Building Your Hybrid Course Worksheet

Name of Instructor __Karen Arcangelo______

Online Module/Learning Unit Title___RTI Module Course: __SPEC 2115_

Note: You will need to complete 2 modules/learning units for the Online Learning Committee review.

Use this table to make notes for the content of one module/unit/week of your hybrid course.

Modular objectives / As a result of this learning module, students will: / online
1.  Acquire knowledge about the discrepancy and response-to-intervention (RTI) models
2.  Identify the benefits of RTI
3. Acquire knowledge about different approaches to RTI
4 Identify Learn about one model of RTI and how to implement it
5. Apply information in module to case study example
Course Content/Interaction What types of content will you use to present your story? (Voice over PPT, video, etc.) / 1. IRIS Online Modules:
RTI Part 1: An Overview / Online
2. Text chapter 10
3. Voice over PowerPoint
3.  Streaming video: Data Informed Student Level Planning Meetings
Learning Activities – How will the students practice what they are learning? (discussion, paper, research) / After watching embedded module videos and completing module activities, students will answer the following questions in their online reflective Journal:
1.What are the two options for identifying students with learning disabilities? Briefly summarize each.
2.List at least four benefits of using an RTI approach with struggling students.
1.Compton is a first-grade student at Rosa Parks Elementary School. His teacher, having administered a universal screening measure, has identified him as a struggling reader. Name and explain the first step in the RTI approach that she should consider when trying to help Compton. Keep in mind that Rosa Parks uses the standard protocol approach.
Discussion Forum:
1. Now that you have finished the module on students with visual impairments, and read the chapter, please answer the following questions in the discussion forum:
What approaches are available to schools to help struggling readers and to efficiently identify students who need special education services?
What other information might a school find helpful when choosing which approach to adopt?
What steps might the S-Team propose to help its struggling readers? / Online
Technology- What tools/ media will be used for the delivery of your course content? / 1. Internet site will be used to access module / Both
2. Moodle / Both
Assessment – How will you know the students learned the assigned items?
(quiz, discussion board, presentation) / 1. Students will be graded on their answers to the reflection questions / Online
2. Discussion Forum / Online

Adapted from: Creating a Hybrid College Course: Instructional Design Notes and Recommendations for Beginners, G. Hensely