On Monday, May 13, 2002, the Preble Town Board held its regular monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor ,Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:10.

Board members present: Linette Currie, Kate Edinger, Tom Fox and Peter Knapp, Councilmen.

Others present: Dan O=Shea, Jeff Griswold, Don Armstrong, John Steger, Frank Hogg, Jay Currie, Ed Jenney and Joyce Snavlin,

Approval of previous month=s minutes

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Tom Fox

RESOLUTION #38: To accept the April 8, 2002 minutes as submitted

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)


DOG CONTROL-1Complaint - dog at large

2 stray cats taken to the shelter in April

Followed up on Darlene Echrich and Mary Witter with regards to cruelty investigations

JUSTICE REPORT-$23,950. submitted to the Town of Preble for April

Marilyn is in hospital following knee surgery.


-Have finished sweeping

-Jeff has found a couple more people to talk to about improvements to the Clark Road, Spur and Mt. Toppin Rd. The residents have been supportive so far.

-Most patching is done at this time.

-Will start resurfacing the gravel roads when we get some dry weather.

-Amnesty weekend - Slightly less brought in than last year. Today, they hauled 590 automotive tires to the landfill.

-Have 18 of the 19 trees cut on Wright Road.


-Jeff rewired the front end of the A-car recently.

-Jeff had a carbide tool holder made for the scarifier holder on the grader. The carbide bit impacts the stones at the surface of a gravel road and fractures them. Essentially making crushed stone.


-Nothing to report


-Kevin and Jeff are taking the RSMS (Road Surface Management System) training at Cornell the week of May 20. This management/accounting system will help us in the next few years with complying with GASB 34 requirements.


-Jeff had an irate resident stop at the shop concerning farmers tracking mud into the road.

-The next day, Jeff had another resident stop and thank him for the condition the roads were kept this past winter.

RECREATION-No one present from the committee

COUNTY LEGISLATURE-The ad hoc committee still looking for an Administrator for the County.

-Tentative report that County budget will be in the black $250,000-$500,000; which is considered very small.

-Land fill - There is going to be a resolution passed so that residents can take up to 6 tires per year at no charge. Larger tires will be charged a fee.

-The County Planning Board members and Planning Board chairman went to Fenner, NY took a tour of the windwill site. Cortland County is looking into the possibility of using this system on the Cortland landfill site.


-5 building permits ggranted

-Construction value - $61,000

-Fees assessed - $555.00

1 pending

2 Certificates of Occupancies issued

30+ telephone inquiries

Issued 2 30-day violation notices for junk cars

PLANNING BOARD- Next meeting is Thursday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m.

HISTORIAN-Anne Henderson absent.

TOWN CLERK -$714.00 - Fees collected in April; $3.00 to Ag & Markets; $12.92 to CC Treasurer, $13.00 to NYS DEC; $11.25 to NYS Dept of Health; and $673.83 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor

Tax Collector: To Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor B $986.87 for interest and penalties for April



Little York Lake - Water Craft -Issued has been turned over to the County

Flashing Light - Route 281 & Song Lake Crossing - A letter has been received from the DOT - after review of the last 3 years, they feel it is not necessary for a light at this time.

Town Hall Roof - Tentative starting date - end of May, first of June

Subdivision change - Reviewed draft. There are different options which will shorten the length of time it takes to do a minor subdivision. The main change being the consolidation and the lot line adjustment would no long be considered subdivisions. After a decision has been made, there will be a public hearing.

Employee=s personnel handbook - The new handbook will be reviewed and will be in effect the first of 2003.

Water Quality - High Nitrates -32 more samples have been taken and submitted for testing. The CC Health Dept. also took 10 samples. There will be a meeting May 17 @3 o=clock.

Open Burning -A letter has been addressed to Linette and Tom from Dawn Lewis. Tom mentioned he would like to talk about the subject at a later date.

Meeting with Municipal Leaders - Betty Ann attended a meeting at the 1890 House with Cortland County leaders. Next meeting will be in Homer May 16th - considering consolidation of purchasing products together.

Amnesty Day - Everything went well.

Fire Lanes -Met with Fire Control and Dan Daneen. Have decided to have meetings with residents of the private roads . On May 29th @7:30 - meeting with residents of Camp Hoover, Cummings Point, Goodale Lake, both Green Lake Roads. On May 30th @7:30 - meeting with residents of Evans Road, Madden Lane, Old Woods Road, Rittenhouse Square and St. Charles Bay. The residents to come up with a road name which will be used for postal delivery and 911.

Planning Board - Vincent Maresco - A thank you note to be written to Vince for all his work on the Planning Board. The name of Tom VanPatten has been given to replace him.

Motion made by Peter Knapp;, seconded by Kate Edinger

RESOLUTION #39:To appoint Tom VanPatten to the Planning Board to fill the unexpired term of Vince Maresco.

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)


Letter - Time Warner -An informational letter has been received stating they are now connected with AT&T

No changes. Service has been extended to the East Hill Road.

American Red Cross - Meeting May 22nd at the Red Cross Office Building on Port Watson Street.

Sales Tax - 1st quarter - $80,344.68

ZBA - Charles Sturgeon - A letter received from Charlie Sturgeon giving his resignation from the ZBA effective immediately. A thank you letter to be written. The name of Kay Vossler was given as a replacement.

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Linette Currie

RESOLUTION #40:To appoint Kay Vossler to the ZBA to fill the unexpired term of Charles Sturgeon.

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

State of New York Dept. of Public Service - Regional meeting June 6th

Rent from Post Office - $541.67 received

A letter has been received from Bob Rittenhouse regarding the order to remedy violations dated Feb. 6, 2002 and the reply to Bob=s letter of March 9 and April 8, 2002. (Letter on file)


No public comments

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Tom Fox

RESOLUTION #41:To move to executive session to discuss Kogut vs Kanpp=s

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Betty Ann Pitman(aye) Peter Knapp-(Abstain)

Motion made by Tom Fox, seconded by Linette Currie

RESOLUTION #42:To exit executive session

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Betty Ann Pitman(aye) Peter Knapp-(Abstain)

Following executive session - The litigation of the Kogut/Knapp property was discussed and there is no further action to be taken at this time.

Approve General and Highway bills:

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp

RESOLUTION #43To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 5 Nos. 82 to 105, totaling $4,804.73

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

Motion made by Linette Currie, seconded by Tom Fox

RESOLUTION #44:To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No.5, Nos. 51 to 61, totaling $6,496.19

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

There being no further business, Betty Ann asked for a motion to adjourn.

Linette Currie moved the meeting be adjourned; seconded by Tom Fox

Meeting adjourned at 9:50.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane W. Davenport

Unofficial 05/13/2002