Open Enrollment Setup and Maintenance V2.0.6

Ingenuity Documentation

Open Enrollment

Setup & Maintenance


Employee Self-Service (ESS)

Revision History

Revision history by author is indicated below:

Date / Author / Version / Description
12/14/2012 / Laura Milam / v1.0.55 / Added Life Events tab to Open Enrollment Setup
2/15/2013 / Laura Milam / v1.0.56 / 1) Additional life events available on the Open Enrollment Setup > Life Events tab.
2) Updated ‘Benefit Start Date’ (see 2.1.8) to include example.
3/29/2013 / Laura Milam / v1.0.57 / 1) Added eligibility reports to Rules tab.
2) Change ‘Help Text’ tab to ‘Benefit Options’ and added a ‘Requires Plan Selection’ option.
3) Documented Enrollment Reports tab (document update only).
4) Documented Open Enrollment transactions (document update only).
5) Updated all screenshots in document.
5/21/2013 / Laura Milam / v2.0.0 / 1) Updated document to include logic for multiple Open Enrollment periods with life events attached.
6/21/2013 / Laura Milam / v2.0.1 / 1) If benefit type is required and has only 1 plan and coverage, will be populated in Open Enrollment and disabled.
8/2/2013 / Laura Milam / v2.0.2 / 1) Added ‘Benefits Acknowledgement’ to Confirmation Statement.
2) Documented logic used in determining the Open Enrollment Period to use (see 2.7.5).
9/13/2013 / Laura Milam / v2.0.3 / 1) Added text to Benefits Summary and Confirmation Statement explaining per pay deduction for HSA and FSA benefit types.
2) Removed ‘Print’ button from Benefits Summary and added PDF of ‘Printable Version’.
10/25/2013 / Laura Milam / v2.0.4 / 1) Created a new Open Enrollment Report that displays the date/timestamp of the electronic signature. This report can be found on the Open Enrollment Transactions > Open Enrollment Report drop-down.
2/14/2014 / Laura Milam / v2.0.6 / 1) Open Enrollment: If an employee is re-enrolling in same Life insurance plan and the requested coverage <= existing the approved coverage amount but still >= the underwriting value, carry-over the Underwriting Status (i.e. Pending or Approved).
2) HSA / FSA type plans (annual target): Added text to the page to describe how the per pay amount is calculated.
3) Benefit Summary and Confirmation Statement: Per pay deduction amount displayed is calculated based on plan year (not calendar year).

1. Introduction 5

2. Open Enrollment Setup 6

2.1. Open Enrollment Setup UI > Enrollment Period tab: 6

2.2. Open Enrollment Setup UI > Rules tab: 9

2.3. Open Enrollment Setup UI > Benefit Settings tab: 11

2.4. Open Enrollment Setup > Enrollment Reports tab 12

2.5. Open Enrollment Setup > Life Events tab 13

2.6. ESS Open Enrollment Wizard for Life Events 14

2.7. Employee Life Events UI 18

3. ESS Open Enrollment 20

3.1. The layout and navigation of ESS Open Enrollment: 20

3.2. Benefit Plan Display 21

3.3. ESS Open Enrollment > Welcome Page: 23

3.4. ESS Open Enrollment > Welcome Page with ‘Ineligible Message’: 23

3.5. ESS Open Enrollment > Cost Analysis 24

3.6. ESS Open Enrollment > Current Benefits 24

3.7. ESS Open Enrollment > Medical type plans 25

3.8. ESS Open Enrollment > HSA / FSA type plans 25

3.9. ESS Open Enrollment > Deferred Comp type plans 26

3.10. ESS Open Enrollment > Insurance type plans 26

3.11. ESS Open Enrollment > Benefit Summary 27

3.12. ESS Open Enrollment > Confirmation Statement 28

4. Open Enrollment Transactions 29

4.1. Open Enrollment Transactions 29

1.  Introduction

Clients, that use employee Self Service (ESS), need the ability to setup open enrollment periods that enable their employees to enroll for benefits. Payroll Office provides the UI’s and reports for all aspects of Open Enrollment management and ESS enrollment. These include:

Client Level:

Open Enrollment Setup: Open Enrollment periods define the start / stop dates, the benefit plans included and the employees included. Clients can also create their own Welcome Page message, help text for each benefit type, and a message for employees that are included in the enrollment period but not eligible for any benefits. Employees can make updates to their selections until the enrollment period ends. An unlimited number of Open Enrollment periods can be established.

In the December 2012 release (v1.0.55) the ability to setup Open Enrollment periods for new hire and rehire life events was added. In the February 2013 release (v1.0.56), the remaining life events were added.


Employee Level:

ESS Open Enrollment Wizard: A new ESS menu item, Open Enrollment, has been added. When an employee opens this, the Welcome Page is displayed. There is a sidebar menu that displays an item for each benefit type included in the open enrollment period. The ESS Open Enrollment is in a ‘wizard’ format where each UI has a Previous and Next button. These can be used to navigate through the benefit enrollment process. Or, the user can use the sidebar menu to ‘jump’ to a benefit.

Cost Analysis: This report displays the benefits based on the employee eligibility, coverage levels, and cost of coverage. Employees can review this report and make their decisions before completing their selections.

Benefit Summary: This report displays a summary of plans selected, coverage level, whether or not it is pre-tax, per schedule amount, and annual amount (EE and ER). This report displays on the screen and can also be printed.

Confirmation Statement: This report display the details of each plan selected. In addition to the data displayed on the Benefit Summary, this report contains insurance coverage details, dependents, and beneficiaries. This report displays on the screen and can also be printed. The ‘Approve’ button is used to indicate that the employee has completed the open enrollment period.

2.  Open Enrollment Setup

The client Open Enrollment Setup UI is used to define Open Enrollment periods for ESS benefits enrollment. The UI allows users to define when the period begins and ends, the type of enrollment (i.e. ‘forced’ – ESS users must complete enrollment process or ‘passive’ – employees keep current elections if they don’t complete enrollment process), what benefit plans are included in the period, option to display employee current elections, option to display the employer cost, the employees included in the period, Welcome Page message, and help text for individual benefit plans.

2.1.  Open Enrollment Setup UI > Enrollment Period tab:

!NOTE: Changes made to the Open Enrollment period, after it is in effect, will not alter Benefit Plans already selected by employees. For example, if you remove a benefit plan from the Open Enrollment Period, but an employee has already selected that benefit plan, removing the benefit plan from the Open Enrollment Period will NOT delete the plan for the employee.

2.1.1.  Add New

New Enrollment Periods can be added at any time. An unlimited number of Enrollment Periods can be defined.

2.1.2.  Edit

Edits should be allowed at any time. But, if a user tries to edit an ‘active’ enrollment period (i.e. system date is within the start / stop date), display a pop-up warning upon Save. The pop-up should display the message ‘You are updating an Enrollment Period that is currently in effect. The updates you are making will NOT affect employee benefit elections already completed’.

2.1.3.  Delete

Deletes should not be allowed for an ‘active’ enrollment period (i.e. system date is within the start / stop date). Display the message ‘Delete Failed – cannot delete an Enrollment Period that is currently in effect’.

2.1.4.  Period Name

Required. Must be unique. This field stores the name of the enrollment period.

2.1.5.  Description

Not required. This field stores a description for the enrollment period.

2.1.6.  Start Date

Required. If entered, must be <= the Stop Date. The start date designates the beginning of the enrollment period. When the start date = system date, the Open Enrollment UI’s are available in ESS.

2.1.7.  Stop Date

Required. If entered, must be => the Start Date. The stop date designates the end of the enrollment period.

2.1.8.  Benefit Start Date

Required. This date is displayed in ESS. This date narrows the benefit plans selection list. Plans will only be included in the list if the benefit plan start date <= this benefit start date and benefit plan stop date >= this benefit start date. This date will also be used as the Start Date for all employee benefit plans that are selected.

Note: For benefit plans with ‘Effective Date Based On’ option = ‘Period End Date’, the period end date is used to determine when benefit plans start. When the Start Date is ≤ the period end date, the benefit plan will start. Example: Clients first pay of the year has a Check Date = 1/4/2013 and Period End Date = 12/29/2012. The Benefit Start Date = 1/1/2013. The 2013 benefit plans will not begin until the second pay of the year (Period End Date = 1/12/2013) because then the benefit start date will be ≤ the period end date.

For benefit plans with ‘Effective Date Based on’ option = ‘Pay Date’, then the 2013 benefit plans will begin on the first pay of the year because the benefit start date will be ≤ the pay date.

2.1.9.  Current Benefit Display Options

Required. This selection defines whether or not employee current benefits are displayed and if they will have a ‘keep’ option. There are three selections:

·  Don’t Display: This is the default. When this is selected employee current benefits will not be displayed in ESS.

·  Display Only: When selected, employee current benefit selections are display in ESS. Current benefits can only be displayed if there are records for employees. If clients are switching from using deductions to using benefit plans, there will be no ‘current benefits’ to display for employees.

·  Display with ‘Keep Current Selection’: When selected, employee current benefit selections are display in ESS with a ‘Keep’ selection for each benefit.

·  When a benefit is kept, the wizard UI will be updated, for the benefit type, with the settings for that benefit plan.

·  Employees will be allowed to update the ‘kept’ benefit (i.e. coverage level, dependents, beneficiaries, etc.).

2.1.10.  Welcome Page Message

Not required. This drop-down contains a list from the Employee Messages table. The company message selected will be displayed on the Welcome Page in ESS Open Enrollment.

2.1.11.  Ineligible Message

Not required. This drop-down contains a list from the Employee Messages table. The company message selected will be displayed on the Welcome Page, in ESS Open Enrollment, when an employee is not eligible for any benefit plans but is included in the Open Enrollment period.

2.1.12.  Display Employer Costs

Not required. When this option is selected, employer costs / contributions will be displayed on the Confirmation Statement reports.

2.1.13.  Benefit Plans

Selections not required. The Benefit Plans fly-over boxes are used to select the benefit plans that should be included in the enrollment period. The Available Benefit Plans box list is narrowed by the Benefit Start Date entered on this same UI. If there is no Benefit Start Date, all active benefit plans, will be listed in the Available Benefit Plans box. Any benefit plan, moved to the Selected Benefit Plans, will be included in the enrollment period.

2.2.  Open Enrollment Setup UI > Rules tab:

The Rules tab is used to define the group of employees included in the enrollment period. The rules used here are from the Eligibility Rules table. If no Rules are defined, all employees are included in the enrollment period.

NOTE: The rules selected here define ‘who’ is included in the Open Enrollment period. Whether or not employees are included in the period, benefit plans offered is still determined by the eligibility of each benefit plan.

2.2.1.  Available Rules

This box displays a list of all eligibility rules. The rule name will be displayed. The user selects rules using the mouse. The Ctrl and Shift keys can be used to select multiple items.

2.2.2.  Selected Rules

This box displays the selected rules. All rules in the ‘Included’ box will be connected with ‘Or’.

2.2.3.  Edit

Edits should be allowed at any time. But, if a user tries to edit an ‘active’ enrollment period (i.e. system date is within the start / stop date), display a pop-up warning upon Save. The pop-up should display the message ‘You are updating an Enrollment Period that is currently in effect. The updates you are making will NOT affect employee benefit elections already completed’.

2.2.4.  Delete

Deletes should not be allowed for an ‘active’ enrollment period (i.e. system date is within the start / stop date). Display the message ‘Delete Failed – cannot delete an Enrollment Period that is currently in effect’.

2.2.5.  Eligible Employees

This report displays all employees that are eligible for the Open Enrollment period.

2.3.  Open Enrollment Setup UI > Benefit Settings tab:

When a benefit plan is setup, a Company Message can be attached. This message (text, link, or document) displays in ESS with an individual plan. The Help Text is displayed on the ESS Open Enrollment UI for the benefit type. Help Text is optional.

2.3.1.  Benefit Type

Required. The drop-down contains a list from the client Benefit Types table. The Benefit Type cannot be edited. If a user needs to change, they should delete the record and Add New.

2.3.2.  Requires Plan Selection

Not required. There are two scenarios when this option would be selected:

  1. Clients have a ‘waive’ or ‘opt out’ benefit plan setup for the benefit type. When this option is selected, the plan is required in the Open Enrollment wizard. The user cannot move to the next screen until a plan is selected. If the user clicks on a benefit in the Open Enrollment menu, they will be able to move off the benefit without making a selection.

BUT, they will not be able to Submit until all required plans are completed.