Older adult’s physical activity pathway

Due to broad identified gaps in provision across Sandwell for older adult’s physical activity it was recognised that a larger commission would be needed. The contract has been awarded to Agewell and as part of the service priorities, the aim will be to fill all gaps in provision across Sandwell by developing new programmes of activities, making contact with current providers and aligning all older adult’s physical activity into the pathway.

The aims and objectives of the service is to-

§  Raise awareness of current physical activity provision for older adults.

§  Develop new sessions to compliment current provision and meet the physical activity need for older adults.

§  Increase physical activity participation levels for older adults in accordance with government guidelines.

§  Increase and maintain the standard of delivery of physical activity sessions for older adults.

§  Develop and mould the pathway for physical activity provision.

The service will to contribute to the following outcomes-

§  Reduce the risk of falls for older adults by taking a prevention based approach and providing a comprehensive physical activity offer to improve function.

§  Reduce the number of hospital admissions due to a fall or fracture

§  Reduce the risk of health conditions due to inactivity

§  Reduce isolation for older adults by providing the opportunity of group sessions where people can create stronger social networks

§  Engage with local stakeholders and partners to promote the service and recruit residents.

§  Raise awareness of other services available and where potential participants could be signposted from (such as the community offer)

§  Promote sessions that are already taking place to enhance the physical activity offer

§  Consult and engage with older adult residents in the processes for the development, evaluation and review of the service

§  Engage the inactive in at least 1x30 minutes of physical activity per week

§  To increase the levels of those already engaged in physical activity by 50% of the ideal levels in according with the government guidelines.