Research Guide Worksheet

One - Locate three sources and evaluate their credibility.

Record Your Sources
Source Title / What makes this a credible source? / Information for MLA Citation
1. ‘Frequently challenged books of the 21st century’ / The website that published the article is the American Library Association (ALA). The ALA is a non-profit organization that promotes library education and libraries in general. It is the oldest and largest library association in the world. The article expresses both sides of an argument, and gives proper documentation. The article was also published quite recently. / "Frequently challenged books of the 21st century", American Library Association, March 26, 2013.
(Accessed December 2, 2013)
2. ‘About Banned & Challenged Books’ / The website that also published this article is the American Library Association (ALA). The ALA is a non-profit organization that promotes library education and libraries in general. It is the oldest and largest library association in the world. The article also expresses both sides of an argument, and gives proper documentation. The article was also published quite recently. / "About Banned & Challenged Books", American Library Association, December 10, 2012.
(Accessed December 2, 2013)
3* Literature suppressed on political grounds / The author, Nicholas Karolides, is Professor of English and Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Wisconsin-River Falls. The book was published fairly recently, and also provides specific documentation. / Title: Literature suppressed on political grounds
Author: Karolides, Nicholas J.
Publication Information: New York : Facts On File, c2006.

Two - Use the notes you have taken from your selected resource to write a paragraph of at least six sentences that answers your research question. Make sure you are following the guidelines for ethical writing and giving credit to your sources. Include at least one direct quote from the resource in your paragraph.

What are the reasons some people feel certain books should be banned?

On the website for The American Library Association, an article titled ‘About Banned & Challenged Books’ explains peoples reasoning for wanting to ban certain books. “Books usually are challenged with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information.” The group that challenges material the most is parents, for most commonly inappropriate sexual content or offensive language (About Banned & Challenged Books). According to the article ‘Frequently challenged books of the 21st century’, other reasons for challenges include materials that contain violence, homosexuality, occult themes, or are considered unsuited to the age group (Frequently challenged books of the 21st century). Despite all this, it is said in Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds that “Fortunately, the United States has a strong tradition of fighting censorship” (Karolides 5). The American Library Association backs this up by stating that only parents have the right and responsibility to control their own children’s access to library materials (About Banned & Challenged Books qtd. Library Bill of Right).

Three - Double check your paragraph for proper internal citations.

On the website for The American Library Association, an article titled ‘About Banned & Challenged Books’ explains peoples reasoning for wanting to ban certain books. “Books usually are challenged with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information” (About Banned & Challenged Books). The group that challenges material the most is parents, for most commonly inappropriate sexual content or offensive language (About Banned & Challenged Books). According to the article ‘Frequently challenged books of the 21st century’, other reasons for challenges include materials that contain violence, homosexuality, occult themes, or are considered unsuited to the age group. Despite all this, it is said in Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds that “Fortunately, the United States has a strong tradition of fighting censorship” (Karolides 5). The American Library Association backs this up by stating that only parents have the right and responsibility to control their own children’s access to library materials (About Banned & Challenged Books qtd. Library Bill of Right).

Four - Write a properly formatted MLA works cited entry for the source or sources you have used to answer the research question.

On the website for The American Library Association, an article titled ‘About Banned & Challenged Books’ explains peoples reasoning for wanting to ban certain books. “Books usually are challenged with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information” (About Banned & Challenged Books). The group that challenges material the most is parents, for most commonly inappropriate sexual content or offensive language (About Banned & Challenged Books). According to the article ‘Frequently challenged books of the 21st century’, other reasons for challenges include materials that contain violence, homosexuality, occult themes, or are considered unsuited to the age group. Despite all this, it is said in Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds that “Fortunately, the United States has a strong tradition of fighting censorship” (Karolides 5). The American Library Association backs this up by stating that only parents have the right and responsibility to control their own children’s access to library materials (About Banned & Challenged Books qtd. Library Bill of Right).

Works Citied

About Banned & Challenged Books. American Library Association, December 10, 2012.

Web. December 2, 2013.

Frequently Challenged books of the 21st Century. American Library Association, March

26, 2013. Web. December 2, 2013.

Karolides, Nicholas J. Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds. New York: Facts On

File, c2006. Print