Board of TrusteesFINAL

April 16, 2016

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Board of Trustees

Pennsylvania Dental Association

April 16, 2016

Omni Bedford Springs Resort

Bedford, Pennsylvania

PresentConsultants/Staff/Guests Present

Dr. Anand V. Rao (1)Camille Kostelac-Cherry, Esq., CEO

Dr. Eli Stavisky (3)Barbara Mladenoff, Executive Assistant

Dr. Frederick S. Johnson (4)Thomas J. Weber, Legal Counsel

Dr. James M. Boyle III (5)Dr. Bruce R. Terry, Incoming President-elect

Dr. Nicole M. Quezada (6), SecretaryDr. Matthew A. Zale, Trustee-Elect (3)

Dr. Cynthia A. Iseman (7)Dr. Maria J. Tacelosky, Trustee-Elect (4)

Dr. Theodore J. Rockwell (8)Dr. Sam Mansour, Trustee-Elect (9)

Dr. Joseph E. Ross (9)Dr. Andrew J. Kwasny, ADA Trustee

Dr. James A.H. Tauberg (10)

Dr. Wade I. Newman, President

Dr. Herbert L. Ray, Jr., President-elect

District Proxy

Dr. Bruce R. Terry, Second District Proxy


Dr. Charles J. Incalcaterra (2)

Dr. Samuel E. Selcher, Treasurer

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:32a.m. by Dr. Wade I. Newman, president.

Membership Survey Results

The board discussed the survey results submitted by Mr. Michael Gallery. Of the 3,765 members invited to participate, 597 members (16%) completed the survey. The average member profile was that of a 59 year-old, white male. Overall, the survey results did not produce any new information that staff does not have already. However, there were a few notable responses.

  • The top five valued PDA benefits were advocacy, PDA publications, in-person CE, PDA Child Abuse CE course, and on-line CE.
  • The things considered high in value were PDAIS and endorsed services and products. When reviewing the numbers who purchase PDAIS products, however, it is clear that although members value the products and services, they do not purchase them. Additionally a surprising 42% of respondents do not care about receiving discounted products or services offered through PDA membership.
  • The frequency of communications was rated at the right level. The survey shows that over 50% of respondents favor electronic delivery of the Pennsylvania Dental Association Journal. PDA is considering offering an opt-out of the printed version.
  • PDA member benefit in rank order:

1) Legislative advocacy

2) PDA publications

3) In-person CE

4) PDA child abuse recognition CE

5) Online CE

6) Federal/state compliance & regulatory issues


8) 3rd party payer guidance

9) Public information and education

10) PDA Website

11) PDA Endorsed Vendor program

12) Annual meeting

13) New dentist webinar (17% of respondents were aged 20-39)

  • The ranking of the annual meeting as #12 in member benefit was meaningful due
    to members finding little value in an annual meeting; the format and the money spent on having an annual meeting should be reconsidered.
  • Only45% of respondents visited the PDA website one to three times a year.Younger members of PDA gravitate more toward Facebook or Twitter.

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry has cancelled the four focus groups that were to be held during the 2016 PDM due to the following: the survey did not provide information not already known, there are no deep analytics, and uncertainty regarding the amount of ongoing assistance that will be provided by Mr. Gallery.Ms. Kostelac-Cherry and Ms. Mary Donlin, Director of Membership, plan to do a more in-depth analysis of the membership survey results because Mr. Gallery has not responded positively to requests for more detailed analytics.

The board discussed the merits of Mr. Gallery’s survey results. The survey tool was considered antiquated with most questions copied from the 2008 Michigan Dental Association survey. The board did find some value in the survey with areas of concentration on CE (online/in person), dues revenue, and non-dues revenue.

Electronic Executive Session of Board of Trustees

To provide flexibility between Board of Trustees (BOT) meetings, an electronic executive session will be utilized. Since much of the board’s business is conducted through the SoNet, a policy was needed to hold an electronic executive session. Working with legal counsel, a policy document was developed that outlines the specifics for holding an electronic BOT executive session and the consequences for violations of confidentiality.

Dr. Ray explained that an electronic executive session would be called through a specific group forum on the SoNet, established for trustees and officers only.The discussion would beavailable for 10 days. Any resolutions or directed actions need to be reported through the regular board forum for recording actions in minutes. After the 10 days, the SoNet thread would be deleted.

Mr. Weber cautioned the board that electronic executive sessions should not be done frequently or in place of face-to-face meetings.

The board unanimously voted to approve the new executive session policy.

Resolved:That the PDA Executive Session Policy andProcedures be approved

04/16BT59as presented.

The board was reminded to print off and sign the acknowledgement page. The page may then be faxed or emailed to the Executive Assistant.

Strategic Plan Update

As recommended by Mr. Gallery, the strategic plan should be a part of every board meeting. At this time, there are no additions or revisions to the strategic plan. Dr. Ray plans to include a strategic plan discussion in every board agenda.

CEO Evaluation from Michael Gallery

The new tool developed by Mr. Gallery offers a better way of evaluating PDA’s CEO. To ensure a clear and concise process, Dr. Terry will work with Dr. Ray to finalize the objectives. Mr. Gallery will work with the board as this new tool is utilized. Dr. Newman will upload the document to the board’s library.(04/16BTDA08)

Possible PDA Website Changes

Dr. Ray has been working with Mary Donlin and ISG to upgrade/enhance PDA’s website to make it more user friendly and allow for easier access. The proposed changes include online dues enrollment, online membership enrollment, and the creation of a mobile webpage. The mobile webpage would be more cost effective as opposed to a mobile app that would be tied to the device.

Also in the preliminary stage is an iMIS update necessary to keep PDA current with upgrades to the system. Ms. Donlin will be providing costs when received from ISG. These changes have been in development for the past two years, but were placed on hold due to the Aptify discussion so the expected costs will be significant.

President’s Report

2016 PDM Update

The following statistics were provided by Ms. Rebecca Von Nieda to Dr. Newman for discussion.

Booths sold as of 3/30/16: 40 out of 50

Registration as of 3/30/16: 369 (205 are dentists)

Target dentist numbers for 2016 is 300

Budget Income / Income to Date / Difference
Friday Reception Sponsors / $ 18,000 / $ 7,200 / ($ 10,800)
CE Registrations / $161,000 / $ 56,670 / ($104,330
(Booths, ad sales, lanyards, tote bags, & presentation fees) / $ 58,200 / $ 45,850 / ($ 12,350)
Saturday Dinner Ticket Sales / $ 8,925 / $ 3,180 / ($ 5,745)
Saturday Dinner Sponsors / $ 12,000 / $ 11,500 / ($ 500)
Projected Expense to PDA / $258,125 / $124,400 / ($133,725)

PDA will experience a loss of $122,000 mostly due to the room block numbers, 222 rooms are booked out of a room block of 689.

The board noted that attendance numbers have doubled from the 2015 annual meeting.

President Elect’s Report

2017 PDM Update

PDA will return to the Hotel Hershey for 2017, which limits the numbers of vendors/ exhibitors. The three meeting rooms used in the past could be offered for $10,000 each for vendor displays or presentations. There will not be any extra vendor space. Additional costs will be incurred for food/ beverage, sleeping rooms and speaker fees. The board was reminded that the bigger the meeting space, the greater the room block obligation.

The board considered the financial obligation for cancelling the 2017 PDM versus holding the meeting as planned.

After discussion, the board unanimously agreed to proceed as planned with the 2017 PDM.

Resolved:That the 2017 Pennsylvania Dental Meeting proceed as planned at the

04/16BT60Hotel Hershey.

2018 PDM

The Annual Meeting Steering Committee (AMSC) has recommendedholding the 2018 PDM at the Hotel Hershey using the format the committee established. The committee
has planned for a two-day PDM, which includes CE offerings, an evening gala event to celebrate the 150th anniversary, and a business meeting.

The board discussed the possibility of removing the business meeting from the 2018
PDM and having the business meeting at Valley Forge or 3Rivers dental conferences.
Ms. Kostelac-Cherry reminded the board of what the AMSC has already proposed for 2018. For 2019 and beyond, the business meeting could travel throughout the state.

By a vote of 9 to 1, the board voted to hold the 2018 PDM as recommended by the AMSC.

Resolved:That the 2018 Pennsylvania Dental Meeting be held as recommended

04/16BT61by the Annual Meeting Steering Committee at the Hotel Hershey.

(YES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) (NO: 10)

Dr. Newman reminded the board that one reason for partnering with the Mid-Atlantic Dental Meeting was to hold the PDA business meeting in Washington DC. The CE programs developed by PDA could be held around the state several times a year. This essentially would bring PDA to all members. It would eliminate the obligation of a large room block and potential financial loss for future PDMs.

Several board members were dissatisfied with moving the business meeting to Washington, DC. For the foreseeable future, the business meeting will be held in Pennsylvania.

Additional discussion was held regarding the recommendation of the AMSC to have the business meeting travel around the state in 2019 and beyond. The business meeting and open town hall could be part of a CE program. The geographical location and CE program would change from year to year. This brings the business meeting and town hall to members who do not travel to Hershey for an annual meeting and allows an opportunity to voice concerns directly to PDA leadership.

The board directed the Annual Meeting Steering Committee to meet during the 2016 PDM to consider planning for the 2018 PDM and to consider revamping the PDM format for 2019 as a CE only meeting. (04/16BTDA09)

Dr. Joe Ross was added to the Annual Meeting Steering Committee.

President Elect’s Report

The board reviewed the Membership Committee and New Dentist Committee appointmentsfor the 2016-2017 term as submitted by each district.

District / Membership Committee / New Dentist Committee
1st / Vacant / Dr. Bilal M. Sajid
2nd / Dr. Jay Freedman / Dr. Alyssa R. Nielubowicz
3rd / Dr. Charles Scrimalli / Dr. Mary Grace Rizzo-Fryzel
4th / Dr. Alexandre Balaci / Dr. Kaila Arnold
5th / Dr. Anthony Colangelo / Dr. Kevin Dyer
6th / Dr. John Coole / Dr. Eric Ecker
7th / Dr. Charles Dombrowski / Dr. Richard J. Miller - Chair
8th / Dr. Thomas Petraitis / Dr. Gabriel T. Mancuso
9th / Dr. Steven C. Iszkula – Chair / Dr. Drew Carlin
10th / Dr Michael J. Gans / Dr. Janel Marcelino

The board unanimously voted to approve the appointments to the Membership Committee and New Dentist Committee as presented.

Resolved:That the 2016-2017 appointments to the Membership Committee and

04/16BT62New Dentist Committee be approved as presented.

The board reviewed the appointments to the various committees and advisory groups as proposed by Dr. Ray for the 2016-2017 term.

Budget, Finance Property:Drs. Incalcaterra (2), Mansour (9), Quezada (6), Tauberg (10)

Bylaws Committee: Dr. Boyle (5), Dr. Tacelosky (4)

Executive Committee:Dr. Boyle (5), Dr. Rao (1), Dr. Rockwell (8)

Disciplinary Review: Dr. Iseman (7), Dr. Tauberg (10), Dr. Zale (3)

Strategic Planning: Dr. Boyle (5), Dr. Quezada (6),

Past President: Dr. Stephen T. Radack,

Member at Large: Dr. Scott Aldinger (3)

New Dentist: Dr. Katie Ryan (10)

Council of Presidents:Dr. Bruce R. Terry, Chair

Council of Membership:Dr. Quezada (6), Dr. Rockwell (8)

New Dentist Committee:Dr. Tauberg (10)

Election CommitteeDr. Boyle (5)

PADPAC:Dr. Ray, President

Access to Oral Health:Dr. Tacelosky (4)

Communications & PRs:Dr. Stephen T. Radack, Editor and Dr. Gulia Omene, Assoc Editor

Dr. Mansour (9)

Concerned Colleague:Dr. Zale (3)

Dental Benefits:Dr. Rao (1), Dr. Zale (3)

Environment Issues:Dr. Iseman (7)

Government Relations:Dr. Incalcaterra (2)

CEO Report

Mid Atlantic Meeting Update

PDA staff observed the Mid-Atlantic Meeting held in Washington DCon March 24-26, 2016, which was Easter Week. The total attendance for the meeting was 1,400 dental professionals consisting of dentists, hygienists, and staff; attendance from Pennsylvania included 10 dentists, 9 PDA members and 1 non-member. PDA earned $270 for the nine PDA member dentists.

The PDA reception booth on the exhibitor floor was manned by Mr. Gil Davis who sold two property and casualty policies. Going forward, PDA would like to see more advertising encouraging PDA members to visit the booth.

PDA will continue to track the statistics on the Mid-Atlantic Dental Meeting. There is an opportunity to have a PDA dentist serve on the Mid-Atlantic planning committee. The request went out to several SoNet groups but no response was forthcoming. The meetings are held once a month in the DC area, but teleconferencing is available to those who cannot attend in person. If anyone is interested, please contact Ms. Kostelac-Cherry.

The 2017 Mid-Atlantic meeting will be held May 4-6, 2017. The board was cautioned about competing against the 2017 PDM meeting. It should be made clear to membership that the PDA business meeting will be traveling around the state in 2019 and beyond.

The board voted 9 to1 to continue the partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Dental Meeting for 2017.

Resolved:That PDA’s partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Dental Meeting be

04/16BT63continued in 2017.

(YES: 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) (NO: 2)

Dr. Kwasny cautioned the board about the Mid-Atlantic Dental Meeting being held during the contested election for ADA President-elect. PDA has made it clear to the organizers that fair treatment must be extended to the ADA 3rd District Trustee.

Department Directors Retreat

The PDA Department Directors Retreat will be held on June 22, 2016. Directors will discuss the membership survey results and develop strategies for the PDA Strategic Plan.

This event was scheduled to avoid the cancellation penalty resulting from moving the April Board of Trustees meeting from the Harrisburg Hilton to the Omni Bedford Springs Resort. The Harrisburg Hilton was willing to waive the cancellation fee if a replacement event was booked within a specific timeframe. Because the Directors Retreat was not budgeted for 2016, a request for funding was presented.

After a short discussion, the board unanimously voted to approve funding for the PDA Department Directors Retreat.

Resolved:That funding for the 2016 PDADepartment Directors Retreat be

04/16BT64approved in an amount not to exceed $1,000.

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry informed the board that $3 million in unallocated dues is currently uninsured. The auditors are concerned that if the bank folds, PDA could lose $3 million. Mr. Leo Walchak is working with the auditor and the bank to find other means to manage the deposit.

The Downingtown Municipal Water Authority had sent notices of its intention to discontinue water fluoridation. Due to the grassroots efforts of the Coalition on Oral Health and other groups that lobbied the water authority, the decision to remove fluoride has been delayed.

PDAIS endorsed vendor programs are not huge income generators. Mr. Gil Davis has made comments that the endorsed vendor program may be returned to PDA. The board will have to address this issue at its July meeting.

Funding for Pittsburgh Match Event

The Membership Department forwarded a request to fund a Match Event in Pittsburghin the amount of $3,300. The proposed 2016 event will be held from 6-9 p.m. on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at a Pittsburgh hotel. Attendance is open to fourth-year students from the University of Pittsburgh and members only. During the event, job seekers will have five-minute interviews with job providers. A light buffet dinner and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Attendance will be limited to 20 job providers and 20 job seekers due to the style and time limitations of the program.

Board of TrusteesFINAL

April 16, 2016

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The board unanimously voted to approve funding for the Pittsburgh speed interviewing event.

Board of TrusteesFINAL

April 16, 2016

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Resolved:That funding in the amount of $3,300 be approved to host a speed

04/16BT65interviewing event in Pittsburgh for fourth-year dental students and members in December 2016.

Funding for Philadelphia Speed Mentoring Event

The Membership Department forwarded a request to fund a speedmentoring event in Philadelphia in the amount of $3,500. The Philadelphia speed mentoring event was one of two 2016 ADA Membership Program for Growth (MPG) programs for which PDA received full or partial funding. This new event will take the place of the traditional student outreach event that PDA has held in Philadelphia in the fall semester.

The event will be held from 6:30-9 p.m. on Thursday, September 15, 2016 and is open to D1-D4 students and members only. A light buffet dinner and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Attendance must be limited to 45 students and 15 mentoring sessions due to the style and time limitations of the program.

The board unanimously voted to approve funding to supplement the partial ADA MPG funding to host a speedmentoring event in Philadelphia in September 2016.

Resolved:That funding in the amount of $3,500 be approved to host a speed

04/16BT66mentoring event fordental students and members in Philadelphia.

ADA Trustee Report

The advocacy group of the ADA Washington Leadership Conference will be reporting on several issues: 1) the Opt-Out of Medicaid Part D, HR 4662 - Seniors Access to Proper Care Act, 2) student loans to dentists, and 3) government services HR 3323 Dental & Optometric Care Access Act.

Dr. Kwasny has asked for volunteers to serve on ADA councils and committees. This year, the ADA Third District will need to provide nominations for the following positions:

  • Council on Dental Benefit Programs (CDBP)
  • Council on Membership (COM)
  • Council on Members Insurance & Retirement Programs (CMIRP)
  • ADA Political Action Committee (ADPAC)
  • Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA)
  • Council on Scientific Affairs (CSA)
  • Commission on Continuing Education Provider Recognition (CCEPR)

The appointments to these various ADA positions are skill-based; interested individuals should send a CV and a description of their interest in being nominated.

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is looking to place a certain number of women and new dentists on committees. ADA would like to see 24 women and 3 new dentists on committees/councils this year. For the ADPAC position there is a need for someone with a sales and advocacy background.