1. What is Iron Deficiency Anaemia ?

Oxygen from the lungs is carried to different parts of the body by blood. The part of the red blood cell which performs this function is called Hemoglobin.

To make adequate amounts of Hemoglobin, the body needs sufficient quantities of Iron. If your body does not have enough Iron, then the required amount of Hemoglobin cannot be made. The result is Iron Deficiency Anaemia.

  1. Why does someone develop Iron Deficiency Anaemia ?

One can develop Iron Deficiency Anaemia if he or she:

  1. Has too little iron in the diet
  2. The body’s requirement of iron for hemoglobin production far exceeds the supply of iron in the daily diet
  3. Cannot absorb enough iron from the diet due to some medical conditions (like Celiac Disease)
  4. Loses a lot of iron from the body through bleeding (like Menstrual Bleeding or Gastrointestinal Bleeding)
  5. Worm and Parasitic Infestations which cause blood loss.
  1. What happens if one has Iron Deficiency Anaemia ?

A person who has Iron Deficiency Anaemia will have the following symptoms:

  1. Feel weak and tired
  2. Look Pale
  3. Feel Dizzy
  4. Be fussy and irritable
  5. Have Headaches
  6. Have Poor concentration
  7. Have Learning difficulties
  8. Have a short attention span
  9. Have Poor School Performance
  10. Have poor growth
  1. Why are children more commonly affected by Iron Deficiency Anaemia?

Children are going through a period of rapid growth and their body’s requirement of iron relative to their size is high. Also, children may be at risk for nutritional deficiencies due to poor eating habits.

In fact, Iron Deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder among children in the world.

In India, Iron Deficiency Anaemia is found in:

  • 56 % of Adolescent girls
  • 30 % of adolescent boys
  • 70 % of children under five

Source: Ministry of Health, Government of India

  1. How do you find out if your child has Iron Deficiency Anaemia ?

It is possible to diagnose Iron Deficiency Anaemia through a simple finger-prick blood test which checks your child’s hemoglobin level.

Although there are many other causes of anemia (or low hemoglobin), iron deficiency is the most common. So, if your child has a low hemoglobin, it is most likely to be due to Iron deficiency. Many doctors find it practical & safe to treat for iron-deficiency anemia based on a simple hemoglobin test. If your child’s hemoglobin does not improve with the treatment, then the doctor may order more elaborate tests to look for other rarer causes of anaemia.

  1. How do you treat Iron-Deficiency Anaemia ?

Iron deficiency Anaemia can be treated by taking Iron supplements. Although, this treatment may run into several weeks, you will start noticing improvement in your child’s symptoms in the first few days itself. But, it is important to continue the treatment for several weeks after the hemoglobin normalizes to help build your body’s stores of iron.

  1. What is the best way to take the iron pills?

The best time of day to take the iron pills is between meals. Do not take iron supplements with milk, caffeine, high-fiber foods or antacids as these can interfere with iron absorption. Taking iron supplements with Vitamin C or Orange juice can be beneficial as it improves the absorption.

  1. How to prevent Iron-Deficiency Anaemia ?

Iron-Deficiency Anaemia can be prevented

by eating foods that are rich in Iron like:

  • Red Meat
  • Egg Yolk (the yellow part of egg)
  • Green, leafy vegetables
  • Beans, lentils, chick peas, soy beans
  • Chicken, Mutton or Beef Liver
  • Dried Fruit like Prunes, Raisins
  • Almonds, Walnuts
  • Whole grains like Wheat, Oats, Barley
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Brown Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Dark Chocolate
