Online Tolls Payment Guide
How to Register
In order to sign up for an account you must already be a registered boat owner and have been assigned a Broads Owner Reference – e.g. BA00????. You will also need to provide your name and post code.
Step1 To register you must go the the system’s home page (
The first step is to enter the text displayed in the ‘captcha’ image shown under the Registerheading. If you are unable to distinguish the text there is theReload Imageoption to load a different image or Use Audiooption which will play the text to be entered via an audio player in the page.
Having entered the captcha text you must select Yesto proceed to the next step. However, if you have incorrectly entered the captcha text you will receive a warning message and be asked to enter the text from a different image.
Step2 The next screen requires you to enter the following details:
- Broads Owner Reference (e.g. BA00???? - BA followed by 6 numbers) – your reference can be found to the topleft of your Broads Toll Account(you do not need to enter the / or the subsequentdigits that appear on the toll account)
- First name – your first name (as it appears on your Broads Toll Account)
- Surname – your surname (as it appears on your Broads Toll Account)
- Postcode – your postcode, again as is shown on your Toll Account.
The information you enter is validated against the data held within the Broads Authority’s Tolls system and must match (for security reasons and to confirm we have your up to date address) in order for you to proceed to the next step. If the information you enter does not match you will need to contact our Tolls staff on 01603 756080
Step 3
You must now enter your email address and set up a password for your account. Each of these must be entered again for confirmation and consistency checking.
Note: The password you choose must contain at least 1 number and 1 uppercase letter and be 8 or more characters in length.
The final step required is for you to confirm you have read and agree with the site’s Terms and Conditions
On accepting the Terms and Conditions, an email will be sent confirming your registration and password, and you will be directed to the Registration – account activationpage (see below)
This page provides information regarding the process for activating your account.
Step 4 - Completing the registration process…
In order to complete the registration process a PIN number will be posted to you. On receipt of the PIN number you will be able to log in to the system by entering your email address, password and the PIN we provide you. Entering the PIN will activate your account. Once activated, you will not be asked for your PIN again.
To log on...
You must enter your email address and your password, under the Loginheading on the home page, to access the system.
The first time you access the site you will be directed to the PIN Entryscreen (see below) where you are required to re-enter your email address, password and PIN (received via the post). Completing this step also completes the registration process, your account will be activated and you will be able to login directly from the home page in the future.
How to use the system
The followingprovides an overview ofthe online tolls system's key functions.
Boat List
Once logged into the system an owner can see a list of their boats
General information
The first few columns of the Boat List table display general information about your boat(s) such as craft registration number, name, boat type and size.
BSS Certificate - The BSS (Boat Safety Scheme)Certificate column will display one of5 values:
- - (dash) - a dash denotesa boatnot requiring a BSS certificate (e.g. canoe, rowing or sailing boat with no appliances).
- Valid: dd-mm-yyyy - the craft has a valid BSS certificate which is due to expire on the date shown.
- Required- this indicates that a boat requires a BSS certificate but no certificate has been received and registered by the Broads Authority.
- Expired: dd-mm-yyyy- the craft's previous certificate expired on the date shown. You will need to provide details of your new certificate to us.
- Pending Validation - this message is shown after you submit details of a new certificate but validationby Tolls staff is still required.
You will only be able to renew a toll for boats that either do not require or have a valid BSS certificate. If either Required, Expired or Pending Validationis displayed then that boat will not beavailable for selection. A toll can only be purchased once detailsof a validcertificate have been recorded and verified by Broads Authority staff.
Plaque Number - one of 3 values is shown in the plaque number column:
- Number - if a number is displayed then this is the plaque number for your vessel (i.e. this number will be printed on thetoll plaques you display on you boat). This number is unique to your boat for the valid tolls year.
- Blank - if nothing is shown in this column toll payment is required andsubject to meeting BSS criteria the boat can be selected for payment.
- In Progress- this message is displayed when payment has been made but your toll plaques haven't yet been despatched.
Total Paid - the amount paid for the current toll. A value is only displayed in this column whenthe toll has been processed andthe plaque number is displayed.
Pay Toll - this column displays a check box along with thetoll amount due for a craft. You will only be able to select a boat if it meets boat safety criteria (i.e. either does not requre or has a valid BSS certificate)
Toll Payment
A check box will be displayed in the Pay Toll column for any boats requiring a toll. Select anindividual boat or use the Select All box to select all yourcraft and click the Pay Tolls button to proceed.
On clicking thePay Tolls button you move to the Payments Duescreen (see below) which shows a summary of the tolls you are purchasing and allows you to add tide table booklets to your order.
Insurance Declaration
If any of your boats require 3rd party insurance then you will be prompted to make a declaration confirming you have insurance in place.
Make Payment
You will then be prompted to enter the address to which your payment card is registered (see below). If this is the same as your delivery address then you can use the Use Above Address button to populate these fields before proceeding to the secure payment gateway to complete the payment process.
Secure Payment
Payment authorisation is handled by an external secure payment gateway - SagePay. You will be directed to the SagePay site to enter your card details and complete the payment process. On successful authorisation and payment you will return to the Transaction Confirmationpage of the Tolls system (see below), for final confirmation thatyou may wish to print.You should also receive a confirmationemail detailing your purchase along with your unique transaction reference.
On returning to the boat list page 'In progress'will initially be displayed against those craft you have purchased tolls for. This will then beupdated to show each boat's plaque numberonce Tolls staff have completed internal processing,prior to posting out your toll plaques and any tidetables purchased.
Accessing the system provides you with access to your personal details as well as those of any boat(s) you own. As such we need to ensure there is adequate security within the system to authenticate that you are the person already registered with the Broads Authority, prevent your details being accessed by anyone else and to ensure that any payment made to us is via a secure payment gateway.
To authenticate you are already registered with the Broads Authority you must confirm your name, postcode and Owner Reference Number as part of the initial registration process. We will then post you a unique PIN number to your address that must be entered the first time you log on. This is a similar process to those used by many organisations such as banks and local councils which ensures only you will be able to gain access to your information.
Secure access
In accessing the online tolls system you are directed to a different web address ( which is secured by a SSL certificate. In simple terms, this meansthat you can be fully confident in the security of the site as any traffic to and fromit (e.g. your personal information) is encrypted cannot be accessed by eavesdropppers (e.g. keystroke loggers). However, it is of course still your responsibility not to disclose your user name and password to anyone else.
Secure payment gateway
Payments are authorised andhandled via SagePaysecure payment gateway which offers the highest level of card data security.