Online Advising Quiz
- How many total credits do I need to complete my degree?
- Which finance course has a “B-” rule?
- How many community service hours do I need to register for MANGEMNT 489?
- FNBSLW 345 is a prerequisite for FNBSLW 401, FNBSLW 444 AND FNBSLW 456? (True or False)
- Which course teaches both Bloomberg and Morningstar?
- Is FNBSLW 370 Entrepreneurial Finance a finance elective course?
- What is the minimum cumulative GPA requirement for all finance courses?
- What is the total number of credits required for any of the finance majors?
- What is mandatory to take to my individual advising session?
- I understand that if I believe I’ve completed FNBSLW group advising, I will contact the Administrative Assistant. Otherwise, my FNBSLW advising hold will not be removed until I complete group advising and individual advising. (True or False)
- The B- rule only applies to remaining as a finance major. (True or False)
UW-Whitewater's College of Business and Economics students are expected to subscribe to the College's Student Honor Code:
As members of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater College of Business & Economics community, we commit ourselves to act honestly, responsibly, and above all, with honor and integrity in all areas of campus life. We are accountable for all that we say and write. We are responsible for the academic integrity of our work. We pledge that we will not misrepresent our work nor give or receive unauthorized aid. We commit ourselves to behave in a manner that demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights and freedoms of all members of the community. We are respectful of college property and the property of others. We will not tolerate a lack of respect for these values.
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This honor code originated with Wheaton College