



Open Space & Trails Commission



Wednesday, April 21st 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: / Glenn Bowles, George Brine, Kelly Bryant, Jr, Dan Clever, Chuck Eilber, John Goebel, Annette Montgomery, Deborah Morgan, Jason Nelson, Titania Roberson, Tom Stark, LaDawnna Summers, Will Wilson, David Sokal, Ellen Reckhow
Members Excused: / Bo Glenn, Charlie Welch, Lisa Buckley, Kristine Remlinger, Toby Berla
Members Absent: / Mike Woodard
Staff Present: / Helen Youngblood,
Guests Present:

I. Call to Order Chairman Tom Stark called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

·  Introductions

II. Approval of Minutes

·  The March 2010 DOST minutes were unanimously approved with corrections.

III. Agenda Adjustments

·  None.

IV. Committee Reports

Open Space Committee – Josie Owens, Will Wilson

The Open Space Committee reported that they are working on two projects: (1) evaluating and fine-tuning their scoring document for use to score properties; and (2) working on the Durham Open Space Plan.

Education Committee – Chuck Eilber

·  The Education Committee reported that they are exploring the possibility of increasing resources related to open spaces in schools, and getting students more involved in open-space related activities, e.g. perhaps having a student intern.

·  The Committee is looking into the possibility of collaborating with the “Keep Durham Beautiful” group.

·  The Committee Chair asked about the potential usefulness of a community poll / questionnaire to (1) evaluate citizens’ awareness of the Open Space & Trails Commission, (2) getting their opinions, and (3) raising their awareness.

·  For Earth Day, it was noted that DOST will have a booth, and a volunteer sheet was passed around. Maps and other documents will be available for visitors to the booth.

Matching Grants Committee

·  Nothing to report.

Trails Committee

·  The Trails Committee presented a written report on recent activities near McDougald Terrace, including the Burton Park Trail Clean-up. 23 people participated and filled 24 trash bags. A question about the name of the trail was raised. It was confirmed that the name of the trail is currently the Burton Trail, and thus a name change is not needed.

·  Security was discussed as a problem for trail users. There was discussion about the actual rate of assaults, etc., and it was noted that trails were not any more dangerous than parking lots or other public areas. Regarding traffic levels, busy trails are quite safe, but perceptions of danger may keep people from using trails.

·  Regarding the bridge over 147, the discussion of security led to a resolution that cameras be mounted on the bridge, even if they cannot be monitored. They should have a deterrent value, and could be used to help apprehend a thief if a crime is committed. A resolution was passed unanimously requesting that the Durham Police mount cameras on the bridge.

Development Review Committee

·  The development review committee reported on two items, DRB action on the proposed sidewalks for the Duke Chiller Plant, and the 751 Assemblage project.

·  Regarding the City’s request for sidewalks, the latest submission by Duke did not include any sidewalks. The Duke submission was “disapproved” due to lack of sidewalks.

·  Regarding the 751 Assemblage project, DOST passed a unanimous resolution to submit a letter to the County Commissioners in opposition to approval of the project.

Finance Committee – Deborah Morgan

·  The Finance Committee met recently with the new City Finance Officer, David Boyd, who recently came to Durham from Colorado. While Boyd recommended that we meet with the County Finance Officer, as he is new and still learning about Durham’s situation, he noted that there is unlikely to be any new money for trails for the next several years – perhaps for five years. It was noted that bonds were not a viable funding source in the near future, because the annual cost of interest payments is getting to the upper limit of permissible spending.

·  It was noted that Durham is way behind in building trails, and has very few trails in relation to the County’s population.

·  As a result, it was suggested that DOST request / require that developers build trails, as they currently build sidewalks, etc. This led to a discussion and a resolution to be sent that would suggest a policy change – that developers should be required to build trails, with a potential reduction in impact fees as compensation.

·  DOST passed a unanimous resolution that a letter be addressed to the Joint City County Planning Commission, requesting that this change be considered.

·  Further discussions led to a suggestion that DOST should review the Uniform Development Ordinance, and consider suggesting changes to the review of new construction projects that would support the above-suggested policy change.

V. Old Business and Other Updates

·  Work on the Open Space Plan is in progress.

·  Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is working on text amendments for the UDO. It was suggested that DOST should also consider pushing for some text amendments.

·  Recreation Advisory Committee (RAC): Beth Timson has a new drawing of the Third Fork Creek Trail, which will be sent out by e-mail after the meeting.

·  The New Hope Creek Corridor Advisory Committee held a recent clean-up that went well. There is some work planned for the Sandy Creek Trail.

VI. New Business

·  Sign up for Earth day: A sign up sheet was passed around.

·  Inter-local Agreement renewal: A couple of questions were raised and clarifications provided, regarding conflict of interest, term limits and whether DOST could raise money for its activities, and possible inconsistencies between the DOST bylaws and the Inter-local Agreement. After discussion, the Agreement was passed without modification.

·  Annual Report: Helen Youngblood requested comments on the annual report within the next two to three days, so that it could be finalized and submitted to City and County authorities.

·  Miscellaneous items:

o  Congratulations to John Goebel for getting Cub Scouts to put up 13 Blue Bird houses in the Valley Springs area.

o  Signage for the 147 Bridge needs to be reviewed by Staff, NCDOT and the Appearance Commission.

o  A meeting with General Services on the 23rd from 1 to 4 pm with Norfolk Southern RR will include a discussion of the Beltline and Railroad acquisition.

IX. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was moved, seconded, and approved unanimously at 9:00 PM.

Minutes drafted by David Sokal, DOST Member – initial draft April 23 – please review / correct…

Staff Contact: Helen Youngblood, Senior Planner, NCAZO, AICP

919.560.4137 ext 28245


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