OK Regional Meeting August 13, 2017

Open 11:15 – serenity prayer – read concepts & traditions

Secretary’s Report – Old and new business read

Introductions and Role Call – Keith T - Facilitator, Chris P. - Co-Facilitator, Angie S. - Secretary, Kyle B. - RD, Pam T. – Alt RD, Lindsey M. – EASC RCM, Gary B. – Southern 5th RCM, Doug E. – C&C Chair, Earnest P. – OKRCNA & C&C Treasurer, Amanda P. – FSR Chair, Leslie M. – member at large

Quorum Count – 11 would be 80% - quorum reached


Treasurer Report - emailed (see attached)

FD Report - Pam A (see attached for end of year report & Aug 12 report)

RD Report – Kyle B. gave & emailed (see attached)

RDA Report – Pam T. gave and emailed (see attached)

Web Report – emailed

Good morning all! I will not be able to make it today as my mother-in-law is turning 90 and we have a house full of family.

I have been working on updating the BMLT, have reached out to NAWS to see if there's a more unified way for everyone to maintain meeting lists. I recently push out the new WASC website so if you get a chance to take a look and have ideas for the OKNA site, I'm open to suggestions.

I will get all the reports up in the site in the next day or so.


Greg B

Southern 5th RCM – Gary B. gave and emailed

Greetings from S5ASC

No changes in trusted servants. We still have RCM & ALT RUM

Treasure report. Balance $ 1873

Fits. $ 1388

Our area is doing fine. We are looking forward to our Area event. Fun in the sun September 1,3 , 2017. Deer creek lodge. Davis Also looking forward to the workshop Ok Region is hosting @ 10:00.

We have a yes vote on correction booth.

Next area 8-19-17 in Duncan. @ 1:30.

Ils Gary B.

EASC RCM – Lindsey M. gave and emailed

LAST AREA MTG: 7/30/17


Beginning Bal.$3079.81

Revenue$ 560.00



Ending Balance$2981.46

Over prudent reserve$ 34.08


Intent to fill – RCM ALT - 2 years

RCM- Lindsey M

Secretary- Jody M

Co- Chair- Brittney W

Chair- Mike S


·  Area Next Year

·  Marathon Mtg Anyone interested in helping contact Beau


·  16 panels present

·  3 report only

·  6 absent

·  Jerry B orientator is willing to stay and coming to area ( was not present for July)

·  H&I literature 1200 Ip at .22 each $264, 150 white books at .63 each 94.50, 400 mtg lists $40.00 total is $398.50

·  Morgan New panel leader for rose rock

·  Jody M new panel leader for Monarch

·  Desmond P new panel leader for TCBH

·  New procedures at 12&12

·  dick conner correctional Center approved to begin h&i on Mondays Mike S willing to be panel leader needs to have men badged. call Holly for info on how to go about getting a badge.

·  David l moss women new rules have to go in at 6:30 instead of 8 on Tuesdays

·  thunder bird boys begin again 8/17

·  thunder bird girls begin again at 8/10

·  Payne county needs men from EASC 2nd, and 4th Wed arrive at 6:40 pm


·  Bus benches at 3 locations 205 E Pine, 3605 N Harvard, 11902 E 11th


Inventory$ 5065.33

Bank Balance$ 231.58

Cash on Hand$ 261.97

End Balance$


Amended Report from previous Area


Motion 6 : to reduce H& I budget to 450.00 a month non-accruing


14 for

1 against

4 abstain


Intent to fill RCM ALT

·  Jimmys place building committee asks to take address off meeting list for Clean Slate. A member is looking into this and will contact Outreach to get with PR

·  Would our area Support a booth at a cost of 200- 600 at the ok corrections Conference oct 24-26 in norman. Discussion: What info will be available at the booth? What is ok corrections Conference

·  Region Consensus Based Decision Making Discussion:This process Negates the number of votes each area is given. Seems to promote intimidation. Should this go back to parliamentary procedure? It came to consensus on an inhouse vote. Does a group need to make a motion? Yes, put forth by group, brought to area, taken back to groups and voted on at area, if passed taken to Region. STRAW POLL was taken 13 for 1 against

·  EASC welcomed LIVING CLEAN TAHLEQUAH. Group received a starter packet


·  H& I $358.50

·  jimmys place $110.00

·  Sun Building $50.00

·  Na A Risin $25.00

·  Freedom voice $39.84

Western Area RCM – emailed

Sorry I am not able to be there today with you all. Thank God this is the last week push to finish out these two apartment complexes for the college kids to move into.

We had the typical area meeting and after some discussions we elected a few of the open positions.


ALT RCM open

Secretary Jennifer J

Treasurer Becky N

Activities open

H&I Marilyn. However this is open again as she passed this past Wednesday from an apparent heartattack while cleaning a lady's house. :(

PR open

Outreach Raphael J

New business

Clean and Crazy questions on tent tags for paid campers

How does the RD determine their vote for CAR 2018

GSRs are talking to their groups this month and will hold vote on hosting a speaker jam in Western Area next month.

Still arguing over intent vs wording on what day our Area meetings will be held. Votes out for first Sunday or last Sunday of month.

New meeting in OKC Monday 7-8:30 see schedule


Treasurer available balance $6,562.95

Literature balance $10,109.58

NWC fundraiser made $273.85

I will forward the balance sheets once I get a chance to breathe for a few minutes


Ben Schnase

GSA – no report

OKRCNA – emailed (see attached) Fundraiser 9/16/17 from 1:30 to 5:30 @ Jimmy’s Place in Tulsa. Flyer emailed to OK Region & EASC web contacts. Need for Artwork Flyer emailed to OK Region & EASC web contacts.

C&C – Doug E. given & emailed (see attached for financial final given by Earnest at Regional Meeting)

135 registered and 251 counted at end of Saturday evening meeting .

Fundraiser in Eastern area was very successful . Discussion of a fundraiser in other zarea next year .

The workshop Sat AM had good attendance considering the storm.

Saturday dinner was great . Moderate food cost , little leftovers.

There was a few complaints .

Registration and merchandise were not open enough.( Sat morning was because of storm . )

Handicap access to meetings was blocked off for seating . This was the first year we did not use muddle pavillion for meetings. Park closed it and we didnt open oueselves because last years chigger and oakmite problems .

Some latenight swimmers were loud.

One pre registered member was unhappy about timming of recieving mecrhandice because they was unable to attend event. It has been sent registered mail ( at thier expense) and shows it has been recieved .

This year park also closed the ShadyGrove bath house. We provided porta potties there.

The cost of park contract has remained the same. One third of bath facilities and one of the two palvions have been closed. May need to look at negotiating contract or changing location ?

All event tank tops ans tshirts sold out . We have 20 pig out shirts and 30 event mugs left over to give back to region for the other regional event fundraisers.

Park rangers complimented us on good behavior and leaving park clean .

Deposit has been paid for next year .

Committee nominated me for chair next year .

Attached copy of financial report

Discussion: Suggested to be certain to include Western Area in fund raising events and to be careful in number of mugs and t-shirts ordered. There was also discussion on the feeling about using Tahlequah State Park. To address the question from EASC: The extra room was given to a handicapped member who in turn gave the treasure an anonymous donation that more than covered the cost of the room used by the anonymous person. Report amended: instead of 30 mugs being turned in there is now 26.

FSR – Amanda P. given & emailed

FSR is doing great! We are getting the programming finalized. The Fall Out is August the 19th. We are having our monthly committee meeting afterwards and will be deciding on registration at that time. We will have the money deposited afterward to help counteract, having to pay for the event beforehand. We will have the registration flyer as soon as we figure registration cost. We are also on the hunt for a new location for FSR for the years to come.

ILS ~ Amanda P.

Discussion: $2200 approximate cost this year as opposed to $1700 approximate cost previous years (facility went from fee based to lump sum cost daily with per hour overage) Ed & Michael cooking for fall out on August 19. Contract finalized.

Old Business


FD - no interest

Treasurer – no interest

Clean & Crazy – recommended that Doug E remain as C&C chair for 2018

Ad Hocs


Keith will be in touch with Angie, Chris & Cindy

Regional Inventory

The ad hoc met at the EASC Learning Day. Sent out to the committee as a one page document with 11 questions (see attached). Input was there need to be questions specific to our regional events and are we utilizing the activities handbook properly. Will be done in place of FD in Muskogee on October 8 @ 9 am.

Governor’s Booth

Awaiting EASC & WASC input, Southern 5th approved.

New Business

Discussion on any proposals to areas on FD continuation. It was decided that we can address this after the regional


RD & RDA answer questions regarding gathering votes on CARR. Proposal emailed by RDA as follows:

Proposal from the RD & RD-A

Rationale: As NAWS will be producing the CAR by November 2017. This report will contain several motions that we need to collect the conscience of the OK Region so the RD and RD-A will know how to vote when we attend the World Service Conference in April 2018. Regions around the world collect the tallies in different ways – in the OK region for several years, we have done a group tally – each group sends their vote and we tally the votes – and use majority. We would like to get some input on how OK Region prefers the tally to be taken.

Intent: To make sure we are gathering votes for the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) in the manner the OK region wants us to gather it.

Proposal – Assess how do the Areas want the OK Region to gather CAR votes?

Three most common options:

·  Member tally

·  Group Tally

Also, How do we determine Yay or Nay? - Do we use simple majority or two/thirds?

Discussion: Approximately 11 groups out of 90 participated in the last CARR. Discussion narrowed to methods in question of individual or group tallies. Question do we want to a simple majority or 2/3 with a note that when using 2/3 we end up as an abstention which equals a no. If using simple majority, the present but not voting would be eliminated. Would need input from areas by the GSA. Some tallies do end up coming in via text or email while RD & RDA are attending the conference. Proposal emailed by Pam and emailed (see attached).

Would we want to have a regional recommendation for consideration to the World Board? The HR Panel would consider this as recommendation as a nominee to the world board. Areas get input to bring to Region on October 8 in Muskogee.


$200 to Steve for EASC Learning Day, $75 to Recovery At Work for regional meeting space today. Gary will text address to Susan.

RCM Bring to next Region Meeting On Oct 8 in Muskogee

Proposal of how to handle voting on the CARR.

Cindy as Regional recommendation to World Board? (resume attached)

Would your area support a PR Booth at the Oklahoma Corrections Conferences in Norman OK Oct 24-26- cost between $200 - $600.

Clean and Crazy – emailed – made $1,300 on fundraiser. Question – how are you distributing the second speaker cabin?

FSR – it is going great. We are having a ‘Fall Out’ fundraiser on August 19th 11-4 where OG meets in Tulsa, will send flyers soon. For registration – want to ask about how to have online registration and they will be able to use the credit card reader.

Send the registration form to Greg and he will set it up online.

GSA – nothing to report. Need to contact St. Grove’s to set up a date. Rates have increased.

OKRCNA 2017 – outgoing report – Colby – emailed. 242 registrants – 197 paid,

Please note that all committee chairs need to stay for the meeting to be here for discussion during reports and to pass along

Archivist – Colby – all is well.

Web Contact – working on learning BMLT – changed page structure on the site so help with search engine optimization. Working on payment pages for events. Needs input for what we are missing once he gets a little further.

Income $18, 4xx Expenses $16,xxx Net profit: $1,577.20

Lessons learned were passed along. Thanks everyone!

New Business

Motion: Would your area support a PR Booth at the Oklahoma Corrections Conferences in Norman OK Oct 24-26- cost between $200 - $600

Workshop at Fun the Sun – Social media by Kyle or Pam.