/ KnightLife / Jan -Feb2015

Grand Knight

On behalf of the Officers and Trustees thank you for your help in making our Council a good one this year.Thank you to our Priests and Deacons without your direction and support we would not exist as a Council.Thanks also to our Parish Director and Staff for allowing us to be a part of parish lifeand telling others about the Knights of Columbusas a faith based men's group. I am thankful we work pretty well togetherin the spirit of charity,unity and fraternity. Because of our decision to sell the property we are in a unique position to make substantial contributions to benefit many worthy causes in our parishes,archdiocese and missions.Since last May,email communications were sent asking for input. Recently,a final survey was mailed to members along with the notice of annual duesand fraternal activity survey. Please take time now to complete the surveys and return with payment of dues.The Officers are meeting soon to review your input and will present a formal written resolution at the next business meetingin February.Any payments exceeding $500 must be approved by 2/3 majority of those present at a business meeting following the presentation of a written resolution at the previous months meeting.Per our by-laws the vote to pass the resolution then takes place at the next business meeting (which will be March9)to disburse funds.

If as a Council we're able to show more value to the parishes it should eventually result in more men joining the Knights of Columbusand that is a good thing.The more members,the more help we can be to our Parishes. We all agree we are here to serve. Isn't that what we are all about? If the measure of council success is how many members attend meetings and help at events,then I would say I was not a very good Grand Knight.For those unable to attend due to health,work,distance or other reasons we appreciate your prayers and continued support of paying annual $30 dues!But if by the end of my second year as GK which is coming up June 30,we can say that we have made a difference because we were involved in the support of our parishes and KC programs supportingthe poor, Community,Vocations,Culture of Life,Youth programsincluding school scholarships and helped at least one person open his or her heart and get close to God then we did a good job.I admit it is hard to keep your chin up when we are losing members to death faster than we gain newmembers.PleaserememberChesterJeziorskiwhopassedawaylastweek.I am not sure what the answer is and I don't understand why it is hard to get new members. Perhaps it is a sign of the times but then again,daily,as I study Saint of the Day emails on my smartphone,I have learned every age had it's challenges.Today is no different.When my2 year term as GK is up this June 30,I hope another candidate will step in as GK.I highly recommend the experience of Grand Knight.You have past GK's and the members to support you.I look forward to moving on to other challenges in leadership within our Council whatever that may be and also to becoming a 4th Degree Knight this Saturday.

We have six months left in our fraternal year and hope to gain six new membersor more. New ideas and energy are needed and new members will bring that. Become a Knight!It's a good thing to help others!And when you do it will make you feel better!

Thanks for your support and here's to a good second half of our fraternal year.Prayers for a safe journey for our folks going on the Holy Land Pilgrimage Feb 3 to 13 and prayers the Holy Spirit guides in our actions the next two meetings and beyond.

Fraternal yours,

Rick Schaub

Grand Knight


40 Days for Life:Feb 18 to March29 pray for an end to abortions from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday during the Lenten Season

Affiliated Medical Services
1428 North Farwell Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Next to Shank Hall across the street from the Women’s Care Center

2nd and 3rd Degree Mar 14 - Fond du Lac, Wi.K of C Clubhouse 795 Fond du Lac Ave, Fond du Lac. See attachment for details.

4th Degree Sat Apr 11– Appleton, Wi.,Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, 333 West College Ave, Appleton, Wi. See attachment for details

Men of Christ Conference Mar14 at the Milwaukee theater contact Jim Michaletz 262 573-2085, or register online . Early bird pricing reduced rate tickets $38/ea, Students, 23 years of age and under $22/each till February 24th

Praying the Rosary Opportunities

First Friday St. Joseph Catholic Churchimmediately following Eucharistic Adorationat 5:00pm.

First Sunday St. FrancisBorgia Catholic Churchafter the 9:00 am Mass (10:05am).

Please meet on the plaza and the Knights will process to Mary's shrine for the recitation of the

rosary. In case of bad weather, meet in the narthex and the rosary will be in the church.

Radio 1640 AM and 100.1 FMRelevant Radio 8:00 pm daily in S.E. Wisconsin pray with Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee for Peace and the Family in SE Wisconsin


Reminder: Please pay your dues and return the fraternal survey.

Reminder: Please visit our new club website; see links below.

Auction from the Heart --Sat evening Feb 14th. – St Francis School Dinner/Fundraiser auction and fun event.

TMIY That Man Is You –SFB North Caumps. Monday morning 6:00 to 7:15am in the church hall. Doors open at 5:30 for coffee, bagels and fellowship

Wisconsin K of C News and Events

WEBSITE Links – for the latest list of events:

San Salvador Council #4520– everyone is encouraged to try both sites

UKnight – under construction

State council newsletters:

Prior editions of the newsletter:

Wisconsin K of C News and Events -Get news via Text messages on your smartphone.Text the word brother to 84576 and you will be added to the list and get news.Free to all.Note: Text rates may apply by your phone company

Knights of Columbus San Salvador Council #4520 Post Office Box 341 Cedarburg, WI 53012 / Monthly Meetings
Next Meeting: Monday Feb 8, 7:00 pm at St Joseph Grafton Conference Room C. Rosary begins at 6:30. Enter the main church entrance under canopy. Go straight in to elevator on the left, down one floor. Exit elevator and take 2 lefts to Conf room C. There will be signs.
Future Meetings MondaysMar 8, Apr 13, May 11

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