OldePort Cove

June 2008
Volume XVI, Issue 2
Inside this Issue
President’s Message
Clubhouse Report
OPCBridge News
ECC Application
OPC Party!!
Pool Rules

Message from the OPCHA President

TheAnnual Meeting took place on May 20th and Susan Welteroth, our newsletter publisher, made the wise recommendation to delay the newsletter until June to include relevant information from the meeting. Thanks for the recommendation Susan and thanks for putting together a great newsletter year after year.

In case you are not on the Olde Port Cove email distribution list and therefore not receiving the Crime Watch Bulletins, I would like to start this message by discussing one of the board’s highest priorities…. Security. A few other homeowners and I will be going to court to testify on June 2nd concerning the vandalism that occurred in the community last February. With the help of our camera system and the Sheriff’s Department Investigator we were able to identify the perpetrators. Additionally, the teens who caused the damage and their parents addressed the board and the homeowners who were affected by their actions, providing both a verbal and written apology. The teens also volunteered for and completed many hours of community service, digging ditches, removing large diseased shrubs from around the clubhouse and removing the rotten gas light poles in front of the clubhouse.

As I stated in the summary email, immediately after the investigation, thanks to Dave Richwine and his efforts we were able to obtain the video necessary to identify a perpetrator, but in many respects we got lucky. Our security system is a very modest one, certainly not to “CSI Standards.” We are working to upgrade it, but it is not a panacea and please do not be lulled into a sense of complacency that it will prevent a crime or ensure the identification of anyone who commits a criminal act in the neighborhood.

Yorktown is experiencing many acts of vandalism each week and every homeowner should make sure they lock their windows, doors and cars, keep their house illuminated and stay vigilant. Do not hesitate to call 911 on anything the least suspicious. I believe the word is out at TabbHigh School that we are not a neighborhood you should vandalize with impunity, but the word did not get out to the individuals who were followed by a Deputy Sheriff from Running Man to Olde Port Cove mid-day on April 7th. They stopped at one of our homes with a “For Sale” sign in the front yard and asked the homeowners if they could do a walk through in an effort to confuse the Deputy. A scuffle and short chase ensued after the suspects viewed the house; two arrests were made for assault on a police officer.

In the past year the board has reallocated funds in an effort to improve both our security lighting and security camera coverage and also funded an upgrade to the clubhouse security system. Many thanks to Dave Richwine, Roger Howell, JoAnn Hoyt, Jim Welteroth, and a handful of others who have put in hundreds of hours to minimize the cost of the improvements.

Olde Port Cove is in fine shape, both financially and physically. Financially, we have continued to improve the appearance and physical condition of the neighborhood without raising dues for two consecutive years. But, a word of caution is in order on this point. The reason that we have not found it necessary to raise dues is because a half dozen or so homeowners contribute a great amount of time and effort to accomplish much of the work themselves, or to negotiate the best quote for work performed by a sub-contractor. These homeowners are getting a bit tired and worn out and a number have voiced their intentions to ease up a bit on their volunteer efforts. If a few more volunteers do not step forward to fill the gap, then future boards may have no choice but to increase the amount of work the community contracts out. A significant rise in dues may therefore become necessary to maintain the neighborhood in its current condition.

Physically, we have made a number of improvements since the Semi-Annual Meeting in November:

1) Three large valves have been replaced at the pool.

2) The pool’s filtration system has undergone major maintenance.

3) The community’s entrance way wall received an extensive overhaul to fix the cracks and damaged bricks.

4) The three gas lights in front of the clubhouse that were in danger of falling over due to rotten posts were removed (a fourth fell down on its own).

5) The tennis court wind screens were replaced.

6) Two new foot bridges spanning the drainage ditch were installed at the tennis courts.

7) New lighting was installed in the trees at the Quartertrack end of the pool.

8) New pool furniture has been ordered, and finally

9) The extensive renovation to the clubhouse has been completed, it has included everything from a new roof, to extensive window and trim work, to new fans and painting of the inside walls.

Still to be accomplished this year is the renovation of the clubhouse furniture and replacement of the pool cover.

Other community news that might interest you that was discussed at the Annual Meeting is:

1) The proposed retirement community appears to be on hold due to wetland’s issues and a variety of other factors.

2) Many residents received letters from YorkCounty notifying them that their property will be re-designated in the near future as being in a flood zone.

3) The storage lot is approaching full capacity and a lottery system may have to be established if there are more applicants than slots.

4) Tabb Tigersharks will again be using the pool from 6:00 am to 11:00 am during the summer; there will always be a lane open for any homeowner who desires to work-out concurrently with the swim team and finally.

5) A few homeowners along Lamb’s Creek are revisiting the feasibility of dredging the creek.

The proposed bylaw amendment concerning the definition of a “parking apron” was tabled until the Semi-Annual Meeting in November to improve its wording and ensure that it will withstand scrutiny if challenged in court.

Finally, a vote was taken to elect three members to the new board. Rich Hanley and JoAnn Hoyt graciously agreed to stay on the board and were re-elected. Robert Sandusky was elected as a new board member. I will be leaving the board in July. If you desire to read the Annual Meeting Minutes in their entirety, please go to the Olde Port Cove Website where all minutes and many other relevant documents are posted.


Jim O’Connell

OPC Board Meets First Tuesday of Each Month

Monthly OPCHA BoardMeetings are held at 7:00pm the first Tuesday of each month. The annual meeting is held the third Tuesday in May, and the semi-annual meeting is the second Tuesday in November. All homeowners are welcome to attend and participate in the proceedings. Special meetings may be held as necessary. The board will place a sign at the entrance to announce all future meetings.

ENVIROMENTAL CONTROL COMMITTEE (ECC)-The mission of the ECC is to preserve and even improve OPC property values by providing architecture control of resident's houses and lots. All members of the ECC or Maintenance Committee will be happy to assist you and offer suggestions on property improvement compliance with OPC governing documents. Pre-action dialog by Homeowners with the ECC has proven to achieve quicker approvals for requests--it is all about matching the Homeowner's desired outcome to the framework of the governing documents and consistency in results. See ECC Committee Members in this newsletter. Please complete the attached ECC Alteration Application form before you add a storage shed, fence or swing set, change your house color, replace windows, roof shingles or mail box, remove trees, change your landscaping, or anything that will alter your House or Lot appearance. You may also download an ECC Alteration Application form (Word or Web format) from The Board and ECC have a responsibility to ensure all Homeowners follow the OPC Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, Rules and Bylaws. If the Board determines that a violation of the Governing Documents has occurred, the Board shall have the power to assess charges against you. Fines will commence on a date determined by the Board at the time the decision is rendered. The amount of any fines assessed by the Board shall be up to Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for a single offense or Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day for any offense of a continuing nature and shall be treated as a special assessment against the Owner's Lot. Any recurrence of a violation within ninety (90) days from the date of the decision by the Board will be deemed a part of the original violation for the purpose of notification and hearing processes and shall be subject to immediate fines. The foregoing remedies are in addition to any remedy the Association may seek through the legal process.

A copy of the ECC Application is included with this newsletter.

OPC Website:

Please take a look at our webpage and email Roger Howell with any suggestions.

Additionally, this newsletter is now included on the website in the protected calendar area. If you misplace your “hard copy” check it out on the web!

Clubhouse Update

I am pleased to report that our homeowners continue to use the clubhouse for rentals and open access functions (e.g., meetings, game nights). I want to remind everyone that whenever you access the clubhouse, you have agreed to follow the OPCHA clubhouse usage guidelines, rules and regulations. I encourage everyone to review these documents on the OPCHA website //

We are in the process of getting estimates to refurbish the wood furniture and possibly the leather chairs. Please call me ASAP with any recommended companies. As always, use caution when moving the furniture (never slide it across the floor) and use table coverings as necessary.

REMINDERS: Consider the clubhouse for your next party or celebration; the rental income helps offset our many expenses. Contact Roger Howell or JoAnn Hoyt to place an open access event on the calendar to help avoid conflicts. And, immediately report any existing or new clubhouse damage to or to me.

Thank you.

OPC Clubhouse Manager: JoAnn Hoyt 868-0779 (Home) or 869-0283 (Cell)


Roger Howell 223-4133 (Home)

Gurkamal Gill 868-6714 (Home)


Congratulations to the following OPC high school graduates! We have watched you grow up from youngsters to adults, and we are so proud of you! Best wishes to all of you!

Ricky Deleo (Tabb)


Chris Fontana (Tabb) – Virginia Tech

Adam McConnell (Tabb) University of Richmond

Jimmy Murray (Tabb) – Virginia Tech

Anup Myneni (York) – University of Virginia,

Echols Scholar


(HRA) – Virginia Tech

Jasmine Sibley ( HRA ) –


Gabrielle Strike (York) – University of Pittsburgh

Welcome New Neighbors,

Jacquelyn Schwartz & David LaClair

312 Chinquapin

They both work at Insignia Technology Services, a software & system engineering company that David owns.

Jacquelyn is originally from Minnesota; David from Arizona. They have been living in Williamsburg for the past 3 years.

Welcome to OPC!

OPC Business Directory

The Business Directory is limited to businesses that OPC homeowners and their immediate families own. If you desire to have your business listed in the directory, please send the applicable information to

Auto Gallery

Mason Aminali

309 E. Mercury Blvd.

Hampton, VA23663


Smith & Carter, Inc.

Heating and Air Conditioning Specialists

Drew Templeton

10 Saunders Dr.

Poquoson, VA23662


Neighborhood Crime Watch Reporting

To report suspicious vehicles or people, acts of vandalism, burglary, etc., please do the following:

(1)Call the York Co. Sheriff’s department to investigate the activity, Emergency Ph. 911 or Non-Emergency Ph. 890-3621, and write down the Sheriff’s Office Report Number.

(2)E-mail with a description of the activity, include the date and time, Report Number, Deputy assigned, and enter Crime Report in the e-mail Subject Line.

(3)Call any Board or Crime Watch Member (in Newsletter or Resident Directory) with your report no. and the time of activity. The York Co. Deputy assigned to investigate your activity will view our video surveillance files.

(4)To alert OPC, we may also forward your e-mail to all OPC Homeowners.

Additionally, there is a link “Neighborhood Crime Watch Reporting” with this info on the website, oldeportcove.org.


“When in doubt, call us out!”


Pool’s Open!

Our OPC Pool opens Sat May 24, 2008. The pool is closed for swimming 12:00 midnight until 5:00 A.M. and as posted for swim team activities. The pool is also closed at various times for cleaning and shocking. Such times will be posted. Lifeguard Hours are Noon to 6:00PM weekends only until York Co. Schools lets out and then Lifeguard Hours daily Noon to 6:00PM. Outside regular lifeguard hours, residents and guests swim at their own risk. Many thanks to Jim O’Connell for volunteering to become our new Pool Committee Chair. Please call Jim Ph. 868-0582 if you have any issues with the Lifeguards or pool cleanliness. Also many thanks to Ronda Reed, Mary Kate Kitay, Karla Finkenhauer and others for their extensive research and selection of our new pool furniture and umbrellas. Included in this newsletter are the 2008 Pool Rules and Pool Rules Agreement form. All members of the household over the age of 10 are required to sign this agreement before using the pool. Please return the signed agreement to the Newspaper Slot: Roger Howell, 106 Port Cove, or to Jim O’Connell, 402 Chinquapin Orchard.

Bridge News

OPCBridge was held at the home of Nancy Mullins, 317 Quarter Track on Thursday, May 22, at 7:30 pm to avoid a conflict with the OPC Annual meeting Tuesday, May 20.

In June, Vijay and Jalaiah Unnam will host the OPCBridge group at their home at 407 Chinquapin Orchard on Tuesday, June 17 at 7:30 pm. On Tuesday, July 15, the Bridge group will play at the home of Ganapati Myneni at 318 Quarter Track. Come early and check out the new red door.

Dave and Diane Carney have invited the bridge group to their home on August 19, 2008 at 7:00 pm (note the earlier start time) for a potluck dinner. More details to follow but be sure and put this date on your calendar.

Questions? Call Penny at 867-8934.


House and Pet Sitters

Ricky Deleo 868-4875

Brian Durand 868-4614

Kevin Durand 868-4614 Courtney Finkenauer 867-7301 Blake Finkenauer 867-7301

Katie Hanley 868-9779 Kimmy Hoyt 868-0779 Chris Kegelman 868-8352 Krista Meyers 868-7669 Kayla Meyers 868-7669

Katie O’Connell 868-0582

Evelyn Seay 868-8828

Erik Viken 868-5286

Kelly Viken 868-5286

Yard Work

Kevin Campbell 867-7511

Brian Durand 868-4614

Chris Kegelman 868-8352

Erik Viken 868-5286

Kelly Viken 868-5286


Caroline Campbell 867-7511

Kathleen Deleo 868-8475

Ricky Deleo 868-8475

Kevin Durand 868-4614 Courtney Finkenauer 867-7301

Katie Hanley 868-9779

Sarah Henke 867-9584

Kimmy Hoyt 868-0779

Krista Meyers 868-7669

Kayla Meyers 868-7669

Katie O’Connell 868-0582

Lauren Papas 868-0551


Caroline Campbell 867-7511

Lauren Papas 868-0551

For Rent Corolla oceanfront home, sleeps 14. Call for on or off season rental Meyers 868-7669.

Victory Bushin Kan YMCA Karate and Self-defense program has expanded to Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 8 PM.

The first hour is devoted to younger and beginning students. The 2nd hour is devoted to older and intermediate students.

Some students attend both sessions. This progressive program is endorsed by the International division of Dai Nippon Butoku Kai.

Legitimate International testing and certification of rank is held throughout the year. Ages 8 through adult.

If you are interested please sign up at the Victory YMCA or contact Larry King or call 595-8100

FOUND: Bicycle in good condition was found outside the clubhouse. Please contactJoAnn Hoyt at or 868-0779 to identify.

Editor’s Note

Please email Susan Welteroth with any suggestions, or, especially, ADDITIONS at:

The next newsletter will come out inAugustwith the news deadline of August 1.

Paid Advertisements

The OPC Board recently approved the addition of Paid Ads for approved businesses in this newsletter. The Board doesn't endorse advertised products or services and reserves the right to reject advertisements.

To place an Ad:
Advertisements in Word, JPG, or GIF format are e-mailed to with “Advertisement” in subject line. Ad fees are either hand delivered to the Treasurer or mailed to
OPCHA, P.O. Box 8027, Yorktown, VA23693.
Check (no cash) should be made out to OPCHA
and include ad size with check.

Advertising Rates:
Half page$50
Full page$75
E-mail advertisement questions to
with advertisement in subject line.


Of Directors


President: Jim O’Connell 868-0582

Vice-President: Ganapati Myneni 867-7870

Secretary: Rich Hanley 868-9779

Treasurer: Ronda Reed 240-2178

Member-at-Large/Asst Sec: Jorge Blanco 659-0771

Member-at-Large/Asst Treas: Howard Shegog 868-9258

Member-at Large/Parliamentarian: JoAnn Hoyt 868-0779

Board Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Clubhouse.


Audit JoAnn Hoyt, Chair 868-0779 Lamont Poole 867-8934 Ruth Anselmo 868-8432 Marsha Sandusky 867-6261 Rich Hanley 868-9779 Roger Howell 223-4133

By-Laws Chris Durand, Chair 868-4614 Rich Hanley 868-9779 Mac Mullins 867-7246 Roger Howell 223-4133 JoAnn Hoyt 868-0779

ECC Paul Seay, Chair 868-8828 Mason Aminali 867-7559 Chris Durand 868-4614 Roger Howell 223-4133 Jeff Viken 868-5286 Fred Cheeks 868-0024 Bob Kuth 659-0034 Jim Woods 868-7170

Grounds-Landscape Steve Kitay, Chair 867-8557 Debbie Fontana 867-9128 Terry Hall 867-7263 Jim O’Connell 868-0582 David Richwine 659-0254 Leonard Jones 867-7840 Buddy Tooze 867-1157 Ronda Reed 240-2178