Name: ______Date: ______Block: ______

Olden times, gaea, the titans, cronus

Pg 1-15

Facts to Know

GaeaMother Earth, mother of all living things

UranusFather Sky

Titans & Titanessesfirst Children of Earth and Uranus; giants

Cyclopesone-eyed children of Earth and Uranus

Tartarusthe deepest, darkest pit of the earth

Cronusyoungest Titan; overcame Uranus

Rheawife and sister of Cronus; a Titaness

Zeusyoungest child of Cronus; King of gods

Crete island where Zeus was raised


  1. Magnificent to behold: ______
  2. Warm andbountifulmother: ______
  3. Lord of the universe: ______
  4. Tremendously strong smiths: ______
  5. Looked at them withdisgust: ______
  6. Of hardest flint: ______
  7. She fashioned a sickle: ______
  8. his monstrous brothers: ______
  9. But Rhea mourned (mourn): ______

Comprehension Questions:

  1. How were the Greek gods similar to mortals in olden times? How were they different?
  2. What did Uranus do to upset Mother Earth?
  3. Who became first Lord of the Universe and how did he acquire (get) this position?
  4. What did Cronus do to all of his children? Why?
  5. How did Rhea and Mother Earth fool Cronus?
  6. Who was the sixth child of Rhea, hidden in youth?

Lesson 2

Zeus and His Family

Pg 16 – 21

Facts to Know

Amaltheiafairy god, horns flowed with ambrosia and nectar

Aegisbreastplate of Zeus

Metisfirst wife of Zeus; goddess of prudence

Prometheus, EpimeteusTitans who left to join Zeus in revolt

Lightning boltZeus’s weapon; symbol of his power

Atlasstrongest Titan; carries the sky on his shoulders

Typhoon and Echidnamonsters sent by Mother Earth to fight Zeus

Mount Olympushighest mountain in Greece; home of the gods

Irisfleet-footed messenger of gods; traveled on a rainbow

Hestiagoddess of the hearth; daughter of Cronus


  1. Tended by gently nymphs: ______
  2. An impenetrable breastplate: ______
  3. Goddess of prudence: ______
  4. Cunningly tricked him: ______
  5. The herb would make him unconquerable: ______
  6. Frothing waves stood mountain high: ______
  7. Venom dripped from his evil eyes: ______
  8. Echidna, his hideous mate: ______
  9. She cowered (cower) in a cave: ______
  10. A gown of iridescent drops: ______

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What good advice did Metis give Zeus regarding Cronus?
  1. List the allies of Zeus and describe how Metis helped Zeus acquire them.
  1. Who were Prometheus and Epimeteus? Why did they join Zeus in the fight with the Titans?
  1. What were the weapons the Cyclopes made for Zues and his brothers?
  1. Describe the monsters, Typhon and Echidna.
  1. Who built the palace for the gods? Describe it.

Lesson 3

The Twelve Golden Thrones

(pg 22-23)

Facts to know

Heraqueen of gods

Aresgod of war

Hephaestusgod of smiths and fire

Aphroditegoddess of love and beauty

Hermesherald of the gods; god of those living by wits

Demetergoddess of the harvest

Poseidonlord of the sea

Athenagoddess of wisdom

Artemis goddess of the hunt

Apollogod of light and music

Dionysusgod of wine


  1. The gleaming hall of the palace: ______
  2. Reigned (reign) over heaven and earth: ______
  3. Herald of the gods: ______
  4. Goddess of thehearth:______
  5. The sacred fire in the hall: ______
  6. Every hearth …was heraltar: ______
  7. Gloomy palace in theunderworld: ______
  8. Divineichor flowed in their veins:______
  9. Divine ichor flowed in their veins: ______
  10. There were violent quarrels:______

Comprehension questions

  1. Name the gods and goddesses who sat on the Twelve Golden Thrones.
  1. List the five gods on the thrones who were Zeus’ siblings.
  1. Who sat on Demeter’s lap?
  1. Who was the gentlest of all the Olympians? Explain her seat.
  1. Who was the lord of the dead? Where did he reside?
  1. Why could the gods and goddesses live forever?

Lesson 4

Hera and hephaestus

(pg 24-29)

Facts to know

Garden of HesperidesHera’s secret garden in the west

IoZeus’ bride; he turned her into a white cow

ArgusHera’s watchman with 100 eyes

Peacockreminder of Argus with 100 eyes on her tail

Bosporouscow ford

Egyptcountry where Io was worshipped as Queen

Hephaestusgod of smiths and fire; Aphrodite’s husband

Lemnosisland Hephaestus landed on

Thetis sea-goddess; nursed Hephaestus to health

Cyclopesmetal smiths; Hephaestus’ helpers


  1. Golden apples of immortality: ______
  2. Pursued by thegadfly: ______
  3. Escape from itstormentingsting: ______
  4. Jumped across the strait:______
  5. The cow ford: ______
  6. Had not at all been in vain: ______
  7. God ofsmithsand fire:______
  8. Forges inside volcanoes: ______
  9. They worked his bellows:______
  10. The din of the hammers: ______

Comprehension questions

  1. Describe Hera.
  1. What gift did Mother Earth give Hera as a wedding gift? Where did she keep the gift?
  1. Describe Argus.
  1. What did Hermes do to rescue Io?
  1. Why is the strait between Asia Minor and Europe called the “cow ford”?
  1. Describe Hephaestus. Why did he walk like a “flickering flame”?
  1. Describe Hephaestus’ work.
  1. Describe Hephaestus’ workshop and its location. How can one tell if he is working?

Lesson 5

Aphrodite, aresathena

(pg 30-37)

Facts to know

Aphroditegoddess of love and beauty

Cytheraflowering island home of Aphrodite

Three Gracesgoddesses of beauty; attendants of Aphrodite

ErosAphrodite’s son, also known as Cupid

Aresgod of war

Golden Apple of Discordcaused war when thrown by Eris

Athena goddess of wisdom, defensive war, arts and crafts

Metismother of Athena; goddess of prudence

Nike spirit of victory

Arachneturned into a spider for boasting and irreverence

Athens Athena’s favorite city, famous for arts and crafts


  1. Bedecked (bedeck) her with sparking jewels:______
  2. The most lavish jewels: ______
  3. Wove magic into the filigree work:______
  4. Eris was sinister and mean:______
  5. Pain, panic, famine, and oblivion:______
  6. Pain, panic, famine, and oblivion:______
  7. She loathed (loathe) his vain strutting:______
  8. Wonderfully skilled at theloom:______
  9. An irreverent scene making fun of Zeus:______
  10. Vainglorious girl: ______

Comprehension questions

  1. Since Aphrodite had no mother or father, how did she come to be?
  1. Why was Zeus eager to find Aphrodite a husband? Whom did he choose and why?
  1. What happened to a person stung by Cupid’s arrows?
  1. How did Athena come to be?
  1. Contrast Ares and Athena.
  1. What four things always follow war?
  1. Why was Arachne turned into a spider?
  1. Detail the gifts Athena and Poseidon gave to Athens; explain why Athena’s was selected.

Lesson 8

Hades & persephone

(pg 56-63)

Facts to know

Hadeslord of the dead

River Styxriver that flows around the underworld

Charonferryman of the dead

Cerberuswatchdog at the gates of the underworld

Persephonequeen of the underworld; daughter of Demeter

Demetergoddess of the harvest

Rhadamanthusjudge of the dead

pomegranatesfood of the dead

Elysian Fields where heroes were sent after death


  1. his desolate underground realm:______
  2. the brink of the river Styx: ______
  3. a murky, stagnant river: ______
  4. the pauper’s entrance to Hades:______
  5. consent to part with her:______
  6. a little swineherd:______
  7. her golden-tressed mother:______
  8. bidding him to let Persephone go:______
  9. a radiant goddess:______
  10. the flowers bloomed anew: ______

Comprehension questions

  1. What were two of the nicknames for Hades? Explain each.
  1. Why did a relative put a gold coin under the tongue of the deceased?
  1. Describe the underworld. Include as many details as you can.
  1. How did Demeter find out what happened to her daughter?
  1. After Zeus ordered Persephone’s release, why did she have to return to Hades?
  1. Persephone’s trips to the underworld correspond with what changes on earth?

Lesson 10

Prometheus (minor god)

(pg 70-73)

Facts to know

Three Fatesgoddesses of destiny; decide how long mortals should live

Clotho, Lachesis, Atroposname of each of the Three Fates

Nemesissaw to it that evil and good were repaid

Prometheusman’s creator and best friend

Epimetheuscreator of animals; Prometheus’ brother

Caucasus Mountainswhere Prometheus was eternally punished


  1. Repopulating (repopulate) the earth:______
  2. Gifts to bestow: ______
  3. Lavished (lavish) the good gifts:______
  4. A hollow stalk of fennel:______
  5. He was appeased (appease):______
  6. Food of ambrosia and nectar:______
  7. Food of ambrosia and nectar:______
  8. Hidden under sinews and bones:______
  9. He resolved (resolve) to punish:______
  10. More subtle way to punish: ______

Comprehension questions

  1. What was the job of each of the Three Fates?
  1. What good gifts did animals get when Epimetheus modeled them?
  1. What did Prometheus do for men to compensate for their lack of gifts?
  1. What happened to men after they received Prometheus’ gift?
  1. How did Prometheus offend Zeus?
  1. What was Prometheus’ punishment?
  1. How did Zeus punish the mortals?

Lesson 11

Pandora, deucalion

(pg 74-79)

Facts to know

Pandoracuriosity led her to release miseries from her jar

DeucalionPrometheus’ son, father of a new race of men

PyrrhaDeucalion’s virtuous wife

Deucalion’s Racea stronger race of mortals; better able endure miseries

Aeoluskeeper of winds; Deaucalion’s grandson

Boreasthe North Wind; icy and wild

Notusthe South Wind; foggy and heavy

Zephyrthe West Wind; gentle and pleasant

Eurusthe East Wind; least important


  1. Insatiable curiosity:______
  2. Awestruck by her wondrous beauty: ______
  3. A horde of miseries:______
  4. the unleashed (unleash) miseries:______
  5. to build an ark:______
  6. his virtuous wife:______
  7. lonesome and forlorn:______
  8. lit it again with the embers:______
  9. touched by their piety:______
  10. plague mankind: ______

Comprehension questions

  1. What gifts did Zeus give Pandora?
  1. What escaped from Pandora’s box when she opened it? What was saved?
  1. What problems did Pandora’s box create? How did Zeus resolve this?
  1. How were Deucalion and Pyrrha able to escape the flood?
  1. Zeus asked Deucalion to throw “bones of your mother.” What did he mean?
  1. What was the new race of mortals called? How was this race better than the previous one?

Lesson 13

Pan, echo, syrinx

(pg 90-95)

Facts to know

Pangod of nature

sileniold satyrs

Echonymph who fell in love with Narcissus

Narcissusloved himself so much he died

SyrinxPan’s first instrument

Daphnenymph; was turned into a laurel tree

Ladonriver-god; Daphne’s father

Laurel wreathhighest honor a hero could receive


  1. He cavorted through glades:______
  2. A venomous water snake: ______
  3. Echo detained her so long:______
  4. With idle chatter:______
  5. Spellbound by the handsome stranger:______
  6. The realm of the dead:______
  7. Grieved and pined:______
  8. A plaintive whistling sound:______
  9. The melodious voice:______
  10. Beseeching her to stop: ______

Comprehension questions

  1. Describe Pan. How could one tell what mood he was in?
  1. What were some of the punishments nymphs dealt if disrespected?
  1. Why and how was Echo punished by Hera?
  1. Describe Narcissus and how he died.
  1. What happened to Echo?
  1. Describe the nymph that Apollo loved.
  1. Why was Daphne turned into a laurel tree?
  1. What was the greatest honor an artist, athlete, or here could be given?

Lesson 21


(pg 148-157)

Facts to know

King MinosKing of Crete; son of Zeus and Europa

Theseusyoung hero from Troezan; defeated he Cretan Minotaur

PasiphaeQueen of Crete; daughter of Helios

Minotaurcreature that is half man, half bull

AegeusKing of Athens; father of Theseus

Daedalusfamous architect; built palace of Cnossus

AriadneKing Minos’ daughter; wife of Dionysus

Icarusson of Daedalus

PirithousTheseus’ best friend; king of the Lapith people.


  1. Surrounded by his domain:______
  2. A labyrinth under the palace: ______
  3. ProclaimedTheseus:______
  4. They hoisted their sail:______
  5. Scalded him to death:______
  6. His inseparable friend:______
  7. They became boisterous and rowdy:______
  8. He became a widower:______
  9. Tried vainly to get up:______
  10. Shown too great irreverence: ______

Comprehension questions

  1. Describe the Palace of Cnossus.
  1. Describe the Cretan Minotaur.
  1. Why was Athens forced to send seven maidens and seven youths to Crete every year?
  1. How did Theseus kill the Minotaur? Who helped him?
  1. What tragic mistake did Theseus make upon his return to Athens?
  1. Why was Daedalus in prison and how did he escape? What happened to Icarus?
  1. How was Theseus remembered by history?
  1. Describe Pirithous’ friendship with Theseus.
  1. According to the myth, why do Athenians have lean legs?