Impact Assessment Form
Once completed, please store on Corporate Docs, CPS or return to
Name of policy / initiative / service to be impact assessedCorporate objective being addressed
Department / function carrying out the assessment
Who is responsible for the implementation of the policy / initiative / service? (function head /department manager)
Who is involved in the impact assessment?
What are the aims / objectives/ expected outcomes of the policy / initiative / service?
Who is intended to benefit from the policy?
Is the policy/initiative/service for external or internal purposes?
Does this policy/initiative/service affect the On-Call duty service?
Are other organisations involved in the delivery?
If yes please state who:
What information/past experience do we have i.e. a similar initiative and what did this information tell us? (info can be demographic data i.e. census findings, research findings, comparisons between similar policies in our Service and other Services, survey data, equality monitoring data, ad hoc data gathering exercises)
Has a similar assessment been conducted by other Fire and Rescue Services or local authoritiesin respect ofa similar policy/initiative/service?
If yes – is it possible to adapt / incorporate findings
Date of nextpolicy/initiative/servicereview (if applicable)
Equality Matrix
ImpactVL / L / M/H / H / VH
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Likelihood / VH / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
H / 4 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
M / 3 / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15
L / 2 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
VL / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Catastrophic - Legal action (discrimination claim) / 5 / VH
Major – Serious matter that may lead to negative publicity or disciplinary action within a Service context / 4 / H
Moderate – External complaint OR internal grievance / 3 / M
Minor – Additional small amendments or controls to the policy/initiative/service required / 2 / L
Negligible – Little impact / minor considerations only needed / 1 / VL
Impact /Severity
LIKELIHOOD / Unlikely / Low probability / Possible / High probability / Almost certain
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
VL / L / M / H / VH
Rating / Description / Level of Sign off required (or green book equivalent)
1 – 5Manageable risks / The risk may be so low that we choose to accept it and instead simply record that the risk has been identified and that due to its low likelihood or impact no further action will be required. Alternatively, minor considerations may be needed on implementatione.g. provide morechairs at open days, usealternative equipment, orprovide information or policies in alternative formats, / SM
6 -10 Medium / The policy owner will need to consider slight amendments or further controls to the substance of the policy/initiative/service to take account of any issues identified ORGM to confirm that all reasonable steps have been taken to mitigate the risk and no further reasonable action is possible / GM
12 – 15 High / The policy / initiative / service cannot be rolled out until detailed external and/or internal consultation has taken place with those that the policy / initiative / service affects. Consultation should go ahead with the assistance of the Corporate Communications department. / AM
16 – 25 Very High / Take immediate action. If legal action is certain to occur then we cannot go ahead with the policy / initiative / service, without fundamentally changing it. If even with this mitigation, the impact remains severe, then consultation with internal and/or external groups will need to go ahead as described above. / BM
16 - 25 / Very High
12 - 15 / High
6– 10 / Medium
1 – 5 / Low
Outlined below are relevant groups whomay be affected by the policy/initiative/service and suggested impacts (please note that these suggestions are not exhaustive and you will need to consider whether there are any further impacts). Enter a commentary explaining the potential impacts both on employees and external community groups. Specify any controls which are currently in place to address and mitigate these impacts. Insertany statistics you currently have (both nationally and locally) to identify who is/will be most affected by the policy/initiative/service e.g. 17 – 24 year olds are over represented in Killed and Seriously Injured statistics etc. Please document all impacts, both negative and positive.
Likelihood / Impact Rating / Overall / Impacts identified
Age (young and old) / -Is this policy, service or initiative accessible to bothyoung and old people?
-Resting facilities i.e. chairs
-Appropriateness of materials
-Caring responsibilities
-Higher prioritisation due to risk etc
Disabled people with;
-Physical impairments (including wheelchair users)
-Sensory impairments
-Mental health issues
-Learning disabilities / -Physical access i.e. stairs and steps to and within public facilities and no accessible alternatives; narrow or heavy doors and doorways etc
-Accessible toilets
- Personal assistance/carers
-Hearing loop systems
-Provide alternative formats for communication such as text messaging to ensure access
-Information about alternative formats and how to request it
-Do dvd’s have subtitles etc.
-Is there flexibility in how, when and where disabled people can access services?
Gender (including pregnancy/maternity) / -Toilet facilities, baby changing rooms etc
-Childcare arrangements?
-Is there the possibility of any discrimination for individuals because they are single, divorced, separated, living together, married or in a civil partnership?
-Awareness days / positive action
Gender reassignment / -Are unisex changing facilities available? If not, are facilities suitable for those transitioning?
-Is language used appropriately, in particular are appropriate pronouns used?
On Call System / part time / -Does the policy / initiative create additional workload?
-How much time will be needed and who will be expected to carry out the additional work?
-Will there be costs associated with the policy / initiative / service for On Call duty employees?
-Has the ability of the above On Call staff to undertake this task been considered in light of:
- Working Time Directive (hours worked, rest breaks etc)
- Availability
- Training
Where impact identified please complete;
On Call Impact Assessment available on Corporate Docs, number 1385
Race / -Provision of interpreter
-Language line service
-Is information provided written in plain English and without jargon and in other languages where appropriate
-Awareness days / positive action
Religion and Belief (including no belief) / -Time off for religious festivals
-Dress codes/uniform policy
-Prayer facilities
-Dietary requirements
-Appropriateness of materials
-Avoid conflict where possible with religious/cultural festivals and holidays
Sexual Orientation (Lesbian, Gay, heterosexual, bisexual) / -Recognition and respect of individuals’ sexuality
-Recognition of same sex relationships
-The maintenance of confidentiality about an individuals’ sexuality
Socio - economic status / -Access to services
-Index of multiple deprivation
-High attendance in certain areas
-Attacks on firefighters
Other community groups / -Are any other community groups affected by the proposed policy?
-Are relationships between community groups likely to be affected?
Do any of the above criteria have a score of 12 and above and therefore need to move to a full equality impact assessment?
Yes / NoIf yes, please contact the Equality and Inclusion Officer on 01606 868414 or e-mail to proceed with the full impact assessment.
If no, and any of the criteria has a score of between 1-5 or 6-10 what additional control mechanisms or amendmentscan you put into place to reduce the score even further? Please identify what the score will be after the control mechanism is in place.
What positive outcomes or changes will be taken as a result of any points identified by this impact assessment?
Post initiative evaluation
Where applicable, please provide an overview (age range, gender, ethnicity etc) of who attended the event, or were involved in or affected by the policy or initiative, and any relevant comments or complaints that were received in terms of equality and inclusion. The information should then be used to address any relevant concerns.
Before finalising, please return to for review by the Inclusion team.
Once completed please publish on Corporate Docs, CPS or return to