Oldland Parish Council s1


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 20 December 2016

at Longwell Green Community Centre at 7.30pm




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/ Cllr P Barrett / Cllr R Hardie / Mrs V Hicks
/ Cllr L Blackmore / Cllr P Hughes / Mr S Skidmore
/ Cllr G Downing / Cllr J Mitchener / Members of the Public
/ Cllr D Essery / Cllr T Olpin / Mr R Walsh (South Gloucs Council)
/ Cllr H Farmer / Cllr R Pope / PC Busvine
/ Cllr M Farmer / PCSO Speechley

Cllr Hughes in the Chair

205/16 / Apologies
Received from Cllrs N Barrett and Hurley. Cllrs Gwyther and Williams were absent.
Cllr Mitchener explained that Cllr Hurley was unwell and would be absent from Council for the foreseeable future. It was agreed to send a floral gesture on behalf of the Council.
206/16 / Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr Blackmore duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and assumed the role of Councillor for the Barrs Court Ward.
207/16 / Declaration of Members Interests and Requests for Dispensations (reported by exception).
Cllrs M Farmer and Hughes declared an interest as members of South Gloucs Council and in particular with regard to planning, licensing and regulatory matters.
Cllr Downing / LGCC, RBL, Over 50’s Forum, Clocktower Association, CEF, CSW
Cllr Essery / CHH
Cllr H Farmer / CHH, Freres Almshouses
Cllr M Farmer / CHH, TPG, SGC Youth Housing
Cllr Hardie / CHH, CSW, CEF, TPG, Over 50’s Forum
Cllr Hughes / TPG, Children’s Centre, CEF
Cllr Mitchener / Over 50’s Forum
Cllr Olpin / BICSA
Cllr Pope / Youth Support Committee
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The Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of 15 November 2016 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

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Chairman’s communications

1.  Cllr Savage had sent season’s greetings to the Council.
2.  The PDS is participating in the Bristol Half Marathon and is seeking sponsorship support for his chosen charity, Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Adjournment for Public Participation
1.  Mr Robert Walsh from South Gloucs Council presented a briefing report on the work of the Priority Neighbourhood initiative and in particular the Cadbury Heath Priority Neighbourhood. It provided a useful recap for longer serving councillors and an excellent briefing for newer ones.
2.  PC Busvine and PCSO Speechley updated the Council on local policing issues. Cllr Hardie asked that the van regularly parking in Cadbury Heath Hall car park be warned off.
210/16 / Matters arising
a] Lease – Warmley Forest Skatepark: The Clerk reported that the lease is now lodged with the Land Registry and fund finding can begin in earnest in the new year.
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Correspondence for action

a] Chair’s Community Awards: It was resolved to recommend a local Longwell Green resident for an award in recognition of his voluntary work in keeping the local area tidy.

b] Developing a Sustainability and Transformation Plan: Noted.

c] Safer and Stronger South Gloucestershire Plan: It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting in order to prepare a response.

d] Examination of the Policies, Sites & Places Plan: Noted.

e] Creative Youth Network - funding request: It was unanimously resolved to offer no support funding to Creative Youth Network. The Parish Council operates its own youth project which is open to all comers and is currently seeking funding to secure its future. As with many services provided by the Parish Council, non-parishioners often benefit as there will always be cross border travel.

f] Community Children’s Health Services: Cllrs Blackmore, Essery, H Farmer and the PDS indicated that they would like to attend the briefing.

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Correspondence for information

a] PRC Review - Merlin Housing Society: Noted.

b] Local Government Boundary Commission review: Noted.

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Committee Reports

a] Planning, Highways & Environment Committee

The minutes of the meeting of 17 November 2016 were presented by Cllr Hardie and were adopted by the Council. Cllr Downing updated on negotiations between Tesco and Longwell Green Community Centre with regard to car parking. Cllr Downing also reported that there would be changes to CSW reporting with effect from February 2017.
b] Policies & Procedures Committee
The minutes of the meeting of 8 December 2016 were presented by Cllr Hardie and were adopted by the Council.
c] Finance & Communities Committee
The meeting scheduled for 12 December 2016 was inquorate.
d] Committee Appointments
Cllr Blackmore agreed to fill the vacancy on the Planning, Highways & Environment Committee.
Cllrs Essery and H Farmer agreed to provide cover during the absence of Cllr Hurley on the committees of which she is a member.
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Other reports

a] Community Engagement Forum reports: Cllr Hardie reported on the latest meeting of the Parkwall CEF held on 23 November 2016. Keys issues raised were the condition of the local roads and potholes, speed bumps in Craven Way and the shifting of traffic to Parkwall Road. Cllr Downing reported on the latest meeting of the Hanham & Longwell Green CEF held on 24 November 2016. The main area of discussion centred around the library service.

b] Reports from South Gloucs Councillors: Cllr M Farmer advised that the Boundary Review is likely to reduce the number of South Gloucs Councillors.

c] Newsletter - December 2016: Noted.

d] Cadbury Heath Nature Play: The PDS reported that further funding had been secured for this project and that it would revert to its original day, Tuesday, in the new year.

e] Poppy Appeal: Cllr Downing reported on a very successful appeal to date.
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The following accounts were placed before Council (including payments made since the last meeting):
Thomas Purnell Gully (loan) / 5,000.00
Cadbury Heath Hall (PDS rent) / 200.00
The Week In (CHNP advert) / 90.00
Rainbow Press (CHNP leaflets) / 55.00
South Gloucs Council (Streetcare contract) / 4,516.96
JC Perez (grounds maintenance) / 970.00
British Telecom (PDS phone) / 108.96
Barcan Kirby (JPF lease) / 340.00
KIS Ltd (CHH door entry alert) / 136.80
Staples (stationery) / 83.98
Stapleton Services (shelter maintenance) / 265.00
SLCC (membership) / 274.00
BWBSL (allotment water rates) / 254.52
BICSA (Youth Academy venue hire) / 200.00
Youth Academy (staff and expenses) / 981.33
Mrs Hicks / Salary (December) / 2,367.89
HMRC / Tax/NI (December) / 1,133.37
Avon Pension Fund / Contributions (December) / 765.27
Mr Skidmore / Salary (December) / 2,083.82
HMRC / Tax/NI (December) / 868.60
Avon Pension Fund / Contributions (December) / 613.11
Mrs Hicks / Expenses / 26.15
Payment of the above accounts was approved and cheques prepared by the Clerk were referred to Cllr Downing and Cllr Olpin for signature.