Online Learning Task Force Minutes

March 17, 2010


Irene Azzarino

Laura Beauvais

Garry Bozylinski

Bjorn Carlsson

Gale Eaton

Mark Higgins

Amanda Izenstark

Sook-Hyun Kim

Jim Kinnie

Vince Petronio

Brett Rutherford

Richard Scholl

Bob Shea

Michael Simeone

Kathleen Torrens

1. Welcome and Introductions

  • Member introductions including connection to online learning and interest in joining the Task Force
  • Group has a wealth of online teaching experience and expertise in areas related to the charge of the Task Force.

2. Review of the charge as prioritized

  • Task Force was informed of our timeline with Chairs noting that recommendations were due to the Provost by July 1, 2010.
  • To facilitate the work of the Task Force, the charge was prioritized and sub-committees were established. These include:
  • Group 1: Recommend guidelines for improving faculty development and support in online/distance learning.
  • Members:
  • Amanda Izenstark
  • Jim Kinnie
  • Vince Petronio
  • Bob Shea
  • Kathleen Torrens
  • Group 2: Identify hardware, software, and staffing resources needed to support effective and efficient distance learning.
  • Members:
  • Irene Azzinaro
  • Garry Bozylinski
  • Mark Higgins
  • Brett Rutherford
  • Group 3: Determine the barriers for developing distance learning courses and programs along with recommendations for removing them.
  • Members:
  • Gale Eaton
  • Sook-Hyun Kim
  • Brett Rutherford
  • Group 4: Provide guidance on expanding online offerings, identifying potential online degree programs, and identifying target markets for online/distance learning programs.
  • Members:
  • Laura Beauvais
  • Bjorn Carlsson
  • Richard Scholl
  • Michael Simeone
  • Discussion about the charge raised a number of important questions/issues for further consideration.
  • With regard to developing programs and targeting markets:
  • What is our goal for our online program?
  • What constitutes competitive advantage in the online market place? Uniqueness of program?
  • Are we interested in an online degree or smattering of courses?
  • Why would a student choose our program?
  • Continuing education courses for our students and alumni
  • Need an office that knows distance learning and recruits for these courses and programs.
  • Take an inventory of what we currently have and decide where and how to build. What things are we already good at? What academic programs can we build on?
  • Need to get all our online classes under one umbrella
  • Guidelines and best practices for online courses are needed. Several colleges have committees and guidelines that may provide models. What constitutes a state of the art online course?

3. Sub-committees breakout planning session.

  • Task Force has established a Sakai site to organize and facilitate work.
  • Forums started for each sub-committees

Next meeting of full Task Force will be scheduled after Spring Break.