140 Zion Hill Road, Salem NH 03079 /

On behalf of the PTA at North Salem Elementary School, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join the PTA, through our 2015-2016membership drive. Dues are only $10for individual members or $15for twomembersresiding in the same household. If grandparents or any other adult relative over the age of 18 would like to join, please fill out a separate form and indicate the relationship to the child(ren). Please complete the form below and return it to the school, along with your dues, at your earliest convenience. A membership card will be sent to each person joining through your child’s teacher.

Joining the PTA is a great way to show your support to our school and children! It is important to remember that joining the PTA does not commit you to volunteering, participating in activities at the school, or attending PTA meetings. Your dues are simply a show of support for the PTA, on the local, state and national levels. Additional benefits of memberships include:

Thank you for your support!

140 Zion Hill Road, Salem NH 03079 /
  • Discount on AARP memberships
  • Limited time offer to save by shopping with Boxed Wholesale
  • Discount on HertzCar Rentals
  • A Risk free 30-day trial plus 10% off membership fees with LifeLock.
  • Discount at Staples all year long
  • Discount on MetLife Auto & Home Policies
  • Discount fromSylvan Learning Centers
  • Discount for TeenSafe,a Smart Phone Monitoring Service
  • Access to online parenting resources at PTA.org

Thank you for your support!

140 Zion Hill Road, Salem NH 03079 /

Money raised from PTA membership and other PTA fundraising events at North Salem Elementary goes toward programs such as providing buses for field trips, purchasing and maintaining playground equipment, cultural arts programs, and after-school programs and fun events for the entire family!

Even if you cannot attend the PTA meetings or activities, please join to give your financial support and to participate in our online discussions. You can connect with us anytime at: and don’t forget to us on Facebook!

Thank you for supporting yourNorth Salem Elementary School PTA!

Please make checks payable to “North Salem PTA” and return in an envelope marked PTA Membership

Name: ______

(Your email address will only be given to the North Salem Elementary PTA Executive Board, so that we may contact you
regarding important information such as upcoming events and PTA meetings, as well as any volunteer opportunitiesavailable.)

Home Address:

Phone: (check one) Home Mobile Business

Child’s Name: Child’s Name:

Child’s Name: Child’s Name:

Amount Enclosed: $ Cash Check #

Thank you for your support!