Columbia Society for Human Resource Management

One Windsor Cove, Suite 305

Columbia, South Carolina 29223



Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This meeting of the 2012 Board of Directors of the Columbia SHRM Chapter was held at the offices of Nexsen Pruet, 1230 Main St., Columbia, SC, on Tuesday, December 4, 2012.

The following Board members were present:


Diane Frea, President

Elliott Wilson, Vice President/Programs

Nikki Hewett, Treasurer

Connie Hill, Secretary

Diane Sass, Diversity/Community Affairs

Mylene Virata, Student Liaison/Scholarship

Karen Luchka, Legislative Chair

Jill Menhart, Workforce Readiness

Leigh Anne Conrad, Sponsor Liaison

Deonca Shields Shuler, Manufacturing Chair

William Floyd, Ex Officio

Christi Sheppard, Membership

Karen Smith, Past President

Jim Fadell, Rhonda Midgette, Certification Chair New Ad Hoc member

Absent: Bryan Gates, Media Chair; Dwight Hanna, Ad Hoc; Hagood Tighe, Ex Officio

  1. Welcome- Diane Frea

Diane Frea called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

  1. New Ad Hoc member, Jim Fadell, was welcomed to group.
  2. Diane sent around 2013 “About Us” contact information for web for everyone to review for accuracy.
  3. Diane shared highlights from SHRM Leadership Conference:
  1. Emphasis on care and feeding of volunteers, especially Board members. Diane circulated a basket with goodies for each member.
  2. Encourage engagement, spreading of responsibilities. 15-minute roles were recommended to encourage involvement and in concern for time required for involvement. Encouraged to look for these opportunities for the chapter.
  3. Succession planning. Diane asked each board member to identify a viable successor and discuss with her/Karen Smith for 2014 nominations.
  4. Other
  5. Pushing for minimum 51% national membership by 2016. We’re credited with ~ 66% currently.
  6. Lots of ideas for member engagement, such as responding to various experience levels with adjustable programming.
  1. Elliott will be attending the National SHRM Leadership Conference next year as President-Elect.
  1. Minutes from Aug. 7 Board Meeting – Connie Hill

Motion made to approve minutes and a second. All in favor, so approval was given.

  1. Financial Review – Nikki Hewett

Nikki provided two reports. One included 4th quarter information through the end of November and the other included YTD revenues and expenses. Outstanding expenses include the SHRM Foundation donation and Holiday Social expenses.

The feedback on the increase in dues for 2013 was minimal.

During the January planning session,the 2013 budget will be reviewed and approved.

  1. 2013 Programming – Elliott Wilson

Elliott did a review of the 2012 programs and shared the current 2013 program schedule. Several months have already been scheduled.

Diane encouraged other board member to help with programs, and Elliott and Diane can serve as support. Karen Luchka, Deonca and Rhonda all volunteered to look at securing 2013 programs. We will hold the new member breakfast in July, a month where we typically have no meeting.

A recommendation was made that we start the April workshop planning now and be inclusive to feedback requesting more content to appeal to HR veterans. SCANA might be considered as the venue. Also considering split-day or breakout options.

  1. Non-Profit Sponsorships – Leigh Anne Conrad
  1. Leigh Anne presented recommendations for the selection process for charitable organizations. All the specifics were approved except for giving priority to previous-year sponsors, in an effort to widen the exposure to more charities.
  2. Recommendation made for no charge to the agency for the sponsorship.

Sponsor Relations

All previous business sponsors were contacted to see if they wanted to have their same month as 2012. If they did not accept by the deadline, the spot was opened to new meeting sponsors.

  1. Workforce Readiness and Junior Achievement – Jill Menhart

Jill made the recommendation that Junior Achievement be supported instead of Choices for 2013. A motion was made and seconded with Board approval for the change. Jill will set some goals for the new program to help get chapter members to volunteer for the new school-based program.

  1. 2012 SHAPE Report – Karen Smith

Karen is almost finished with the 2012 SHAPE report, which is due at the end of January.

  1. Other Officer/Chair Updates (as needed)

A. Student Liaison: Mylene Virata

No report.

B. Diversity/Community Affairs: Diane Sass

No report.

C. Certification: Rhonda Midgette

Rhonda is scheduling a time with Bryan make the transition of duties as Certification Chair. The 6p.m. time with treats at the First Citizens location has worked well. Also,the class offered a call-in line for participants.

  1. Secretary: Connie Hill

Connie will be unable to attend the Board’s January planning meeting due to a mandatory work meeting. Mylene volunteered to take minutes in her absence.

  1. Legislative: Karen Luchka

The definition of supervisor could be expanded, which has impacts that will need to be understood in the months ahead.

  1. Manufacturing: Deonca Shields Shuler

Deonca will look at putting a manufacturing panel together for a 2013 meeting that looks at how to best replace talent lost with Baby Boomers retiring.

  1. Media: Bryan Gates (in absentia)

Diane reported the need for a chapter photographer. Diane will be handling social media in 2013, focusing on LinkedIn.

  1. Membership – Christi Sheppard

We currently have 380 members. Diane reported that I-chapter will allow you to pull your own membership reports; chapter transitions to new application begin in 2013.

  1. No report from Ex Officio.
  1. New Business

2013 Strategic Retreat – check your calendars for 9-noon Thursday, Jan. 10.

The 2013 SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) – Chapter Planning Summary was distributed. This will be reviewed in more detail at the January planning meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned and everyone was encouraged to head to the Holiday Social.

Connie Hill______

Connie Hill, Secretary