Village Link

June 2012

Grimston, Congham

Roydon & Pott Row

Page One June 2012

Waste not, Want not…

The expression ‘Waste not, want not’ originally meant if you don’t waste good things, you won’t be in want (in need). But the words have both changed their meaning quite a bit over the years, and now we normally use the word ‘waste’ to mean what we’re throwing away, and we throw away what we don’t want. The amount we throw away has multiplied greatly over the years, because we can afford to buy far more, and much less of it can be mended or re-used. Or even if it can, we prefer to have a newer item. Although we have fridges and freezers to preserve food, we throw away far more of it than ever before.Rubbish heaps from Roman Grimston have been picked over, but what was found was mostly animal bones and cockle shells. From the medieval potteries in Grimston and Pott Row broken pots have been found, and from much later centuries, glass bottles. Archaeologists in the future looking back at our century will be able to pick through vast mounds of landfill – will they be surprised at how much we chuck away? Will they regard us as the most wasteful age of all? Will they by then have learnt better ways?

We can’t go on just dumping everything in the bin…

In the past, most Items were used and passed on, mended or re-made. They were made from natural materials which rotted down in a relatively short time. Today so much is made of plastics and polymers, or complex mixes of materials which can neither be re-used nor re-cycled. And we’ve learnt the pollution dangers inherent in landfill. Re-using and re-cycling is much better. An incinerator just upwind of King's Lynn is not the right answer, but finding the right answer is getting urgent. Steve Jenkins, formerly of Congham, is Contracts Manager of the county’s re-cycling sorting plant at Costessey, where all our green bin waste goes. He says there are only certain things that can be re-cycled, because of the difficulties of sorting it and then finding buyers for the different materials. But the money they can make is passed back to reduce Council Tax. They can sell cardboard and paper, plastic bottles and aluminium or steel cans, but no other metals or plastics. You can take lots of other things toRecycling Centres where you carefully separate items, including batteries, drinks cartons, wood, rubble, glass, metal foil and envelopes, which must not be put in the green bin. Sorting is a very complex business – much of it is done by hand – so it’s far preferable to take paper to a paper bank like at the Village Hall. As stewards of the planet we’ve been given, it’s up to us.

Green bin: plastic - only if it’s a bottle : no pots, no wrappers, no lids, no traysCardboard, paper, food cans, drinks cans : yes – but no other metal objects

Never tie up or wrap your re-cycling in bags please.

Diary for June 2012

Fri.1st7.30pm Fourvilles Family Quiz Evening at the Village Hall

Sat.2nd3pm Afternoon Tea and Film at PottRowMethodistChurch

4pm Dedication of the Diamond Jubilee Plaque, Grimston Clock

Sun.3rdTrinity Sunday

10.30am Grimston: Queen’s Jubilee Thanksgiving Service

Methodist Service 10.30am Pott Row

3pm Congham Jubilee Tea Party, St.Andrew’s Lane

Mon.4th2pmRoydon Fun Day, Low Road, Roydon

Tue.5thExtra bank Holiday

Thu.7th7pm Roydon Parish Council AGM and Parish Annual Meeting

at the Village Hall

Fri.8th12 – 4pm Car Boot Sale on Hudson’s Fen

Sun.10thTrinity 1Holy Communion 8am Grimston,

Morning Prayer 9am Congham and 10.30am Grimston

All-age Service at Roydon 10.30am

Methodist Service 10.30am Pott Row

Mon.11th7.30pm Grimston Parish Council at the Village Hall

Tue.12th2.30pm Home Group at 62 Lynn Road,

6pm Greenfingers Outing to Hoecroft Nursery

7.30pmHome Group 1LowRd,Roydon

Wed.13th2.30pm Home Group at Long Sutton, 6pm Parish Prayers

Thu.14th10.30am Coffee Morning at 32 Chapel Road Joint Parish Councils meeting, Village Hall

8pm Home Group at 8 Lynn Road

Sat.16th10am-4pm Open House at the Mobility Shop in Massingham Road

12.30pm Good Companions 50th Birthday Party at the Village Hall

4pm Wedding at GrimstonChurch

Sun.17thSt.Botolph’s Day Holy Communion 8am Grimston, 9am Congham,

All-Age Worship 10.30am Grimston

Methodist Service 10.30am Pott Row

Mon.18thMobile Library visits Pott Row and Grimston

7.30pm W.I. Summer Barbecue at 113 Lynn Road

Tue.19th7pmRoydonChurch Council at 6 Rectory Close

Wed.20th12.15pm Hot Pott Lunch at the Rectory

7.30pmGrimstonChurch Council at the Rectory

Fri.22ndCongham and Roydon Mobile Library visits

12 – 4pm Car Boot Sale on Hudson’s Fen

7pm Holly Meadows PTA Bingo Evening, at the school

more events on page 5…

June Diary continued

Sun.24thTrinity 3Holy Communion 8am Grimston

Morning Prayer 9am Roydon, 10.30am Grimston

Methodist Service 10.30am Pott Row

Friends of St.Botolph’s Tractor Rally, Manor Farm, Gayton Road

4pm Gap Meeting for Prayer at Orchard House, 121 Lynn Road

Tue.26th2.30pm Home Group at 62 Lynn Road,

7.30pmHome Group 1LowRd,Roydon

Wed.27th2.30pm Good Companions Fish and Chip Outing

Thu.28th12 noon Pott Row Lunch at the MethodistChurch

8pm Home Group at 8 Lynn Road

Fri.29th7.30pmHudson’s Fen AGM at the Village Hall


The June meeting of Greenfingers will not be taking place in the Village Hall as members are instead going on an evening outing to Hoecroft Nursery on June 12th. The pick-up times are as follows: The Pine Shop Chapel Road 6pm, Chequers Road (Roydon end) 6.10pm, Opposite Congham Hall 6.20pm and Grimston Clock Tower 6.25pm.

The Garden Club members are supporting the Jubilee Fun Day on Monday June 4th and the Tractor Rally on June 24th. Please donate any spare plants to these events.

The Club’s May speaker was Mr Jim Paine, Nurseryman and Plantsman of Walnut Tree Garden Nursery near Attleborough. His talk concentrated on perennials with a definite scientific basis. His garden holds 1000 to 1500 varieties of plants at any one time. To the delight of members he brought along an excellent selection including some unusual plants for members to purchase. Information about his Nursery can be found on

Plant of the Month winners were 1st Sabina Root, 2nd Stephanie Whitley and 3rd Margaret Gladman.

Grimston Congham and Roydon Residents Association

At the AGM the committee was re-elected unanimously. The important item on the agenda was a wine party to say goodbye to Hazel Fredericks who had moved to Dersingham. Hazel was a founder member, secretary and committee member. To show the association’s appreciation for her enthusiastic and loyal contribution since 1985 she was presented with a gardening tool.

It has been decided that the association will support the Tractor Rally on Sunday June 24th. Any saleable items for the stall will be welcome. Contact Clare de Whalley if you have something to offer.



May 4th William Robert, son of Robert W. and Margaret Youngman.

May 11th Violet May, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Ann Thompson.


May 2nd John Andrew Bradfield, farmer, Bawsey, aged 59 years.

May 7th Mary Ann Wilkinson (died in LynnHospital), aged 42 years.

On May 1st there was a goodly gathering of the Y.M.F.S. Several came to the service in Church, it being the Feast of S. Philip and S. James; and afterwards over forty in number came to tea at the Rectory. The Diocesan Secretary of the Society, Rev. A. E. Campbell, gave a very interesting and thoroughly practical address, which was listened to with great attention, and could not fail to do good.

On May 2nd the first Monthly Meeting of the Church of England Temperance Society was held in the Parish Room, when three new members were proposed. The Society is only in its infancy, but like all healthy and wholesome infants, it will grow, by God's blessing. It is now illegal to pay workers in the harvest fields in beer.

The Rev. A. G. Phillips having intimated his intention of retiring from work in Grimston, the Rector has sent to the Bishop the name of Mr. Arthur Morden Harbord, B.A., of SelwynCollege, Cambridge, as his successor in the curacy. The Bishop has accepted Mr. Harbord as a candidate for ordination on Trinity Sunday, June 1st, shortly after which he will commence his duties amongst us. It is singular that Mr. H.'s father held the curacy of Gayton many years ago. He belongs to a well-known Norfolk family. We hope many prayers will go up from the parish for God's blessing to rest on Mr. Phillips in the new sphere to which he may be called, and also on Mr. Harbord, who is to begin his ministry as Curate of Grimston.


May 18th Alice Mary, infant daughter of John George and Elizabeth Ann Marshall.

Deadline for the JulyVillage Link

The next issue of Village Link goes to press on June 20th. Please don’t miss out!

Praying for You

If you would like church members to join you in your prayer for a concern you have, you might like to note it down on a ‘prayer-leaf’ on the prayer tree in GrimstonChurch, normally open each day until at least 4pm. This month, church members will be remembering in prayer the people who live in the Grove Estate.

Good Companions

On Saturday May 19th, twenty-two members of the Club were guests of Beryl and Stephen Watts for lunch at the Methodist Chapel in Pott Row. The tables were laid with brightly-coloured plastic-coated tablecloths and everyone was made welcome. Beryl and Stephen were joined in the kitchen by Janet Gunn, Ann Matthews and Joy Smith, wife of the Chairman. The main course was cottage pie with new potatoes, broccoli, carrots, peas and lovely rich gravy, followed by fruit cocktail and cream. There were also jugs of orange squash on the tables. Tea and coffee were served and everyone agreed that it had been a delicious meal. The hard-working team in the kitchen were thanked for their generosity and presented with small gifts as a ‘Thank You’.

There was a raffle – the first two prizes were won by members of the Committee, which raised a call of “it’s been fixed”!!

This month the Club will celebrate its 50th Anniversary on June 16th in a special way, starting with lunch for members and guests at 12.30pm, as described by Shirley Hone in last month’s Village Link.

Members were given choices for the Fish & Chip outing on June 27th, when they will be eating at Fisher’s in Hunstanton. The mini-bus will start picking up from 2.30p.m. There will be another outing on August 15th to Norfolk Lavender at Heacham for a Cream Tea.

If you would like to join the Good Companions Club for the over-60’s, please contact Nick Smith on 600769 or Shirley Hone on 600750. You would be most welcome to come for a taster, before deciding if you would like to join the Club.

Fourville Players

The Fourville Players would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who came to celebrate their 30th anniversary with them at the recent production – ‘Diamonds and Pearl’. It was lovely to have such big audiences and that people wanted to join in our happy memories with us. One of the acts which made a big impression was the singing puppeteer – we will be running a puppet-making workshop ‘Puppetville's got talent’ where you can make your own puppet and then perform with them at the end of July. Please contact Emma on 609036 for more details if you are interested in taking part.

The next venture for the Fourvilles is a family quiz night on June 1st at the Village Hall. Teams cost £5 for up to 4 players and you can either book in advance by calling Emma on the above number or just turn up on the night!

Methodist Mardle

Divine Worship at Pott Row in June 2012 at 10.30am

June 3rdTo be arranged by local Methodists

June 10thThe Rev. Jackie Goddard – Holy Communion

July 17thMr Stephen Harrington

June 24thMr John Miles

The Coffee Morning will be on Thursday June 14th at 10.30am at 32 Chapel Road.

Pott Row Lunch will be on Thursday June 28th from 12 noon.

Please join us for Afternoon Tea at Pott Row Methodist Church on

Saturday June 2nd when the Bunting knitted by members and friends will be on display. We hope to have a film about the Methodist Homes for the Aged. Money raised will be given to the Methodist Homes. Time for Tea will be from 3pm Saturday June 2nd – see you there.

Births, Deaths and Marriages

Judith Elizabeth HIGBY of Fen Lane died on April 17th aged 65. Her funeral took place at Mintlyn Crematorium on May 5th, and her ashes were buried in Grimston Churchyard on May 18th.

Arthur Robert (‘Bro’) SPRAGG of Chapel Road died on May 5th aged 78. His funeral took place on May 17th at GrimstonChurch, followed by burial in the churchyard.

Incinerator latest

According to the Eastern Daily Press, the Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles MP has so far received 3,565 letters requesting him to call-in the planning decision (taking it out of the hands of the County Planning Department).

This Month’s Cover Picture

Sandringham House, just four miles from Roydon and Congham, was built in 1870 by the Prince and Princess of Wales and has remained the Country House for six generations of the Royal family since then. It was on her father ‘s death at Sandringham on February 6th sixty years ago that our present Queen’s reign began, the Diamond Jubilee of which we happily celebrate this month.

Photography Exhibition by Karen Butler

An exhibition by Grimston photographer Karen Butler at Bircham Windmill entitled ‘Norfolk Through a Lens’ will be open from June 1st to 30th. The windmill is normally open from 10am to 5pm.

Baby Clinic at Pott Row Could Cease

The Baby Clinic held at Pott Row Methodist Chapel on the first Wednesday of the month is facing closure. Because so few parents are bringing their babies and children to be weighed at the Chapel the Heath Visitors are threatening to call it a day. As there is now no clinic at Gayton or Grimston Medical Centre the nearest clinic would be at the Vancouver Centre in Kings Lynn. The clinic is open from 1pm to 2.30pm while Incy Wincy Mother and Toddlers are also using the Chapel. The next clinic will be on July 4th as June's falls in half term week and the chapel will be closed. Please come along and get your child weighed and discuss any issues with your Health Visitor.

Holly Meadows Bingo Evening

Holly Meadows School PTA is holding a Family Bingo evening at HollyMeadowsSchool on Friday, 22nd June – doors open at 7pm, Eyes Down at 7.30pm. Bingo tickets to be purchased on the night. No unaccompanied children please. All proceeds to HollyMeadowsSchool.

Snap Information

What is a SNAP?

SNAPs are Safer Neighbourhood Action Panels (SNAPs), public meetings held jointly by the Police, Borough Council and West Norfolk Partnership, to listen to and work to address local concerns.

When are they held?

Each of West Norfolk’s nine neighbourhoods will have a SNAP meeting every two months, held at a community venue within the neighbourhood. For this area the dates are: 7pm July 12th at DersinghamInfant School, 7pm September 6th at Great Massingham Village Hall, 7pm November 8th at DersinghamInfant School, 7pm January 31st 2013 at Great Massingham Village Hall and 7pm March 14th at DersinghamInfant School.

Who will be there?

SNAP meetings are chaired by a local councillor and the panel will be made up of a police representative, either an Inspector or Sergeant from the local Safer Neighbourhood Team; a council representative, usually an Environmental Health Officer; and a representative from the West Norfolk Partnership, usually a Neighbourhood Officer.

Other key local agencies which provide a service in the community may also sit on the panel, including neighbourhood managers, housing, health and education officials or voluntary organisations. Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) will also be available should anyone wish to speak privately to an officer.

Who can attend?

Any member of the public living or working in the neighbourhood is welcome to come and have their say at the meeting.

SNAP also encourages organised community groups - such as Home Watch - to send a representative and parish councils, who may wish to send a representative for a cluster of villages.

What issues can I raise at a SNAP meeting?

SNAP meetings are your chance to raise or report any local issues or concerns directly to the local agencies that can help address them. The issues can range from crime or suspected crime in your street or community to issues of anti-social behaviour that may be affecting you or other nearby households.

Anti-social behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages another person’s quality of life. This can include:

  • Noise nuisance (vehicles or people)
  • abusive, threatening or intimidating behaviour in the street
  • Vandalism, graffiti, littering and other general inconsiderate behaviour.

The meetings can also be used to identify any perceived lack of provision in your community. For instance, when people in South Lynn said there was nothing for young people to do, the police and council worked with people in the area to launch a new youth club and ‘Midnight Football’.