are an amazing person and are doing an extraordinary job in a thankless job. You are just as sarcastic as I am, and that seems like its going to get us in trouble. You have been able to bring my mood up this spring and really make me feel better. Thanks for everything and Nice shoes…
Megan Polis- You care so much for the district and the fraternity. Your compassion for things is one of the reasons that you are as special as you are. Talking to you at nationals and on the ride back and forth from winter council made me realize that there is a lot more to you than most people know. Never lose your fire and determination. If you lose anything maybe its throwing K’s.
Jenn Larsen- you truly embody the phrase, could sell ice to an Eskimo. You have served above and beyond for the council for the last 2 years. You are a great brother and even better person. Good luck in the future and I have no doubt you will do great things in the future in whatever your next endeavor is. You know where I am if you ever need me.
Andy Smith- When I decided to run for council, I knew I would make good friends and brothers, but meeting you and getting to know you, I knew my wolf-pack had grown by one. You have become one of my best friends in the entire world and there is no I can put in to words how much have you supporting me this year has meant. I could not have made it this year without you and Adrian. Ya’ll are the reason we are here and just had the amazing convention were about to finish.
Adrian Alonso- You have made such an impact on the council, the district and on me. I know that 3 months is not enough time, but I would be saying the same thing if you had been there since last April. You are the reason convention was able to run so smooth, by Friday afternoon, if anyone told me anything, you wrote it down cause you knew I would not remember it. You truly know the role of a vice president. I wish that more people had your hatred of hazing and cared so much about changing and saving this fraternity. You are more than just a friend and brother and you know that. Once again works could not do just for how appreciative I am for you being in my life and helping me. I will for the rest of my life remember standing between you and Danny singing the hymn at banquet. That is the most I have been moved by it since my third degree. Thank you for your service and for being a best friend.