T. Hester rev. 2014


One Tray (Presentation Tray)


Tray (may have colored felts to put quantities on, 2 green, 1 blue, 1 red.) displaying from left to right:

1 cube of 1000 gold beads, 1 square of 100 gold beads, 1 bar of 10 gold beads, 1 gold unit bead.

Tray containing one each of the numerals 1, 10, 100, 1000. Note: the colors of the numerals are green for units, blue for tens, red for hundreds. A rug or a table.


Knowledge of 0-10 (quantity and symbol).

Work with the Geometric Solids and the Geometric Cabinet.

Check that the material is complete.

Age: 4-5 years.

Direct Aims:

To show the geometrical hierarchy of position of numbers. (Point, line, square, cube.)

To help the children become familiar with the names and the relative sizes in the hierarchy of numbers (1, 10, 100, 1000).

To prepare for work with the decimal system.

Indirect Aims:

To prepare for algebra and geometry.

To develop order, concentration, coordination, and independence.

Presentation I - Quantity:

Presentation II – Symbol

Presentation III – Association of Quantity and Symbol


One Tray.

One unit, one ten, one hundred, one thousand, one unit bead, one ten bar, one hundred square, one thousand cube.

Later, point, line, square, cube.

Points of Interest:

The golden beads.

The difference in groupings of the golden beads.

The difference in weight between all four place values of golden beads.

The different terminology used for the four place values.

Using one quantity to count another.

Relating the Golden Beads to the Geometric Solids

Associating the quantities with the numerals.

The different colors used for the different place values.

Control of Error:

One of each quantity is provided.

The color of the felts.

The size of the quantities.

The teacher.

Matching the number of units to their corresponding numeral.

The size of the card relates to the size of the quantity.


  1. Have the child hold the quantity behind their backs or close their eyes so they really feel it.
  2. With the numerals you can explore the idea of 1 zero in ten, 2 zeros in one hundred, and 3 zeros in one thousand.
  3. Have child close their eyes and take away a numeral or quantity. The child has to use their visual memory to figure out which one is gone.


1.  Compare them to the geometric shapes. Point, line, square, cube.

2.  Rubber stamps. Make a booklet.

3.  Prepared paper to color and write the numerals.


Model extreme care in handling the material.