Oologah-Talala Public School

Oologah-Talala Public School



School Bus Program

The Oologah-Talala Board of Education believes that the purpose in maintaining and operating school bus transportation, as a part of the general school program shall be to provide transportation to and from school for those students identified below and on such auxiliary trips as the board shall approve.

The board may provide school bus transportation to students who live outside a one and one-half mile radius of school, at any designated pick-up points, and to each child who is participating in a Head Start program. The provisions of school bus transportation is not a right of students, it is a privilege extended by the board of education. Because the potential for property damage and personal injury is great, the superintendent is directed to establish rules and regulations governing the conduct of school bus passengers. Strict adherence to such rules and regulations shall be required.

REFERENCE: 70 O.S. $9-101, et seq.

School bus program


In accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following rules and regulations shall govern the conduct of school bus passengers:

  1. Students and other school bus passengers shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the good classroom behavior while waiting for and traveling on school buses. Misconduct will be brought to the attention of parents and the principal by the school bus driver.
  2. The noise level on school buses must remain at a low level to enable the driver to hear emergency and train signals. Therefore, passengers must not shout, sing, or otherwise cause any disturbance that may distract the driver.
  3. Smoking or the consumption of food or beverage is not permitted on school buses.
  4. School bus windows must remain closed unless the driver permits them to be opened. When windows are open, passengers must not throw objects from windows or extend any part of the body through a window.
  5. Any passenger who defaces or vandalizes a school bus in any way shall be punished.
  6. For bus misconduct, the principal or transportation director shall take whatever reasonable action is deemed necessary.
  7. Students must board the school bus at designated bus stops, if any, and at school bus boarding areas on school premises. Students must remain orderly until the bus comes to a complete stop and boarding permission is given by the driver. Seats may be assigned at the driver’s discretion. Passengers must be seated immediately. Seats may not be held for later passengers, and must be shared when necessary.
  8. After the bus is en route, passengers must remain seated until the bus is stopped. Upon exiting the bus, passengers must move away from the bus. The school bus will not move until the passenger can be observed by the driver. If a passenger must cross the street to reach the residence, the passenger will advise the driver.
  9. Elementary school students waiting at the high school until school dismissal must remain in the bus.
  10. If a student is denied transportation for any reason, the parent(s) must be notified. The bus driver shall not put a child off the bus other than at the student’s regular stop without written parental permission.

School Bus:

Extracurricular Use Of

It is the policy of the Oologah-Talala Board of Education to allow the use off school buses or other district-owned vehicles for the transportation of students participating in school-sponsored activities under the following conditions:

Bus or district-owned vehicle use for educational field trips and by student organizations is accepted as an extension of classroom activities.

When district-owned transportation is used, the student organization using the vehicles may be required to reimburse the district for all or part of the cost of the transportation.

Students participating in such activities must return in the same vehicle in which they departed unless permission is granted from the activity sponsors to return with parents.

Transportation Management

The Oologah-Talala Board of Education recognizes that transportation is a necessary element of educational opportunity and, therefore, the board shall grant appropriations for transportation. Transportation is a privilege extended to students in the district only when necessary for the accomplishment of one of the following purposes:

  1. To provide adequate education facilities and opportunities which otherwise would not be available;
  2. To transport children whose homes are more than a reasonable waling distance, as defined by regulations of the State Board of Education, from the school attended by such child. Transportation may be provided to children whose residence is within one and one-half miles of the school attended only within the limits of time, space, and funds. Such transportation privileges shall be withdrawn if the board believes it to be in the best interest of the school district.
  3. To allow, when practicable, the use of school buses for the transportation of students to school activities and on field trips which have been approved by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee. Expenses for such transportation shall be paid by the students transported or by the school activity or school organization requiring the transportation. Such costs may also be paid from other private sources.

Reference: 70 O.S. $9-108

School Bus Cameras

Providing safe transportation for students is a primary goal of the Oologah-Talala Public Schools and the assistance of parents is requested.

At the beginning of the school year, a form is sent home with each student who is a regular passenger on a school bus. The form outlines an agreement to the conditions for the child to ride a school bus and must be completed and signed by the parent.

An additional safeguard has been added to the buses in an effort to improve bus riding conditions for the students’ safety. Black camera boxes are mounted on the inside at the front of all buses. Video cameras will be rotated throughout the bus fleet to randomly record audio and video of the bus routes. This program is designed to improve student behavior and result in improved safety for all passengers and the driver. It will give the bus driver an additional set of eyes and ears in cases of unclaimed responsibility for disruptive actions.

Videotapes will be kept for at least four weeks. If a student receives a disciplinary action based on unacceptable bus behavior, it is hoped that the explanation from the adult bus driver will be sufficient. If not, the parents are welcome to visit with the building principal and find out if the camera was in operation on the student’s bus on that particular day, thereby recording the incident on tape. Disputed incidents will be viewed by the transportation director, bus driver and principaland parent. If agreement is not reached at the point, parents are advised of the board policy of appeal to the superintendent.