Old Testament Timeline – A Brief History of Israel
Purpose: Students will learn a basic history of Ancient Israel while also learning about integers – their values, and their relationships.
Requirements: Aside from the requirements listed on the Project Overview (given in Math Class), the Old Testament Timeline will require each student to research and gain a basic understanding of eight events in the history of Israel from both a religious and historical perspective. Using their research, students will write summary paragraphs to explain the importance of each event on their timeline legend. Each paragraph should contain the following information:
- Historical Factors: Describe the event.
-Religious Significance:Why is this an important moment in Israel’s Covenant relationship to God or the broader context of Salvation History?
Using the information gleaned from research, students will also be required to complete a Special Event Poster – see worksheet “Events in Israel’s History” for more details.
Events for the Timeline: Students must include the Exodus Event and the Roman Conquest to act as “bookends” for their Old Testament Timeline; the other 6 events will be chosen at the student’s discretion.
Genesis – Left of Timeline (Special)
Exodus Event -1200 BCE
The United Monarchy 1000 BCE
The Monarchy Splits 900 BCE
Assyrian Conquest– 722 BCE
King Josiah of Judah – 640 BCE
Babylonian Conquest– 586 BCE
Persian Conquest – 539 BCE
Temple is Rebuilt – 515 BCE
Maccabean Revolt – 167 BCE
Roman Conquest – 64 BCE
Sources: Using the Textbook (We Believe Series), students will be able to research their various events.
Genesis – Left of Timeline (Special)
-Class Notes
-Textbook pgs. 32-39
-See Mr. Tobin
Exodus Event -1200 BCE
-Class Notes
-Textbook pgs. 106-103
The United Monarchy 1000
-Textbook pgs. 134-139
The Monarchy Splits 900
-Textbook 172-173
Assyrian Conquest– 722
-Textbook 176-177
King Josiah of Judah – 640
-Textbook 188
Babylonian Conquest and Exile– 586
-Textbook pgs. 188- 189
Persian Conquest/ Exiles Return – 539
-Textbook Pg. 202
Temple is Rebuilt – 515
-Textbook Pgs. 202-203
Maccabean Revolt – 167
-Textbook Pgs. 212-214
Roman Conquest – 64
-Textbook Pgs. 214-215
Religion Grading Rubric
Social Studies-Religion-Math Project
Rough draft approved by Mr. Tobin (Old Testament History and Events, NOT the timeline itself) / ______(5)Timeline is historically accurate, and accompanied by a legend with symbols. / ______(2)
Event Paragraph describes the historical and religious significance. / ______(20)
Events in Israel Poster is complete and contains information requested in directions. / ______(10)
Project is neat, in the correct format, and is accompanied by a work cited. / ______(3)
TOTAL / ______(40)