Olive AP Academy- Thurrock
Academy Improvement Plan
Sept ‘17- July ‘18
Strategic Priorities 2017 & 18
Priorities identified in the Ofsted Report
What does the school need to do to improve further?Take urgent action to ensure that the academy’s child protection and safeguarding arrangements are effective by:
SG1 / maintaining written records and supporting evidence that identify the actions taken to protect pupils
SG2 / routinely checking safeguarding records to ensure that systems and procedures are effective in keeping pupils safe
SG3 / undertaking routine checks on the quality and safety of site provision
SG4 / ensuring that all essential site maintenance is undertaken quickly and effectively
SG5 / referring all children who are missing from education to the local authority, within the statutory time frame
SG6 / ensuring that risk assessments for educational trips and visits adequately assess the potential hazards of activities for staff and pupils, and giving clear guidance to those participating about how to minimise these risks.
Improve the effectiveness of leadership and management by:
LM1 / refining and clarifying the roles of all leaders in the school, including those in the local governing body
LM2 / ensuring that there is effective leadership for children looked after, literacy, the use of pupil premium, safeguarding arrangements, site safety and maintenance, and attendance
LM3 / clarifying the purpose of the academy with all stakeholders, including the local authority and local schools, so that there are shared expectations about admission and reintegration back into mainstream provision
LM4 / continuing to work with the local authority on the backlog of pupils who require a long-overdue decision about their application for an education, health and care plan, and subsequent appropriate provision
LM5 / ensuring that trust personnel, most notably at executive headteacher level, continue to support the new leadership team to embed their work and bring stability to the academy
LM6 / embedding the actions taken so far to monitor the quality of provision for the pupils in home tuition
LM7 / continuing the development of the curriculum to ensure that pupils receive a tailored pathway that suits their specific needs, and that the quality of this provision is monitored effectively
Improve attendance and behaviour by:
PDBW 1 / developing new systems rapidly to urgently increase the attendance of pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, and those who attend alternative provision
PDBW 2 / Embedding the new behaviour systems and closely scrutinising leaders’ analysis of the effectiveness of the systems, so that interventions to support pupils to rectify their behaviour is timely and effective.
PDBW 3 / Rapidly increasing the provision for the social, emotional and mental health needs of pupils, as well as complex learning needs, so that they can develop better relationships and interact more effectively and as a result, make better progress
Raise the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement by:
QTLA1 / developing the new assessment system so that it can be used more effectively by teachers and leaders to ensure pupils make better progress
QTLA2 / urgently addressing the poor quality indoor and outdoor provision of the primary site, so that it successfully provides the nurturing, tactile learning environment that meets the complex learning and mental health needs of pupils
QTLA3 / continuing to use new coaching programmes to raise the quality of teaching
QTLA4 / sharing the examples of good practice in the academy with all teachers
Priorities identified in the Academy SEF
Leadership and ManagementLM1 / Ensure that there is effective leadership for children looked after, literacy, the use of pupil premium, safeguarding arrangements, site safety and maintenance, and attendance
LM2 / Secure the quality of line management meetings so that there is rigour, consistency and accountability throughout the academy
LM3 / Embed the use of the Olive progress cycle so that data is linked to quality first teaching and student outcomes
LM4 / Secure the curriculum offer through the Olive pathways so that all studentshave appropriate provision
LM5 / Ensure that the funding received for disadvantaged (DA) students is used to promote progress and diminish the difference between them and others
Quality of Teaching Learning and Assessment
QTLA 1 / Secure consistently good or better teaching and learning across the academy
QTLA2 / Improve the quality and accuracy of assessments
QTLA3 / Improve marking, feedback and student response so that students know how to improve and are regularly responding to feedback
QTLA4 / Ensure that lessons are challenging and engaging that staff have high expectations for student achievement
QTLA5 / Ensure that lessons support the SEMH needs of Olive students
Progress and Outcomes
P&O1 / Improve progress so that all students at KS4 can achieve at least 5 good outcomes.
P&O3 / Improve the progress of KS3 students
P&O4 / Develop a consistent approach to literacy and numeracy across the academy.
Personal Development Behaviour and Welfare
PDBW1 / Maintain high standards of Child protection and safeguarding procedures.
PDBW2 / Improve attendance and reduce persistent absence.
PDBW3 / Develop a whole school positive behaviour system
PDBW4 / Improve students’ resilience for learning and personal confidence
PDBW5 / Improve the academy’s therapeutic offer to students
- Leadership in the Academy is secured and increasingly effective
- All school leaders are accountable for their areas of responsibility
- Governance is effective in securing necessary improvements
- 80% of lessons are judged to be good or better by July 2018
- External verification judges that 90% of teacher assessments are accurate
- 80% of students will make good progress in Eng and Maths from their initial assessed baseline on entry
- 70% of students will make expected progress from their KS2 baseline
- 100% of Y11 students progress to appropriate education, employment or training by September 2018
- 90% of Y11 students are still in appropriate education, employment or training by Easter 2019
- 80% of Y11 students will leave with 5 accredited outcomes
- Attendance at least in line with AP National Average of 70% (75% by 18/19 and 80% by 19/20)
- 33% reduction in FTE relative to the corresponding term in 16/17
- 50% reduction in poor behaviour incidents on last year
PRIORITY & LEAD: Ensure that there is effective leadership for children looked after, literacy, the use of pupil premium, safeguarding arrangements, site safety and maintenance, and attendance. LEAD: Headteacher
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- Clearly define lines of accountability for all staff in the academy
- Regular external monitoring visits for CP and safeguarding.
- Weekly random checks of CPOMS to ensure that the appropriate actions are being taken in a timely manner.
- Regular internal and external safeguarding audits to look at CPoms, SCR, EVOLVE, site safety and all statutory compliances.
All monitoring visits show compliance with statutory safeguarding responsibilities.
Safeguarding is effective
Student voice shows that at least the 90% of students feel safe within the academy. /
- IPB each half term to review
- HT to report to this body.
- Director of Standards and Effectiveness holds challenge meetings after each Data Collection
- Director of Academy Standards and Effectiveness reports termly to the Education Standards Board
- Support form Rosemary Leake Trust Board Member.
- Support from Adam Tedesco – Olive SIT Associate 1 day per week.
PRIORITY & LEAD:Secure the quality of line management meetings so that there is rigour, consistency and accountability throughout the academy. LEAD: Headteacher
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- Implement an academy process for line management which includes, impact on outcomes.
- Ensure that all line management meetings are linked to the AIP
- Provide all senior leaders with regular coaching sessions to improve their practice.
- Regularly quality assure LM meeting records
- Quality Assure line management meetings.
- LM meetings demonstrate leaders are holding staff to account, and taking robust action where there is underperformance.
LM notes show that actions and discussions are linked to the AIP.
Quality assurance shows that all meetings are productive and effective enough to have an impact on student progress. /
- IPBM each half term to review
- HT to report to this body.
- Director of Standards and Effectiveness meets with HT to track and sample LM meeting notes.
PRIORITY & LEAD:Secure the curriculum offer through the Olive pathways so that all students have appropriate provision. LEAD: Headteacher
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- Review the new curriculum pathways at the end of term 1 in relation to engagement and student outcomes.
- Develop expeditionary learning through the Key Stage 3 offer.
- Develop the outdoor learning curriculum so that it links with subjects in school.
- Recruit new staff to fulfil the needs of the Olive Pathways.
- Develop robust Referral, Induction and Reintegration processes and practice
KS3 learning Expeditions in place and running by Jan 18.
There are mapped links between the learning in Outdoor Learning, the Olive Pathways and the Applied Resilience curriculum
CiSS scores consistently show that students’ resilience is improving.
High quality permanent staff are recruited incrementally as the student numbers increase. / Director of Standards and Effectiveness through the Progress Review Cycle / Staff release time to upskill on EL approaches and planning expeditions
PRIORITY & LEAD: Ensure that the funding received for disadvantaged (DA) students is used to promote progress and diminish the difference between them and others- LEAD: Assistant HTs (SENDCO and RIR)
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- PP Grant is prioritised and a clear plan tracks implementation and impact
- Implement key recommendations for the PP review Oct 2017
- All LM meetings to have a focus on the impact of actions on the progress of students who are Disadvantaged or have SEND.
- Associate tutors to have targets set on the attendance of disadvantaged students.
- Teachers’ performance management to have the outcome of a work scrutiny of disadvantaged students as a key target.
- Regular student tracking of disadvantaged students.
- Ensure that all staff know who the disadvantaged students are and are clearly identified in the teacher active file.
Student tracking shows that outcomes for SEND/ DA are improving at least in line with their peers.
By Feb half term, Work Scrutiny of SEND/ DA students shows that 80% of work shows progress overtime.
By Jan 18, QA assurance shows that 100% of teachers can identify their SEND/ DA students and demonstrate appropriate planning to meet their needs
Half Yearly PPG tracking / review demonstrates robust monitoring and impact of PPG spend /
- Monthly report to Headteacher
- IPB Monitors effectiveness of PPG spend in each meeting
- Director of Standards and Effectiveness monitors progress of DA students in half termly Challenge meetings
Secure consistently good or better teaching and learning across the academy- LEAD: AHT for QTLA with HT
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- The ‘At Olive We…’ minimum expectations embedded in every lesson.
- The Olive Academy slide to be apparent and relevant in every lesson.
- Each teacher to have an up to date active file, with progress data, notes on teaching modifications, student profiles and planning, including DA / SEND information
- CPD to be tailored to the teaching and learning priorities.
- Individuals to attend a post learning walk workshop when needed to address particular needs.
- Schemes of work to be developed to include opportunities for SMSC.
- All staff to be encouraged to attend the TASS network meeting
- Identified staff to attend the TASS improving teacher workshops.
- Provide 1-1 coaching for all staff who are not yet good.
- Challenge and track ongoing underperformance robustly, including using informal and formal procedures.
- Ensure that all staff have the opportunity to observe outstanding mainstream practitioners during the course of the year.
By July 18, QA shows that 80% of lessons are good or better with staff securing good outcomes for students.
By Dec 17, inadequate teaching is no longer evident in the academy.
By Dec 17, schemes of work are fit for purpose and moderated by external verification.
By Oct half term and then through ongoing LW / LO data, QA shows that all staff have up to date knowledge of SEND students. /
- Monthly T&L&A update to SLT.
- Regular T&L&A update to IPB Meeting
- Director of Standards and Effectiveness tracking through LW / QA processes half termly
Support from John Jones – Olive Associate for data.
PRIORITY & LEAD:Improve the quality and accuracy of assessments.Lead: Headteacher
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- Implement the Olive Progress cycle robustly.
- Ensure that every student is the focus of a progress conversation each term.
- Staff to identify to plan what their 5 key assessments during the year will be.
- Assessments are moderated externally at least twice a year
- End of year tests (Y7-10) to be externally validated.
- Ensure that KS4 lessons are firmly based on the GCSE specification with built in opportunities to tackle GCSE style questions.
- Ensure that all KS4 students have a mock exam.
- Give all year 11 students a walking talking mock.
Specific and tailored interventions are identified for students after each data collection.
By Feb half term, moderation of assessments show that 80% are marked correctly.
At each Data Collection point, assessments show that students are making progress in line with their flight paths. / Monthly T&L&A update to SLT.
Regular T&L&A update to IPB Meeting
Director of Standards and Effectivenessmonitors through Challenge meetings after each half term / Support from Bethan Thomas- Olive Associate for T&L.
Support from John Jones – Olive Associate for data.
PRIORITY & LEAD:Improve marking, feedback and student response so that students know how to improve and are regularly responding to feedback. LEAD: AHT for QTLA with HT
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- Review the Olive marking and feedback policy with staff.
- Conduct regular work scrutiny in line with the Progress Review Cycle / Calendar
- Follow work scrutinites by inviting staff to extra workshops to address areas for development.
- Share good practice across the academy. Set up a beautiful work gallery.
- Conduct regular student voice activities to evaluate student’s perception of the impact of feedback.
- Embed marking for literacy
QA shows that feedback drives improvement in students’ learning.
Presentation in student books/folders is increasingly good, demonstrating re-drafting and resilience.
Student voice shows that students know what grade they are working at and know how to improve their work. / Monthly T&L&A update to SLT.
Regular T&L&A update to IPB Meeting.
Director of Standards and Effectiveness through monitoring the QA calendar. / Support form Bethan Thomas- Olive Associate for T&L.
PRIORITY & LEAD: Ensure that lessons are challenging and engaging that staff have high expectations for student achievement- Lead: AHT for QTLA with HT
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- Make sure that the Olive slide in every lesson has three levels to ensure appropriate personalisation.
- Use the classroom target display and sticker on the front of book to make sure that teachers know what the starting point of each student is.
- Deliver high quality CPD on the teaching and learning priorities.
- Make sure that every lesson has a ‘hook’ to engage students.
- Develop a system of PM progress targets
All teachers have performance management progress targets for their classes. / Monthly T&L&A update to SLT.
Regular T&L&A update to IPB Meetings
Director of Standards and Effectiveness through QA calendar. / Support form Bethan Thomas- Olive Associate for T&L.
PRIORITY & LEAD: Ensure that lessons support the SEMH needs of Olive studentsLead: AHTs: SEND and QTLA
KEY ACTIONS / Timeline & RAG / Success Criteria for the Priority / Monitoring & Evaluation / Cost / Support
- Deliver staff training on SEMH needs.
- Embed the use of the language of resilience in the classroom.
- Ensure that all teachers can draw on the students’ successes in the outdoors during lesson time.
- Train staff and students to acknowledge their success during the day during ‘Reflect, Acknowledge, and Restore’.