Onoway Minor Hockey Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2015
Onoway Arena
1. Meeting called to order at 7:03pm. Attendance – 40 members present, attendance record attached to original minutes.
2. Additions were made to the agenda as follows: New Business f) new coaches, g) concession open for Carnival.
3. Motion was made by Jessie Lecocq to accept agenda as amended, seconded by Andrea Klein, all in favor.
4. Motion was made by Al Pettefer to accept the minutes as posted, seconded by Ryan Lecocq, all in favor.
5. President’s report
SDI pictures will be sometime in November of 2015. Location will be the Heritage Centre.
Ice will come out on March 29, 2015.
Midget parents were asked again if they wanted the extra ice slot, Robbie will email the team to find out their decision.
Sheila Albertson motions to keep the power skating for the 2015/2016 season at a rate of $40 per child, Megan seconds, 26 for/4 against. Motion carried by majority vote. The teams who share ice will be told by the board which days they will have full ice for the power skating class.
Association meetings will be held in September, January and March AGM again next year for the 2015/2016 season. Motion was made by Garth McCullough, seconded by Nancy Arlinghaus, all in favor.
Tournament Dates
· Initiation – Feb 6/7, 2016
· Novice – Jan 16/17, 2016
· Atom – Nov 21/22, 2015
· Peewee B – Nov 7/8, 2015
· Bantam B – Dec 5/6, 2015,
Vice Presidents Report:
Coaches were asked for feedback on the coaching seminars, consensus was that they found them very useful and wanted to have about 3 or 4 for the next season. Suggestions for the seminars would be small areas games; high performance drills; developing defensemen; leadership skills; and more system skills.
Coaches will be given feedback via phone calls from Jack, Vice President based on the coach’s evaluations.
CWC forms are now available, all coaching staff and managers must have them completed for this upcoming 2015/2016 season. Karen Pelley will email Jack as to the possibility of applying online for CRC’s.
A Coaches package includes an agility ladder/pass master/parachute/snipers edge and attack triangle. Motion was made by Jack Redlick to purchase 2 coaches packages at $490 each for the association to be signed out by individual coaches, a possible grant will be applied for before OMHA pays for these packages, seconded by Nancy Arlinghaus, all in favor.
Large Plaques will be made up instead of trophies for all of the Esso award winners.
Concession Report
The concession profit is $25807.36. See report attached to filed minutes.
The final date for concession hours to go towards the 2015/2016 season will be March 25, 2015. After that the hours will go towards the 2016/2017 season.
The concession options were presented as follows:
Concession Option #1
· OMHA gives Concession back to ODAS
· Fee’s increase by $250.00 per child.
· Fundraising Fee of $100.00 per family.
· If members choose not to fundraise then fee’s increase by $320.00 per child.
Concession Option #2
· Leave Concession as is……
· Fees remain same as 2014/15 season.
$350.00 Volunteer Fee for first child.
$250.00 Volunteer Fee for each additional children.
· Concession manager will post schedule one month ahead. If shifts are not covered two weeks prior then he/she will fill with paid staff.
Concession Option #3
· New Volunteer Fee- Each family is to provide one cheque post dated April 1, 2016 in the amount of $150. Once a minimum of 5 fundraising hours is worked, the $150 cheque will be returned or destroyed.
· 3 cheques will be provided postdated for April 1, 2016 in the amount of $200 per registered player for 3 mandatory shifts during the season.
· Your shifts must be completed by the end of the season or your cheques will be cashed. You will receive one cheque back for every shift you complete.
· If there is a no-show during the shift you have committed to, your cheque will be cashed. There will be no exceptions. It is YOUR responsibility to remember the date that you sign up for and to ensure someone is there.
· Concession shifts for the entire season will available at evaluations in September.
· *If you cannot work your shifts, there will be a list of concession workers you can call to work your shift for you for $80 a shift. Those names will be available to you through the concession manager in September if you would like to utilize that option.
A vote was taken to vote on each option for the concession; Option #1 – 0 votes, Option #2 – 31 votes, Option #3 – 9 votes. Option #2 carried by majority vote.
It was suggested to put the concession schedule on the website, so that people could sign up from home.
Treasurer’s Report:
Registration Fees
This year’s fees will stay the same as last year’s:
· Initiation - $260.00
· Novice - $400.00
· Atom - $450.00
· Peewee Boys - $550.00
· Bantam Boys - $600.00
· Bantam Girls - $550.00
· Midget Boys - $675.00
· Midget Girls - $650.00
Megan will look into posting the financial reports that are for review only on the website. They will still need to be approved at the association meetings as usual.
Kim Mahon motioned to accept the December financials as presented, seconded by Tracy Roy, all in favor, carried
Catherine Bennett motioned to accept the January financials as presented, seconded by Charity Lane, all in favor, carried
Registrar’s Report: Registration is March 25 & 26, 2015 from 5:30 – 8pm. Documents required for new registrations are – proof of land location, birth certificate, AHC and any other guardianship papers etc. Registration forms will be posted online.
Payment plans must be in place by the night of registration to be considered to be registered to a team. If that is not done, you run the risk of your child not being accepted on a team.
Managers meeting will be held a week after evaluations.
The girl’s hockey program needs rejuvenating, so invite any and all girls possible to help build our girls program again.
Ice Schedulers Report: Everything is winding down; the ice will be out by March 29/15.
Confirm your playoff schedule as soon as possible.
Ref in Chief Report: No clinic dates are announced at this time. Becky changed a couple of procedures by calling all Managers at the beginning of the week this year, that seem to work better. The age for referees is 13, but special permission 12 year olds can ref.
Equipment Managers Report: All lockers should be cleaned out by April 15, 2015. If you can’t make that deadline, contact Barrett Richter to arrange an alternate date and time. Jerseys must be washed, and lockers cleaned out before your $200 deposit will be returned. Hockey socks will be up to each team to purchase on their own. Barrett will supply 40 pucks to each team at the beginning of the year and each team will be required to return 40 pucks at the end of the year. No exceptions.
Ryan Lecocq motions that the association will purchase 40 pucks for each team for the 2015/2016 season. Nancy Arlinghaus seconds, all in favor.
Goalie equipment will be available for giveaway from the old OMHA gear to anyone interested. See Barrett.
Jerseys - Barrett has found 3 potential corporate sponsors who are willing to supply us with jerseys with the following conditions.
· Free 2 year Business sign advertising on the wall ($300 value) – company will provide their own sign.
· Advertising in the entire OMHA tournament programs.
· No harassment by other OMHA teams for any other fundraising events.
Barrett motions to accept the conditions set forth by the sponsoring corporate sponsors in exchange for them supplying OMHA a set of jerseys for the2015/2016 hockey season. Karen Pelley seconds, all in favor.
Nancy Arlinghaus motions to put a $20 fee on top of your hockey fees for an equipment rental fee, Glenda seconds, 13 votes for/21 votes against, motion denied.
Fundraiser Committee Report: Raffle tickets must be back by May 1, 2015. All fundraising ideas can be presented by email to the executive. Anyone submitting a fundraising idea must be willing to head up the committee to organize said event.
Kristina Prokuda brought forth a proposal to hold a ``Tribute to Larry – the Rink Guy night``. Each member of OMHA would be given 2 tickets ($50 value) that would be charged to them at registration. They could either come to the event or sell the tickets. It would be a social night, with activities planned. Aurora Schulte motions to add the 2 tickets ($50 value) for the Tribute to Larry - `The Rink Guy to everyone`s registration. The event to be held in September of 2015, seconded by Kim Mahon, all in favor.
Andrea Klein motions to have the meat draws continue as before, but to have a different selection of meats available for the package, seconded by Sheila Albertson, all in favor.
6. Old Business: No old business
7. New Business:
a) Policy Procedure change for AA tryout: Hockey Alberta has not yet approved the AA model, after much discussion. The following change was made to Policy Procedure 15.1.
(a) any player wishing to try out for Midget AAA, Midget M 15AA or Bantam AAA must obtain a
Notification to Try Out prior to attending the first skate. Should the player be "cut" from these try
outs he/she must return to OMHA before going to any further AAA or Midget AA try outs. Refer
to Hockey Alberta Regulations for the Elite Program Try Out Process.
Barrett motions to accept the new proposed policy and procedure as follows:
(a) any player wishing to try out for Midget AAA, Midget AA, Midget M 15AAA , Midget M15AA, Bantam AAA, Bantam AA or Peewee AA may do so with written notification given to OMHA prior to attending the first skate. . Should the player be "cut" from these try outs he/she must return to OMHA before going to any further AAA or AA try outs.
Seconded by Megan Thompson, all in favor.
b) Novice Evaluations – Some parents wanted to see the novice teams evaluated as two even teams rather than a higher and lower team. Much discussion followed, it was decided to leave evaluations as they are. The girls teams will discuss this possibility after registration and get together for a meeting to let the board know their decision as to even team evaluations or A and B team evaluations.
c) Player scores will not be posted for evaluations.
d) The attendance will continue to be tracked for all teams. It will not be used for an evaluation tool until we have at least 3 years of data to look at.
e) Wind up will be held May 9, 2015 at the arena, details will follow. Glenda Fowler has volunteered to head up the committee to organize said event.
f) The concession will not be opened during the carnival performance, but will be available before and after the production.
8. Elections:
Vice President – Andrea Klein nominates Jack Redlick, Ryan Lecocq seconds. Jack accepts, all in favor, carried.
Secretary – Debra is not seeking re election. Glenda Fowler nominates Shelley Vaughan, seconded by Jessie Lecocq, Shelley accepts, all in favor, carried.
Initiation/Novice Director – Kristina Redlick nominates Catherine Bennett, Brad Galliford seconds, Catherine accepts, all in favor, carried
Atom Director – Jack Redlick nominates Glenda Fowler, Jessie Lecocq seconds, Glenda accepts, all in favor, carried
Peewee Director – Brad Galliford nominates Dave Lyttle, Andrea Klein seconds, Dave accepts, all in favor, carried.
Bantam Director –Shelley Vaughan nominates Jody Galliford, seconded by Ryan Lecocq, Jody accepts, all in favor, carried.
Midget Director – Andrea Klein nominates Kristina Redlick, Tina Pearson seconds, Kristina accepts, all in favor, carried
Female Director/Female Representative – Catherine Bennett nominates Karen Hickie, Brad Galliford seconds, Karen accepts, all in favor, carried
League Representative/League Appointed Governor - Jack Redlick nominates Brad Sharrun, Ryan Lecocq seconds, Brad accepts, all in favor, carried.
Webmaster – Andrea Klein nominates Cheryl Perneel, seconded by Ryan Lecocq, Cheryl accepts, all in favor, carried.
Paid Positions:
Concession Manager position will be posted in the paper by Aug 1, 2015 with interviews conducted and someone hired by Aug 31, 2015.
Referee Assignor – Andrea Klein nominates Becky Cottingham, Debra Redlick seconds, Becky accepts. All in favor, carried.
Grievance Committee –
Tina Pearson nominated Dean Hickie, Greg Brewster and Kristina Redlick, Megan Thompson seconded, They all accept, all in favor, carried.
Fundraising Committee – Kristina Prokuda stepped up to be the Coordinator.
Meeting adjourned by Andrea Klein at 10:07pm, seconded by Jessie Lecocq, all in favor.
Next Meeting will be September 9, 2015.