February 2010 meeting minutes

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(302) 739-9948 Tel * (302) 739-7764 Fax

Monthly Meeting Minutes

For February 3, 2010

Members Present: Matt Brill, Gerry Desmond, Paul Hufschmidt, Byron Jefferson, Phil King, Dave Schepens, Ken Walsh, Lisa Wood

Also Present: Sue Marsett & Kathy Wright (DNREC); Eric Valentine (license applicant)

v  Meeting began at 9:15 a.m.

v  Byron made a motion to accept the amended agenda items (marked with a ¤ on the agenda); Matt seconded, all approved.

v  January 2010 Meeting Minutes reviewed; Lisa made a motion to approve as submitted, Matt seconded, all approved.

v  Eric Valentine introduced himself to the OSSAB members who did not already know who is; he was attending the meeting in case the OSSAB had questions regarding his applications

v  License Applications:

Applicant Name / License
Type / Approved / Denied / Motion
By / 2nd
By / All In
Agreement /
Eric Valentine / B / X / Gerry / Paul / X
Eric Valentine / E / X* / Phil / Paul / X**
Matthew Fogle / F / X / Paul / Lisa / X
Howard Hickman / F / X
Joseph Wyatt / F / X / X
Daryl Jester
(agenda incorrectly said “Daniel” instead of ‘Daryl’) / F / X / X

X* – Application was deemed incomplete; must show two years of experience & resubmit for review

X** – Dave did not participate in vote since applicant is spouse of DNREC/DWR employee

Discussion of Eric Valentine’s Class E application:

·  Dave stated that Hilary Valentine (Mr. Valentine’s spouse & GWDS employee) would not review any of Mr. Valentine’s documents submitted to DNREC

·  Ken stated that he feels Mr. Valentine is qualified but Ken has concerns regarding a potential conflict of interest (between Mr. Valentine & Hilary/DNREC)

·  Mr. Valentine explained his reasons for obtaining proper licensure (in order to design, install and perform maintenance on OWTDS); he intends to apply for a Class H license in the future

·  The OSSAB members discussed ‘manufacturer’s experience’ vs. ‘hands-on experience;’ some OSSAB members stated that ‘manufacturer’s experience’ should not be included as part of the 2-yr experience required by the On-Site Regulations

·  Mr. Valentine stated that he has many years of ‘hands-on experience’ while working for American Manufacturing

·  Paul stated that he would prefer to see documentation showing 2-yrs experience excluding American Manufacturing systems

·  Eric asked Byron if signed affidavits from installers was OK and Byron replied yes

·  Eric stated that he did not agree with the OSSAB’s interpretation of the Regulations, in which the OSSAB wanted to exclude his 16-yr employment with American Manufacturing when looking at his 2-yrs experience; Eric stated that he will provide the OSSAB with documentation showing his ‘hands-on experience’

·  Eric left the meeting

·  Ken questioned if this application needs to go before a DNREC ethics board prior to the OSSAB review for approval; Dave indicated this step was not required

·  The OSSAB discussed the approval of the B application, denial of the E application, and the Class H application (in the future)

·  OSSAB members discussed the prerequisites for the different license applications

v  CET’s:

Ø  PA Assoc. of Sewage Enforcement Officers Annual Conference & Trade Show - approved for all licensees

Ø  Delaware Rural Water Assoc.: Generator Sizing and Backhoe Operation & Safety – approved for 2 hours, for all licensees

v  Enforcement / Compliance:

Ø  Lynn Naudain (Class E #2236)– did not obtain an authorization number or call for cover inspection; Manager’s Warning issued; No OSSAB action requested at this time

v  License Verification form for Kevin Thomas; signed by Byron

v  Meeting adjourned.


Prepared By Katharyn Wright Approved By Byron Jefferson