Kiwanis Club of Omaha, Golden K

Strategic Plan


Purpose: The Strategic Plan of the Kiwanis Club of Omaha, Golden K, is to provide a document that summarizes a 3-5 year plan to guide our Club and provide information and incentives to our members to fulfill the goals of Kiwanis International and our Club.

Kiwanis International Defining Statement:

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.


The Kiwanis Club of Omaha, Golden K, under the umbrella of Kiwanis International’s I-Plan, will use the four I’s, Inspiration, Impact, Image and Investment as guides. The Strategic Plan will detail projects and activities that the Club has identified as critical to our role as a service provider to our community. The StrategicPlan will be used to evaluate goals, monitor benchmarks and to celebrate our accomplishments.

Omaha Golden K Strategic Plan


Section 1

Inspiration Initiative

To build, retain and support a growing Kiwanis membership network

1.1 The Formula, Increase Membership.

1.1.1 Strategy: Encourage Club members to bring guests to meetings andservice projects. Benchmark: Increase Club membership annually by replacing attrition plus an additional 2 to 4 members. Benchmark: Have a Club Membership Chair. Benchmark: Provide information about the Club and its activities to guests. Benchmark: Have a Club brochure/business card available for members to give to friends, family or people who have recently retired. Benchmark: Offer one or more Corporate Memberships.

1.2 The Formula, Open Clubs.

1.2.1 Strategy: Sponsor or co-sponsor a new Aktion Club. Benchmark: Budget money and develop Club support for the new Club. Benchmark: Identify Club members who will coordinate the development and organization of the Club.

1.2.2 Strategy: Continue to support existing K Kids Clubs and investigate adding additional K Kids Clubs. Benchmark: Budget money for support of K Kids Clubs. Benchmark: Select a school for a new Club.

1.3 Develop Leaders.

1.3.1 Strategy: Encourage members to attend conferences and/or conventions. Benchmark: At least one member will attend Mid- Year Conference. Benchmark: At least one member will attend the District Conference. Benchmark: Encourage one member to attend the International Conference. Benchmark: All new officers will complete position training material provided by KI and Golden K outgoing officers prior to installation. Benchmark: Board members will continually identify members who have potential leadership skills.

1.4 Increase Club Participation.

1.4.1 Strategy: All members are expected to participate in service programs and activities. Benchmark: Members will complete the Service Participation Form each year.

1.4.2 Strategy: Increase emphasis on new member orientation. Benchmark:Updatethe orientation materials and the new member orientation meetings. Benchmark: Each new member willindicate their intent to serve by completing the Service Participation Form. Benchmark: Assign Board Members and other leaders that are involved inservice projects,to help explain goals, Board offices and Officer’s duties and explain opportunities for members to serve on projects and activities.

1.4.3 Strategy: Support Inter-Club activity. Benchmark: Identify an Inter-Club Chair.

1.4.4 Strategy: Investigate adjusting meeting schedule/activities. Benchmark: Establish a “Fifth Tuesday” for sharing KI info, participation in hands-on service projects, planning, survey completion or another necessary purpose.

1.5 Focus on “service” to invite new members, strengthen Clubs and openClubs.

1.5.1 Strategy: Use Club and Community Analysis. Benchmark: Complete annual Club survey and provide feed back to Club members. Benchmark: Members complete the Service Participation Form annually. Benchmark: Complete an annual review of Board Structure, meeting structure and programming. Benchmark: Develop guidelines for speakers at the meetings.

Omaha Golden K Strategic Plan


Section 2

Impact Initiative

To perform meaningful service, with service to

children as our priority

2.1 Align relevant service with community needs.

2.1.1Strategy: Assess the interests and abilities of Club members. Benchmark: Connect Club members with Service Projects that fit their interests and abilities.

2.2 To empower and support growth in our Service Leadership Programs.

2.2.1 Strategy: Encourage leadership through participation in Service Leadership Programs. Benchmark: Sponsor or co-sponsor at least three Service Leadership Programs a year that meet community needs. Benchmark: Support the sponsoring of Key Leader attendee/s. Benchmark: Support the sponsoring of Camp OK attendee/s.

2.3 Encourage the development of service projects.

2.3.1 Strategy: Identify,annually, a“Signature Project” that servesthe community and children. Benchmark: Involve at least 25 percent of the Club’s membership in the annual “Signature Project”.

2.3.2 Strategy: Identify and plan for a variety of service projects throughout the year. Benchmark: Contribute an average of 25 service hours per member to all service projects each year.

2.4 Support Nebraska-Iowa District emphasis on elimination of hunger.

2.4.1 Strategy: Identify community programs that address hunger. Benchmark: Establish goal for annual Food Bank drive. Benchmark: Support the day to day operation of the Food Bank by providing Club members to work at the Food Bank.

Omaha Golden K Strategic Plan


Section 3

Image Initiative

To enhance the Kiwanis Image

3.1 Increase name recognition.

3.1.1 Strategy: Seek advance on-site and follow-up news and social media coverage of major Golden K Kiwanis projects and events. Benchmark: Assign a public relations chair to send Kiwanis press releases to news and social media before and after every major project and event.

3.1.2 Strategy: Display the Kiwanis logo at all major public projects and events. Benchmark: Display Kiwanis goals signage at all major publicprojects and events. Benchmark: Wear Kiwanis apparel (shirts, hats, jackets) and name badges (or duplicates) at all major Kiwanis public events and volunteer sites.

3.2 Increase knowledge of our mission, both internally and externally.

3.2.1 Strategy: Inform members and potential members about the Kiwanismission. Benchmark: Maintain an active sister club partnership with a local partner or a Kiwanis International Club. Benchmark: Devote an Info-Minute quarterly to trainGolden K members on the mission of Kiwanis. Benchmark:Share the Kiwanis mission to upcoming retirees at local businesses and churches. Benchmark: Conduct an annual Satisfaction Survey ofGolden K members to evaluate and enhance their understanding of the Kiwanis mission.

3.3 Unify all Kiwanis brands.

3.3.1 Strategy: Connect all Golden K Kiwanis promotions and wearing apparel to the current KI brand. Benchmark: Create and replace all Golden K Kiwanis wearing apparel with the current KI logo. Benchmark: Sell and give away Golden K Kiwanis wearingapparel as gifts and prizes throughout the year.

3.4 Promote the Kiwanis vision and vivid description.

3.4.1 Strategy: Encourage Kiwanis membership at all Kiwanis events and projects. Benchmark: Create Kiwanis business information cards for members to distribute to potential members for consideration. Benchmark: Share the Kiwanis vision at every possible opportunity with the public, friends and business associates.

Omaha Golden K Strategic Plan


Section 4

Investment Initiative

To ensure financial viability and responsible stewardship

4.1 Exercise proper stewardship of resources.

4.1.1 Strategy: Monitor all Club revenues and expenses. Benchmark:Treasurer will prepare a monthly Treasurer’s Report. Benchmark: Treasurer’s Report will be submitted to the Board forapproval.

4.1.2 Strategy: Develop an audit plan for the Club by following the KiwanisInternationalexpectations for an annual audit of Club records. (Finance Committee) Benchmark: The Board will establish a Finance Committee. Complete annual audit by Nov. 15 of each year.

4.2 Build a non-dues revenue base (Finance Committee):

4.2.1 Strategy: Identify at least one significant fundraising effort each year. Complete fund raising effort bySeptember 30th each year.

4.3 Donate funds to support the Kiwanis Children’s Fund and the NE-IADistrict Foundation.

4.3.1 Strategy: Clubwill provide financial support to the NE-IA Foundation and Kiwanis Children’s Fund. Benchmark: As part of the budgeting process, the Board will set the amount per member which will be contributed to these Foundations.

4.4 Continue to support the Eliminate Project.

4.4.1 Strategy: Increase participation in the Eliminate Project by club members. Benchmark: Contact all members who made Eliminate pledges by March 15, 2017 to make surethe pledges are being met. (Treasurer). Benchmark: Contact all new members regarding Eliminate Project and provide an opportunity for their participation. Benchmark: Contributors to the Eliminate Project will be recognized and listed in a MemberGram article.

4.5 To ensure financial viability for club service projects.

4.5.1 Strategy: Complete the establishment of the Club Foundation and direct funds to it in order to establish an endowment for future Club stability. Benchmark: Work with our legal partners to complete processing of our Foundation tax status. Benchmark: Follow-up with our legal partners on a quarterly basis to monitor the progress on our application.

(Quarterly – Finance Committee) Benchmark: Upon IRS approval, the Board will inform its members about its purpose and use. Benchmark: Promotional efforts to fund the Foundation will also be pursued.

4.5.2 Strategy: Pursue appropriate KI and/or District grants. Benchmark: Board selection of a Club activity (and lead official) which may be appropriate for a KI or District grant. Benchmark: Submission of KI/District grant application by the appropriate deadlines

4.5.3 Strategy: Pursue Corporate sponsors for Golden K. Benchmark: Board discussion and selection of Corporatecandidates annually. Benchmark: Issue a formal invitation to a potentialCorporate Sponsor. Benchmark: In the alternative, a Corporate Sponsor may provide a one-time financial gift to support one of our service programs.

Omaha Golden K Strategic Plan

June 13, 2017