The Internet is becoming an increasingly valuable source of information on just about any topic. Is all the information you read online reliable and accurate? NO! When looking up information online you have to take great care to find good websites. Here are some tips on finding reliable sources of information...

·  Websites ending in .edu are put up by colleges and other schools.

·  Websites ending in .gov or .org are sponsored by the US government or major organizations.

·  Websites created by individuals (kids and adults) are least reliable for accurate information. But some of these websites often give links to very good sites about your topic.

How should I cite (record) an online information source?

Whenever you use information you researched online you need to credit the source. In other words, you need to accurately write down where you got the information. Here is the proper format for recording or citing websites...

Author Name. “Title of article.” Title of web page. Date article was created or last updated. Publisher. Date you accessed the web page. <Web page online address>.

Many web pages do not contain all the information above. In such cases, use the information you do have in the order above. You do not need to include page numbers for most online citations. Any list of sources should be in alphabetical order.


“Gary Paulsen.” 2004. KidsReads, Inc. 20 Oct. 2004. < au-paulsen-gary.asp>.

“Meet Gary Paulsen.” Scholastic Online Activites. 2004. Scholastic, Inc. 10 Nov. 2004. <>.

Trelease, Jim R. “Gary Paulsen: His first survival story was his own childhood.” 29 June 2004. Reading Tree Productions. 16 Sept. 2005. <>.

Wilson, Robert M. and Melanie R. Brown. “Teacher’s Guide: Gary Paulsen.” Teachers at Random. 2004. Random House, Inc. <

NOTE: References usually are required to be typed in double-space format.

Biblio. Format for Online Citations

SRMS –‘07, M. Beilin