Métro 3 Rouge Module 3 Programme de la visite
Unité 1 pp42-43 Le week-end / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Saying what you are going to do
Grammar / future tense + aller (full paradigm)
(Programmes of Study) / 2f adapt previously-learned language
2i summarise main points of text
5a communicate in pairs and groups etc. / 1c, 2b, 2c
1a, 1b
1c, 2b
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5 / Understand people talking about what they are going to do / 2a
Speaking / AT2/4–5 / Say what people are going to do / 1c, 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Understand interview about plans for weekend / 1a, 1b
Writing / AT4/4–5 / Write about what you or other people are going to do / 2c, 3
Key language / Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire demain?
Nous allons faire une promenade en ville / faire les magasins / manger au snack / retrouver nos copains et leurs corres / jouer au volley.
Le matin je vais me lever à sept heures.
L’après-midi je vais aller au cinéma.
Le soir je vais aller chez mon copain / ma copine.
Je vais faire une promenade.
Il va jouer au basket.
ICT Opportunities / Communicating by E-mail: write to penfriend about plans for visit, as suggested in activity 3.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p23
A toi!, PB p118
Extension / En plus, PB p54
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 2
R & A File: grammar 1, p53
Flashcards 1–20 from Métro 2
Métro 3 Rouge Module 3 Programme de la visite
Unité 2 pp44-45 Nous allons ... / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Naming five places that you would like to visit
Saying what you thought about a visit
Grammar /
on va + infinitive
au / à / à l’ / auxSkills
(Programmes of Study) / 2a listen for gist and detail
3c use dictionaries / reference materials / 1c, 2b
1b, 2a
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5 / Note main information from people talking about leisure plans; understand what they have already done / 1c, 2b
Speaking / AT2/5 / Discuss places you have been to, giving opinions / 1a
Reading and responding / AT3/5–6 / Understand descriptions of leisure activities / 1a, 1b, 2a
Writing / AT4/3–5 / Write descriptions of leisure plans and give opinions of activities done / 1d, 2c
Key language / un parc aquatique, un parc d’attractions, un château, un parc safari
C’était intéressant / super / cool / pas mal / ennuyeux / un peu long.
Ce n’est pas mon truc.
On va faire / aller ... .
ICT Opportunities / Using the internet: look at websites of French theme parks e.g. or
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p24
A toi!, PB p118
Extension / En plus, PB p55
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 3
R & A File: worksheet 1, p49
Flashcards 1–20 from Métro 2
Métro 3 Rouge Module 3 Programme de la visite
Unité 3 pp46-47 Où est la poste, s’il vous plaît? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Asking where places are and how to get there
Giving directions and saying how long it takes to get there
Grammar / formal and informal address (tutoyer / vouvoyer)
using y
(Programmes of Study) / 2c ask and answer questions
2e vary language / 1b, 2b
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Understand directions / 1a, 2a
Speaking / AT2/4 / Ask for and give directions / 1b, 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Understand descriptions of places / 1c
Writing / AT4/4 / Write out directions for exchange partner / 3
Key language / Où est le / la / l’ ...?
Il / Elle est dans la rue ... / sur la place du marché / en face de ... / à côté de ...
Pardon madame / monsieur, pourriez-vous me dire où se trouve(nt) la gare / le cinéma / la banque / l’arrêt de bus / l’hypermarché / les toilettes?
Tu prends / Vous prenez la première rue à gauche.
Tu vas / Vous allez tout droit. Prends / Prenez le bus.
C’est loin? C’est à ... minutes d’ici.
On y va pour chercher du pain.
ICT Opportunities / Communicating by E-mail: send a list of useful directions to penfriend, as suggested in activity 3.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p25
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 4
R & A File: worksheet 2, p50; grammar 2, p52
Métro 3 Rouge Module 3 Programme de la visite
Unité 4 pp48-49 Visite du musée / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about the past
Reading and listening for gist
Grammar / using the imperfect tense, full paradigm (avoir, être, faire)
(Programmes of Study) / 2a listen for gist and detail
2h skim and scan texts
4d knowledge of TL communities / 1b, 1c, 2b
1a, 1b, 1c
1a, 1b, 1c, 1d
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/6 / Understand a description about life in the 19th century; understand a list of changes between then and now / 1a, 2b
Speaking / AT2/5–6 / Speak about differences between now and 1900 / 2a
Reading and responding / AT3/5–6 / Understand a description about life in the 19th century / 1a, 1b, 1c
Writing / AT4/5–6 / Write about the most important changes / developments in the last twenty years / 2c
Key language /
On n’avait pas d’ordinateur.
On faisait cuire le pain au four communal.On dormait dans un grand lit.
On allait chercher de l’eau à la fontaine.
On lavait le linge au lavoir communal.
On n’avait pas d’électricité.
ICT Opportunities / Word processing – creating a table: adapt activity 2c by writing the five important changes chosen in two columns, Il y a 20 ans and Aujourd’hui.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p26
Extension / En plus, PB pp56–57
A toi!, p119
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 5
R & A File: grammar 3–4, pp53–54
Métro 3 Rouge Module 3 Programme de la visite
Unité 5 pp50-51 Qui a volé les merguez? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about what happened using the perfect and imperfect tenses
Grammar / perfect tense
imperfect tense
(Programmes of Study) / 1b apply grammar
1c use a range of vocabulary / structures
2a listen for gist and detail / 2a, 2b
1c, 1e
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4–5 / Understand what people did / were doing and what they thought / 1c, 1e
Speaking / AT2/4–5 / Describe what people were doing / 1d
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Understand a description of a party / 1a, 1b
Writing / AT4/5–6 / Describe what you and others did at a party / 2a, 2b
Key language / Il y avait une boum chez ... .
Ses parents s’occupaient du barbecue, ils avaient une grande table avec ... .
Nous nous sommes baigné (e)s.
Nous avons joué / dansé / rigolé / écouté de la musique / dragué.
Je draguais / nageais / jouais / lisais / dansais / fumais.
ICT Opportunities / Communicating by E-mail: as an alternative to writing a diary, as suggested in activity 2b, write an e-mail to a penfriend about a recent real or imaginary party.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p27
Extension / En plus, PB p55
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 6
R & A File: grammar 5, p55