

National Workshop




for the


Human Resource Development Programme

Special Additional Activities for the Project

“Environmental Planning and Disaster Risk Management 2008-2010”

(PN: PN: 10 089 000 00)

December 23rd – 24th 2008


Report by

ifanos concept & planning, India and DMI

December 2008


ALARP As low as reasonable practicable

ASEM Advisory Services in Environmental Management

CIF Chief Inspector of Factories

CPCB Central Pollution Control Board

DCFASCLI Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institute

DMI Disaster management Institute, Bhopal

HRDP Human Resource Development Programme

GTZ German Technical Cooperation

iDRM industrial Disaster Risk Management

IIT Indian Institute of Technology

InWent Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH

INMAS Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences


NDMA National Disaster Management Authority

NDRF National Disaster Response Force

MAH Major Accident Hazardous

MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Management System

PDG Diploma/ Degree- Post Graduate Diploma/Degree

PPP Public Private Partnership

SPCB State Pollution Control Board

TOT Training of Trainers

National Workshop on On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Planning – Guwahati 2008

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1 Executive Summary 6

2 Workshop background 7

3 National Workshop 7

4 Workshop Proceedings 8

5 Conclusions and Recommendations 15

6 Follow up Action 18


Annex (2): lIST OF pARTICIPANTS 21




·  Presentation on on-site and off-site emergency mgt. on chemical disaster- Mr. Deka, Chief Inspector Factories, Assam

·  Presentation on Emergency Management. Planning-Mr. Samiran Dass, Senior Inspector of Factories, Assam

·  Presentation on on-site and off-site emergency plans based on integrated risk mgt- key for business continuity- Dr. Rakehs Dubey, Director, DMI

·  Presentation on Oil spill control for prevention and mitigation of industrial disaster - Dr. Chandan Mahanta, Prof. IIT, Guwahati

·  Presentation on Emergency Medical preparedness and response to chemical disasters -Mr. Rakesh Sharma, Core Group member National Chemical Disaster Guidelines

·  Presentation on A few of the case studies for consequences of accidental releases of hazardous chemicals - Dr. Rakesh Dubey, Director, DMI

·  Presentation on Major Accident Hazard Control: Medical Aspect- Dr. Haldar’s., Dy. Director (Medical), Regional Labour Institute, Kolkata

·  Presentation on Water Mist for fire fighting- Mr. Dipak Mitra


Code / ToT-Dev-1b (will be changed when the code system of DMI site is ready and agreed upon)
Title / 2008 Training Workshop for On-Site Planning - Guwahati
Short title / 2008 On-Site Planning - Guwahati On-Site and Off-site Planning
Training type / Development Workshop
ASEM thrust area / Sustainable Industrial development
ASEM project / Sustainable Industrial development
Training provider / Disaster Management Institute,
(Housing and Environment Department, Govt of M. P.)
Paryavaran Parisar, E-5, Arera Colony, Bhopal- 462 016 (MP)
Tel: 0755-2466715, 2461538, 246134, Fax: 0755-2466653
Institutions involved / The event was organized under the umbrella Indo-German Cooperation focus area “Sustainable Industrial Development” by the Disaster Management Institute (DMI) with InWEnt/ GTZ-ASEM, and CPCB, MoEF, District Administration
Target group / ·  Chief Inspectorate of Factories & Boilers, State Pollution Control Boards, Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institute (DGFASLI), Chief Controller of Explosives, Central Pollution Control Board and Ministry of Environment and Forests.
·  MAH units (From Public and Private Sectors) covering Refineries and Oil Sector (Public & Private), Metallurgical (ferrous and non ferrous), Pesticides and Fertilisers, Pharmaceuticals, Paper and Pulp and other related chemical sectors and bulk transporters.
·  State, District & Local Crisis Groups and
·  State Industrial Development Corporations
Course objectives / ·  To describe the broad frame work of on-site and off-site planning in Chemical Process Industries, storages and in transportation sector
·  Knowledge / information on computer models for consequence analysis, frequency estimation, etc. required for on-site and off-site planning in all sectors
·  To address the application and utilisation of on-site and off-site planning in MAH industries for all sectors and for district administration
Expected or achieved results/impacts in terms of:
Skills / On successful completion of this training cum workshop programme it is expected that the target groups should be able to:
·  Comply with the relevant rules and regulations effectively.
·  Understand the terminology, techniques, results for on-site and off-site planning
Indicators for success/impact / Adequate compilation of training material for on site and off-site planning like presentations, reading material, has been produced
Indicators of success can be viewed from the evaluation sheets of the training programme. It is also expected that the programme will help the participants in updating and reviewing the procedures of on-site and off-site emergency planning.
Current Gaps in Knowledge / ·  (see above)
Description of contents /agenda / See Annex 1for Agenda
Participants numbers / Total _43_ male _42_ female_1_
Start dd/mm/yy / 23 Dec 2008
End dd/mm/yy / 24 Dec 2008
Duration / 2 days
Venue / Hotel Agneedeep Continental, G.S.Road, Guwahati
List of material for public access / See Annex3 of this report
Contact for more information / Dr. Rakesh Dubey, Director, DMI Bhopal
Resource persons / Dr. Rakesh Dubey, Director, DMI and Mr C.R. Deka, Chief Inspector of Factories, Assam
List of information for training managers (give list of filenames of not public training material, Schedules, participant lists, evaluations etc.) / See Annex 3 and Annex 4 of this report

National Workshop on On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Planning – Guwahati 2008

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1 Executive Summary

A national workshop on “On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Planning” was held on 23-24 December in Guwahati. The event was organized by the Disaster Management Institute (DMI) with InWEnt/ GTZ-ASEM and Inspectorate of Factories, Government of Assam under the umbrella Indo-German Cooperation focus area “Sustainable Industrial Development”. The objective of the workshop was to sensitize the managers of industries i.e. both industry and government of major hazardous accidents, the need to minimize the risk associated with industrial disasters and the importance of on-site and off-site management planning and of conducting mock drills. The workshop inaugural was addressed by the chief guest, the minister of Labour and Employment, Assam, Dr. Rakesh Dubey, Director, DMI and Mr. Deka, Chief Inspector of Factories, Government of Assam

The Workshop proceedings included key presentations on site and Off-site Emergency Management Planning with brainstorming, and group sessions to discuss on how to proceed further in Assam on the given topic, what should be the area which needs to be highlighted when one goes for planning and, whether segregation is required for on-site and off-site capacity development.

Roles and responsibilities for On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Planning have been identified. These include the industry, the government especially the district authorities and the Inspectorate of Factories and the common public. The role of medical teams and the need for their inclusion in the development of the emergency plans was also highlighted.

The major suggestions that emerged from the workshop include amongst others:

·  Importance of inclusion of security aspect in planning.

·  Development of guidelines defining the role of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Inspector of Factories in an emergency.

·  Bringing on board MoEF along with state government officials.

·  Adequate software such as dispersion modelling in case of leakage of gas, fire and explosion should be provided to the chief inspector of factories or the disaster management cell to help the MAH units and district administration in preparation of their off-site emergency plan.

·  Effective coordination between the district administration and factory inspectorate in case of off site disaster mock exercises.

·  On site and off site emergency plans should contain material safety data sheets for the hazard or chemical handled in the concerned factory.

·  Compliance of recommendations arising out of off site mock drill to be submitted for continual improvement.

·  Community awareness, periodic advertisement on what to do and what not to do in case of emergency to be published in newspaper and other media; short documentary on doordarshan

2 Workshop background

The Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is supporting the "Human Resource development Programme on industrial Disaster Risk Management (HRDP-iDRM)" over a period of three years 2008-2010. The programme is being implemented by the Disaster Management Institute (DMI) Bhopal with technical support from InWEnt and under the umbrella Indo-German Cooperation GTZ-ASEM programme “Sustainable Industrial Development".

Under the Project, a number of workshops and training programmes are being organized on different themes of iDRM. A national workshop on “On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Planning” was held on 23-24 December in Guwahati as the 3rd workshop in a series of workshops held through 2008.

3 National Workshop

Objectives of the national workshop

The objective of the national workshop was to sensitize the managers of industries from both industry and government on the need to minimize the risk associated with major hazardous accidents and industrial disasters and the importance of on-site and off-site management planning and of conducting mock drills.

Expected results

The national workshop achieved the expected result of creating awareness regarding industrial hazards, the importance of on-site and off site planning, roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders for industrial disaster management including industry and the district authorities, highlighting the importance of conducting mock drills within the industrial premises as well as with the people living in the vicinity of the industry..

Workshop Methodology

The participants represented a range of perspectives from government, industry and other agencies. The workshop adopted an open brainstorming and discussion approach following key presentations. This methodology helped to highlight issues related to on site and off site planning in order to minimize risks in case of an industrial disaster.

The first day of the workshop had presentations by 6 key experts on emergency planning and management. Each presentation was an interactive session followed by brainstorming /open discussions. On the second day, there were four presentation and a film on a mock drill organised at the Digboi refinery. Recommendations for on site and off site management planning were formulated based on group work. Each group presented the results of their deliberations.

4 Workshop Proceedings

23rd December: Inaugural Session

Day one started with felicitation of Mr. K.K. Mittal, Secretary, Labor and employment department, Govt. of Assam, Mr. Dubey, DMI and Mr. Deka, Chief Inspector Factories, Assam.

The inaugural speech was made by Mr. Deka, Chief Inspector Factories, Assam. He outlined the objectives of the workshop and the importance of sensitization on the management of major hazardous accidents and the need to minimize the risk associated with industrial disasters. He stressed the need for planning for prevention of risks and for risk minimization stating it was the moral, social and legal obligation of the industry to avoid hazards and safe guard the people as well as the labourers working in the industries. He also stated that efforts need to be made to evolve national guidelines for on site and off site emergency planning.

Dr. Dubey, Director, DMI, Bhopal in his key note address threw light on disaster management and the activities going on in the country and the work carried out by the Disaster Management Institute. He highlighted the technical support provided by InWEnt for the iDRM programme and gave some details on the web platform which has been formed under the project and the role of regional authors in sharing knowledge on the platform.

Mr. K.K. Mittal, Secretary, Labour and employment department, Govt. of Assam, formally inaugurated the workshop by lighting the lamp. He stated that the concept of emergency planning is important since all industries function continuity and all situations have to be dealt with, including those which come unexpectedly and suddenly. Therefore we need to do emergency planning. There has to be commitment from the industry to have an on-site emergency plan. There is some laxity in implementing on-site emergency planning because its direct linkages are not seen or can be visualized easily. For long term profitability, it becomes necessary to have emergency planning. This requires funding and often the business is under financial pressure and it is difficult to part with finances for emergency plan. There is therefore need for commitment of management and involvement of stakeholder including the government. He stressed that there is need to start from the designing stage itself i.e. design of the factory taking into consideration all the guidelines as well as the codes already developed. These take care of some eventuality based on past experiences. He stated that regular updating of the guidelines and codes are also required.

He pointed to the need of having some experimentation and drills for emergency planning. Once an emergency plan is made, there has to be continuous process of updating and assessment of whether the plan still holds or requires changes.

His expectation from the workshop was to get some good thoughts which would help in developing standards, guidelines and codes for on site and off site emergency planning.

A vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Samiran Dass, Senior Inspector of Factories, Guwahati.

National Workshop on On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Planning – Guwahati 2008

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23rd December: Technical Session-I

The technical session was preceded by a facilitation session for Chief Inspector Factories from Bihar, Jharkhand, Arunachal and Orissa.

1  On-site and off-site emergency management on chemical disaster

Mr. Deka, Chief Inspector Factories, Assam

The first session was presented by Mr. Deka, Chief Inspector Factories, Assam on On-site and off-site emergency management on chemical disaster. In his presentation, Mr. Deka highlighted why emergency planning is required; what is an emergency, both on site and off site; what is onsite and off site emergency; what should be the objectives of an emergency plan; the need for an emergency control centre, assembly points, key personnel to be involved and their role in onsite emergency, other key personnel and their duties. He pointed to the need for carrying out mock exercises and rehearsal of the off site plan to ensure its efficiency, test and response, interaction and co-ordination of operators of various service organizations, evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the equipments and to gain experience and confidence to implement the plan. He also pointed towards the need for distributing the finalized disaster plan to all concerned for implementation and rehearsal for preparedness.