On Monday, January 10, 2005, the Preble Town Board held its organizational meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:00.
Board members present: Kate Edinger, Peter Knapp, Dick Martin and Dave Morse, Councilmen.
Others present: Victoria Monty, Dan O’Shea. Jeff Griswold, Calvin Griswold, Frank Hogg, and Dennis Kennedy
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded byPeter Knapp
RESOLUTION #1:To accept the December 13, 2004 minutes as submitted
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin (aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded byDick Martin
RESOLUTION #2:To accept the December 27, 2004 minutes as submitted
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin (aye) Dave Morse(aye)
DOG CONTROL:- No report received
JUSTICE REPORT:$9,615. submitted to the Town of Preble for December
-The highway personnel have been cutting trees
ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT:-0 building permits granted
-1 permit pending
-2 certificates of occupancy issued
-20 telephone inquiries
-3 30-day violation notices issued
–1 pending in court
PLANNING BOARD:-January meeting is the 27th at 7 o=clock
HISTORIAN:-Anne submitted her annual report. Dick commented on what a nice job Anne had done on the hallway showcase this past year.
TOWN CLERK:-$400.00 - fees collected in December. Disbursed $17.62 to CC Treasurer; $3.00 to Ag & Markets, $17.95 to the DEC, $22.50 to NYS Dept. of Health, and $338.93 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor
DON ARMSTRONG:Victoria Monty was sitting in for Don.
Fines in local court -A letter has been received stating that the law was repealed and the fines would be reinstated to the towns.
Tower & Wireless Facilities Water Protection & Zoning, Land Use - Tabled
Property on Song Mt. Road - Going to be made into one parcel. There was going to be a 4-way cost, but one individual has backed out.
Barden Homes Road (Thomas Albert Dr.) speed -In the hands of the State.
Post Office furnace - Quotes have been received and following discussion, it was decided to go with Holbrook .
Motion made by Dave Morse, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #3:To have Holbrook install the Post Office furnace per price quoted of $2764.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Doug Staley contract - in discussing the contract, it was decided to change his time in the office on Wednesday’s from 2:30 to 4:30 and salary as stated in the contract received in November .
Motion made by Dick Martin, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #4:To approve Doug Staley’s contract, going back to the original contract given in November.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Vormwald Zone Change - Nothing
Record Management Resolution -
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #5:To accept the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU-1.
RESOLVED, By the Town Board of the Town of Preble that Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU-1, issued pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts & Cultural Affairs Law, and containing legal minimum retention periods for local government records, is hereby adopted for use by all officers in legally disposing of valueless records listed therein.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Article 57-A:
(a) only those records will be disposed of that are described in Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU-1 after they have met the minimum retention periods described therein;
(b) only those records will be disposed of that do not have sufficient administrative, fiscal, legal, or historical value to merit retention beyond established legal minimum periods.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #6:To appoint the Town Clerk as Records Management Officer.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Highway Agreement - The agreement for the expenditure of Highway Monies was reviewed. Following discussion, it was decided to eliminate the purchase of a new loader.
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #7:To accept the Highway Agreement as corrected.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Hawkins & Foley zone change - Betty Ann stated that she is pulling this item and will bring back later.
Dick read his thoughts on the zone/change request.
Post Office Checks - Check for $541.67 received
Sales Tax Check received - $59,369.02
Check received from NYS Thruway Authority - CHIPS - $12,251.74
Appointments -Betty Ann gave her list of appointments as follows:
Code Enforcement Officer - Elizabeth Pitman; Services rendered by Doug Staley per contract with Life Safety Consultants
Deputy Supervisor - Peter Knapp
Deputy Highway - Dale Mosher
Deputy Clerk - Sharon Flint
Bookkeeper - Gina Nourse
Historian - Anne Henderson
Budget Officer - Elizabeth Pitman
Registrar of Vital Statistics - Jane Davenport
Justice Clerk - Phyllis Adams
Dog Control - (On hold)
Assessor - Julie Ray c/o CC Property Service (Per contract)
Secretary of Planning & ZBA - Sharon Flint
Planning Board - ChairmanTom Van Patten
Barbara Albro
Terry Coolidge
Tom Fox
Beth Brill
(Scheduled meeting is the third Thursday of the Month)
Zoning Board of AppealsDan O’Shea
Brian Bartholomew
Bill Underwood
Robert Lieber
Kay Vossler
(Scheduled meeting is the first Thursday of the month)
Board of Assessment ReviewBill Underwood
David Griswold
Jerome Kleisath
Brenda Brooks
William VanPatten
All newly appointed Town Officials are to take the oath of office.
Regular Town Board meetings will throughout the year of 2005, be held at 8:00 o’clock P. M. on the second Monday of each month in the Town Hall of the Town of Preble.
The official newspaper - Cortland Standard
The official bank depository - Alliance Bank
Attorney’s - the firm of Pomeroy, Armstrong & Casullo LLP shall represent the Town:
Town BoardDon Armstrong
Planning & ZBAFran Casullo
Board of Assessment ReviewFran Casulo
Utility Bills - will be paid in advance as necessary when the due date is before Town Board’s regular meeting
Salaries - Town Officials and Contracts as stated in the budget of 2205 will be paid weekly, monthly, semi monthly, quarterly or annually.
Mileage - For town business, outside of town rate $3.65 per mile
Review the Investment Policy & Procurement policy
Authorize the Town Superintendent of Highways to purchase equipment, tools and implements
during the year without prior approval of the Town Board. The mount to be fixed by the board - $1000.00.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #8:To appoint the following whose terms expired at year end 2004:
Barbara Albro to the Planning Board for a period of 5 years
Bill Underwood to the ZBA for a period of 5 years
Jerome Kleisath to the Board of Assessment Review for a period of 5 years
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #9:To accept the appointments as presented
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Insurance -Betty Ann, Peter and Kate have been reviewing insurance costs and suggests that we change the insurance carrier to NYMIR, a company that would save the town some money and would give full replacement cost of vehicles under 10years old.
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #10:To authorize the supervisor to change insurance carrier from the current holder to NYMIR.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
E-One Letter - A letter has been received from E-One stating that there will be approximately 14 employees working at the facility until January 31st.
NYS Office of Real Property - A letter received stating that the town would be receiving $5.00 per parcel.
Dennis Kennedy inquiring about the Land Use project.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dick Martin
RESOLUTION #11:To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 1, Nos. 1 to 15, totaling $23,760.71
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)
Motion made byDick Martin, seconded byPeter Knapp
RESOLUTION #12:To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 1, Nos. 1to 4, totaling $1,334.01
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #13:To enter into executive session at 9:10 regarding the purchase of land.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #14:To exit executive session at 9:45
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)Richard Martin(aye) David Morse(aye)
The public did not return.
There being no further business, Betty Ann asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Dick, seconded by Dave; meeting adjourned at 9:47.
Respectfully submitted,
Unofficial 1/10/2005Jane W. Davenport
OfficialTown Clerk