Week of Jan. 25-29, 2016
Ms. Ballinger-Gr. 2
Ketterlinus Elementary School
CelebrationsAccelerated Reader (AR)
Aaliyah recently earned 50+ AR points. This is the goal for the year! Others who’ve met or gone beyond 50 points are: Rebecca, Hobbs, Maxwell, Annabelle, and Olivia W.
Graham, Reeve, Finley, and Luke have already met the third goal. Seven more students are staying focused on their nightly AR reading, and working to test regularly throughout each week. They will each achieve: Readers are leaders!
Math Facts in a Flash (MFIAF)
Perseverance has paid off for nine of our students. They have each mastered their addition facts (and more): Rebecca, Hobbs, Max, Trinity, Annabelle, Graham, Finley, Luke, and Aaliyah. Students may practice online at home, and test at school.
Online Resources for Nightly Practice
Your child has three resources for online math practice: Math Seeds, TenMarks, and MFIAF. Ten Marks is comprehensive, and offers practice in the second-grade (Common Core) standards, and is designed for the student to work independently. There are examples, hints, and videos for support. This is different than basic fact practice in MFIAF. Math Seeds provides practice in an engaging and visually appealing format, and has a companion program, Reading Eggs. Each student also has a math workbook at home that can also be used for paper-and-pencil practice. Please contact me if you need help with accessing these resources online.
Mutt-i-grees: From Blue to In-the-Pink
Last week during our Mutt-i-grees lesson, the students contributed their ideas to a “Sad Sack” and came up with these suggestions for what they can do when they’re feeling a bit down: eat ice cream, play with friends, hug and cuddle a favorite stuffed animal, play basketball, play on playground, drink a milkshake, look at (my) pet fish, eat candy, eat a cookie, pet and hug my dog, do things I love (skateboard, ride bike or scooter), sneak snacks from the kitchen, and get a hug from Dad.
These are sure to lift spirits whenever the blues comes around, and they’re fun, no matter the age!
Teacher Read-Aloud: Hachiko Waits
This chapter book is set in Japan, beginning in the early 1930s. It tells the story of a special relationship between the professor and his loyal dog, Hachiko. This remarkable Akita touches the lives of many, and his memory lives on to this day. The book provides much for discussion about character, and seamlessly connects to our Mutt-i-grees lessons. Note: There is a movie by the same name, but the story told is not just like the book. For those students who’ve viewed it at home, the differences will come to light as they hear the story unfold. As always, the best movie is the one created in an individual’s mind.
Black History Month Posters
Mio, Rebecca, and Olivia W. each went above-and-beyond by entering original art entries to Governor Scott’s Black History Month contest. Thanks to each of these students for their work.
Classroom Volunteers
There are still plenty of openings for opportunities to support our classroom. Even if you can’t come to school, donating snacks is a big help, and much appreciated. Go to my SignUp Genius and view the calendar. Do you need another family member (approved volunteer) added to the SignUp Genius invitation list? Send me the information and consider it done!
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