Open Discussion About Webinars

Chat Log – Dec 30, 2015

Bonnie B : Ken was that part of Webinato or your map?
Bonnie B : OK thanks - I liked that!
Kristian H : I lost my mouse cursor after clicking on the map, was it only me?
Joao T : me also
Jimmy V E : me as well
Gordon L : What browser are you using? I am OK on Chrome
Dallas J : works on Chrome
Joao T : safari
Matt B : I'm ok on firefox
Jonathan O : Microsoft Edge
Sergio M : can host allow chat among participants?
Sergio M : yes can I chat privately with another attendee?
Kristian H : Yes you can Sergio
Joy B : Interaction/Engagement - For those of you that offer CE credit, does interaction/duration matter? Or just if they joined at all?
Bonnie B : Yes Joy for our dog trainer audience it does - I believe they have to stay the entire time, good question.
Jimmy V E : what kind of headset is that?
Matt B : I always recommend against live video
Pam D : photo would be fine- you are frozen
Bonnie B : Ken can a moderator and presenter be on camera? YES seeing you does help in general
Charles B : I prefer to see the presenter
Sergio M : can u enter brand name of mic in chat pod?
Dallas J : Do you find that using a headset makes the audio worse vs. using a landline?
Jack G : My cam is centered on my screen, so I have eye contact and can read the screen.
Sergio M : a high end standalone mic (like Blue Yeti) can work well. another option
David R : Would be good to see the surnames of participants... in my opinion. Can that be activated?
Jack G: I have enlarged your video to about 50% of the screen.
Joao T : interactive tv never took off very much...
Joy B : I personally find very little value in video if just "talking head". We use photo and save the bandwidth.
Matt B : I agree with Joy
David R : I do not agree with Joy
David R : I like to see the presenter
David R : ;-)
Matt B : static headshot should be enough if you want to prove you're a human being :-)
Bonnie B : I like seeing the presenter too - Ken I meant can two people be on video at the same time?
Janelle R : I like seeing the presenter
Joy B : Worst is when start with video, have bandwidth issues, then turn off using horrible frozen image from video.
Sergio M : sometimes bandwidth restricts video. sometimes a good headshot with audio is necessary
David R : I even like to have more than two people showing their video at the same time
Kristian H : Might be worth thinking about mobile viewers also, when using video
Janelle R : Depends on technology - some you can even promote a participant to video too
John K : Can the video be the presentation and not just up in the box you are in now
Joao T : I produce several webinars I usually prefer low encoding video bitrate,
David R : This is how I like it ;-)
David R : Many live pictures
Joao T : so the bandwidth is not a big problem for the audience
David R : this link is better:
David R : bandwidth: not any more a problem.
John K: We have had an issue connected to captioning for hearing impaired do any webinar platforms have that feature
Bonnie B : John K. we have had that issue as well
Matt B : Has omNovia rebranded as Webinato or is Webinato just one of their offerings?
Joy B : We use external window.
Jack G : My cursor disappears much of the time. HRD TO FIND A SPECIFIC LOCATION.
David R : What we do... we have a separate chat window for translation or captioning. Works quite well
Joy B : Are you saying you have internal staff for that? We hire that out.
Joy B : Like Colorado captioning.
David R : but this window is useful for everybody... everybody can then read what was said
Joy B : We get into other accessibility issues. What if blind user? Could they access this chat?
Joy B : What does the A button floating by attendee's name means. (If covered when I lost connection, ignore. Don't want to waste other's time.)
David R : alternative would be etherpad or google drive in addition to a webinar system. people can the write at the same time
Joy B : Very. Government agency.
Matt B : The A button means someone is typing
Joy B : Many don't even go that far (lip service)
Joy B : Has anyone used Serotek Accessible Event as an add on?
Sergio M : adobe connect has a closed captioning pod. We are about to use it this semester for a visually impaired student. Not advertising....
Kristian H : A relatively new service is Voiceboxer ... they can provide remote simultaneous interpretation, maybe that can also be used in other situations
Kristian H : From denmark
Joy B : Do you feel the need to briefly cover tool use at the beginning of a session? Or can people figure it out?
Gordon L : I like to be shown
Joy B : I do a quick overview, but was considering dropping.
Kristian H : I also find it very helpful, people attend webinars with all kinds of platform, all are somewhat different in use
Pam D : too much information can be confusing to the attendee.
John K : You can change the font size on the general chat
Kristian H : i think it is good when the moderator, just quickly run through those thing in the beginning, the first 1-2-3 minutes, before they kick it off.
Bonnie B : Yes, ON 24 is fun - but no one seems to know what they charge
Joao T : I am taking some notes to check it later
Matt B : yup charging is seldom transparent
Joao T : They have hired me some time, but I don't know how much they charge.
Rob G : they all charge too much
Bonnie B : Agreed Rob :)
Matt B : Yeah Rob you're right
Joy B : They are most accessible (Adobe)
Kristian H : Onstream, Readytalk, Clickmeeting, are quite okay priced. Maybe for smaller org.
Matt B : Ken do you find Google Hangouts is gaining any ground as a webinar platform substitute?
Joy B: A delineator for me is the admin side - registration, reporting. Not just ability to collaborate.
David R : The problem with Hangouts is the limitation with 10 participants max
Marta E : You can stream your Hangout into YouTube
Dallas J : You can do a Google Hangouts on Air to do 1:many
Marta E : and there are no limitations in number of participants
Matt B : Yes Dallas -- exactly what I was thinking
David R : Yes... but these users can only watch.
Charles B : Hang Outs on Air allows 1 to many
Pam D : I always find audio package options confusing with some webinar packages
Kristian H : Agree Pam
Bonnie B : Ken, it's interesting - even though I am going back and forth from what you are saying and what people are typing this webinar is still very engaging and I think that a big part is your experience and skill at doing them in general
Jonathan O : What's a good audio package? Any recommended companies?
Sergio M : try MeetingOne
John K : We use a co-pilot when we can
Bonnie B : Yes, that makes sense
Joao T : but you lose the sense of group..
Joy B : My pet peeve are hybrid events. We hold a live breifing and powers-that-be want to webcast as well. We don't have A/V support, way to tie into room sound systems. Seems like someone gets shortchanged.
Jonathan O : Thanks Sergio!
Joy B : DIY hybrid - no professional lighting, sound.
Sergio M : how about a good webcam for hybrid?
Joy B : "But we already own the webinar tool. So we can do it for free." Yeah, right.
David R :
Joy B: My vote - just do it twice if you can't do it well. (One live, once webinar)
David R : camera for hybrid events
David R : but still it is a challenge.
Joy B : We seem to have more problems since PPT started with its dual presentation mode.
Jonathan O : We use Adobe Captivate
Jimmy V E : Do you know if adobe connect will be switching to html5 any time soon?
Bonnie B : We are very interested in trying that with another monitor Ken!
David R : next version of adobe connect will have html5 pods at least.
David R : nice recording tool (screen capturing)
Jonathan O : We're thinking of making the transition to Adobe Connect from GoTo, any suggestions?
Marta E : Could you give some examples of webinar software working in HTML5 standard?
Sergio M : Adobe source tells me that HTML5/WebRTC is top priority. However they say that technology is not mature for large webinars? Not sure if browsers are a limitation.
Joy B : But don't we all serve that role, even if internal? There are departmental expectations even if you aren't a paid consultant.
Bonnie B : moderating and administering as a consultant
Joy B : But some commonality.
Pam D : What you offer to clients
Bonnie B : Ken, also putting together the content for them which we do now
Joy B : What about backup for YOU? I normally have an emergency co-organizer.
Joy B : We always appoint a second organizer at different location.
Joy B : And risk is also relative. I offer free, nice-to-have events. If something blew up at last minute, not the end of the world.
David R : I totally agree, Ken ;-)
Robert S: We use Blue Sky Broadcast for a large number of our webinars and have been very pleased, but this content discussion is helpful!
Bonnie B : Yes that's been a big problem for us! Thank you.
Bonnie B : How would you ummute someone and can you try it so we can hear what it sounds like?
John K : Our purchaser mentioned going to "Blue Jeans" as a webinar platform does anyone have experience with that
Joy B : YEs, but those are options. We often end at appointed time for stay on for additional questions.
Joy B : *there are options (ending on time)
Sergio M : what's your take on the new hybrid video/web conferencing products (like Zoom, BlueJeans) compared to established products (webex, citrix, Connect). Are they mature enough for a closer look?
Pam D : You run the risk of unmuting someone and getting a lot of background noise.
Kristian H : This has been a very good session Ken, you should run more of these :-) Thank you! ... and Happy New Year
Dallas J : Thanks Ken.
Charles B : Useful session. yes please send chat.
Ricardo Nery : thank you ! happy 2016 !
John K : TY
Ricardo Nery : bye
Pam D : Have to be able to handle these issues without panicking! good job, Ken
Jimmy V E : thanks!
Matt B : Great job Ken
Bonnie B : Yes please do run more of them! And thanks so much and Happy new Year
Sergio M : Happy 2016!
David R : Liked your presentation very much! Thank you!
Rob G : thanks Ken, appreciate what you do
Joao T : thanks
Bonnie B : Yes it was wonderful ken - thank you for your time and expertise